How to deal with the wires

The tangles of wires disfigure any space, and it is impossible to accept. We have long figured out how to fit the wires into the interior, and now share with you our findings.
What is the difference between the regular appearance of the model apartment 2014 and, say, 1984? Theoretically, in a modern apartment can be kept the same cabinets and sofas, the same tables and chairs. But one detail certainly will be to distinguish modern apartment from her predecessor 30 years ago: gadgets and associated wires. Chargers, extension cords and USB adapters, headphones, cables and power supplies for TV, PC, music centre – all of this runs on the floor, lying in a ball on the table, entangled in a real Gordian knot in drawers and boxes as you try to sort everything neatly. No matter how carefully designed the interior of your apartment, no matter how he was simple and functional, the wire will damage it as long as you do not spend special effort on their appearance.
Alas, not yet invented a simple and universal way to cope with the invasion of the wires, however, many designers from obscure Amateurs to skilled professionals – offer solutions to this problem. After spending a few days studying this question, I shared a "wired" idea: "hide the wires", "decorate the wires and buy yourself a nice extension".
"Hide the wires"
If you were faced with the problem of organizing space, one can hardly doubt that good old IKEA will help you. Wire is no exception: for example, the box KVISSLE – easy and fast way to hide wires and extension cords lying on the table.

For those who for some reason are not satisfied with ikeevskie box store pichshop.ru offers the organizers 'Hideway L'. However, in what is their advantage over KVISSLE not very clear; except that two openings on the sides instead of one in the middle a bit better.
More interesting packaging is hard to find on the Russian market, but if you're ready to order from foreign online store, you can get some truly beautiful thing you are happy to put in a prominent place. For example, look at this ingenious bar from the Etsy website: it is made from plywood and birch, it is a winding hole to turn untidy wires in a work of art – and it costs only $ 25!

By the way, the same wizard, you can find other attractive things for gadgets. For example, wood stand for iPhone and score– the thing that I want to immediately put yourself on the table.

From Great Useful Stuff (what a name!) I found a delightful bamboo box, well-kept version of the plastic boxes. It not only hides the wire, but also performs the function of a mini-table. After looking at it for a few moments, I realized that this is an absolutely essential item for working space and it is unclear as I am still without it. I suspect that to reserve a table from San Francisco- a big hassle, but, honestly, it's worth it.

In recently appear on the market designer tables with special holes for wires. In our report on the design, we talked about one of these tables, a handsome Cupertino for more than 1,000 euros. Well, while that is a way to hide the wires available to few, but let's hope a similar design will soon get to budget stores.

"Decorate wire"
If any wire is still destined to drag on the floor, you can decorate it to. For this, there are holders for wires – normally a bright plastic figures that allow you to bind several cables together. For example, on the website vozmizakaz.ru sold fasteners in the form of Teddy bears, and at the same Pichshop – Bunny. And, of course, a variety of holders for every taste can be found on Etsy. For example, I liked the fasteners of the "snake" leather and leather strips with tiny metal birds.

"Buy a beautiful extension"
Now designers are only just starting to think about the design of extensions and the selection in this field is still in its infancy. But those that are pleasing to the eye and beg on the floor of any room. Unfortunately, almost all the extenders are sold on foreign websites, but for me personally it does not stop for the sake of such beauty, and to suffer do not mind.
That's obvious, but still no one came to mind the decision of Arternica: coiling an extension cord that will crawl on the floor like bindweed. Actually Artenica was going to release a collection of electroaccessories called WireMore, but so far it is limited to extension WirePod.

The only option for which do not have to bother with the Internet shops – Starwire from Lllooch. Pleasant streamline shape, but overall, I think he looks a little Intrusive so expect to see more in the office than at home.

Absolutely brand new model, which has written a variety of publications – extender-necklace from designer David Okuma. What can I say? I also love it.

The search began with the desire to hide somewhere those ugly wires, gave an unexpected result: it turns out, accessories for electrical appliances can not only organize the space but also to decorate the house. Though the decoration is not so easy to obtain, yet it is a very encouraging trend. Perhaps soon any leads will be not a hindrance but a necessary element of any interior.
Valentina Lyusina
Source: /users/1080