Aluminum disease— risks every
Aluminium is the child of civilization and progress. Only in the mid-twentieth century it became technically possible for mass production "substitute of silver." Miracle metal provides us planes and wiring, cheap kitchen utensils and appliances. And in return takes away our health.
Numerous studies of scientists from different countries proves that accumulate in the body, aluminum kills brain cells (it paralyzes the Central nervous system, causing trembling of the head, and seizures), can cause anemia and arthritis (in patients with arthritis of aluminium in the blood is five times more than is healthy), inhibits the production of gastric and salivary enzymes. The excess revenues of aluminium contributes to the development of osteoporosis (brittle bones) and rickets that is due to the fact that the aluminum phosphates in food form insoluble compounds that impede the absorption of phosphates in the intestine.
Production costs: "aluminum light"
Particularly severe aluminum poisoning were observed among the workers with its wide use in aircraft, due to inhalation of aluminum dust. Occupational disease is called Luminosa light and is accompanied by scarring of the lungs (that is, the gradual replacement of the lung tissue fibrous), atherosclerosis (especially vessels of the bronchi), loss of appetite, cough, and sometimes pain in the stomach, nausea, constipation, "tearing" pains all over the body, dermatitis and changes in blood – increase in the number of lymphocytes and eosinophils.
Alzheimer's disease (memory loss and senility at higher concentrations of aluminum in the brain) – the "privilege" of civilized countries. In the US aluminium plunged in the frenzy three million people, among them the most famous is former President Ronald Reagan. No national statistics, but when you consider that Russia is the largest producer of aluminium, it is unlikely that we have such a patients less than in America.
The disease is progressive in nature, its symptoms can increase from several months to several years. We should not think that Alzheimer's – the lot of the elderly, it's not rare the cases of persons over the age of 50 years. The first signs of illness – depression, apathy, unexpected blackouts, and then, with the growth of atrophic processes in the cerebral cortex, can join other mental and neurological (e.g., seizures, paralysis or paresis) symptoms.
Wherever you spit – is there aluminum
To me all this is not true, you say. Aluminum cookware is long gone. However, the insidious "product progress," he tries to get into the human body through the nose, mouth, skin. Alas, each of us daily consumes aluminum, along with food and water. And the "civilized" food, the higher the dose. In crude natural products, the content of aluminum is minimal. But who is confined to a carrot with undercooked eggs? Everyone wants roast meat with potatoes, sausages, sweets, bread, finally. Especially a lot of aluminium in yeast, dyes and food additives, without which no cost sausages, canned food, bread (especially white) and other products.
Do not be lazy to get out of household bins a jar of factory vegetable canned food or a packet of biscuits and see what it says. If there are symbols Е520, 521, 522, 523 is a sulfate of aluminum, which are well absorbed by the intestine. In the cheese and salt contains phosphates and silicates of aluminium Е541, 554, 555, 556,559. However, they are less dangerous, because less digestible in the intestine. The amount of aluminum in the condensed milk, canned fish in aluminum cans probably also through the roof (especially after long storage).
Water from the tap before you get to our house passes the technical purification from impurities using aluminum sulfate. Impurities koaguliruut and aluminum stays, and no boiling it is not brought forth (glimmer of hope – just for a home filter).
Through the skin of the aluminum is absorbed even more aluminum than through the mouth. Modern deodorants – antiperspirants (which are advertised as valid 24 hours) contains up to 25% of clorhidrato and chlorides of aluminum. By the way, is due to the aluminium they act as it causes in a particular armpits "small aluminum disease," one of the symptoms of which is dry skin and lack of sweat.
Aluminium compounds are also used in some creams, mascara, lipstick.
"Aluminum medicine" deserve special discussion. Hydroxides of aluminum are part of the basic vaccines. A group of Western scholars have shown that it greatly reduces the immune system, and children can develop allergies to literally everything.
Worst of all aluminium is excreted from the body people who have problems with intestines and kidneys. But it is the therapists actively fed with aluminum – it contains almost all kislotnaya drugs that are advertised "from stomach pain for the whole family."
Source: www.ecology.md

Numerous studies of scientists from different countries proves that accumulate in the body, aluminum kills brain cells (it paralyzes the Central nervous system, causing trembling of the head, and seizures), can cause anemia and arthritis (in patients with arthritis of aluminium in the blood is five times more than is healthy), inhibits the production of gastric and salivary enzymes. The excess revenues of aluminium contributes to the development of osteoporosis (brittle bones) and rickets that is due to the fact that the aluminum phosphates in food form insoluble compounds that impede the absorption of phosphates in the intestine.
Production costs: "aluminum light"
Particularly severe aluminum poisoning were observed among the workers with its wide use in aircraft, due to inhalation of aluminum dust. Occupational disease is called Luminosa light and is accompanied by scarring of the lungs (that is, the gradual replacement of the lung tissue fibrous), atherosclerosis (especially vessels of the bronchi), loss of appetite, cough, and sometimes pain in the stomach, nausea, constipation, "tearing" pains all over the body, dermatitis and changes in blood – increase in the number of lymphocytes and eosinophils.
Alzheimer's disease (memory loss and senility at higher concentrations of aluminum in the brain) – the "privilege" of civilized countries. In the US aluminium plunged in the frenzy three million people, among them the most famous is former President Ronald Reagan. No national statistics, but when you consider that Russia is the largest producer of aluminium, it is unlikely that we have such a patients less than in America.
The disease is progressive in nature, its symptoms can increase from several months to several years. We should not think that Alzheimer's – the lot of the elderly, it's not rare the cases of persons over the age of 50 years. The first signs of illness – depression, apathy, unexpected blackouts, and then, with the growth of atrophic processes in the cerebral cortex, can join other mental and neurological (e.g., seizures, paralysis or paresis) symptoms.
Wherever you spit – is there aluminum
To me all this is not true, you say. Aluminum cookware is long gone. However, the insidious "product progress," he tries to get into the human body through the nose, mouth, skin. Alas, each of us daily consumes aluminum, along with food and water. And the "civilized" food, the higher the dose. In crude natural products, the content of aluminum is minimal. But who is confined to a carrot with undercooked eggs? Everyone wants roast meat with potatoes, sausages, sweets, bread, finally. Especially a lot of aluminium in yeast, dyes and food additives, without which no cost sausages, canned food, bread (especially white) and other products.
Do not be lazy to get out of household bins a jar of factory vegetable canned food or a packet of biscuits and see what it says. If there are symbols Е520, 521, 522, 523 is a sulfate of aluminum, which are well absorbed by the intestine. In the cheese and salt contains phosphates and silicates of aluminium Е541, 554, 555, 556,559. However, they are less dangerous, because less digestible in the intestine. The amount of aluminum in the condensed milk, canned fish in aluminum cans probably also through the roof (especially after long storage).
Water from the tap before you get to our house passes the technical purification from impurities using aluminum sulfate. Impurities koaguliruut and aluminum stays, and no boiling it is not brought forth (glimmer of hope – just for a home filter).
Through the skin of the aluminum is absorbed even more aluminum than through the mouth. Modern deodorants – antiperspirants (which are advertised as valid 24 hours) contains up to 25% of clorhidrato and chlorides of aluminum. By the way, is due to the aluminium they act as it causes in a particular armpits "small aluminum disease," one of the symptoms of which is dry skin and lack of sweat.
Aluminium compounds are also used in some creams, mascara, lipstick.
"Aluminum medicine" deserve special discussion. Hydroxides of aluminum are part of the basic vaccines. A group of Western scholars have shown that it greatly reduces the immune system, and children can develop allergies to literally everything.
Worst of all aluminium is excreted from the body people who have problems with intestines and kidneys. But it is the therapists actively fed with aluminum – it contains almost all kislotnaya drugs that are advertised "from stomach pain for the whole family."
Source: www.ecology.md