Use of cereal bars a myth

Some whole grain bars that are sold in stores and sportbeach as alternatives to harmful sweets may not be healthier than the fizzy drinks. In addition to sugar, they contain saturated fats and plenty of salt.
Beneficial effects of cereal bars on offer as snacks many sports bars, greatly exaggerated. This was stated by British researchers, representing one of the public organizations of consumers, reports The Telegraph.
They studied the compositions of the most popular bars. In the vast majority of cases they contain large amounts of sugar and fat. Thus, in some bars the sugar content was higher than in a small coke, and fat accounted for a fifth of the daily requirement. In addition, manufacturers often included in the cheap vegetable oils and TRANS fats that are not absorbed by the body and lead to weight gain.
Six of the seven cereal bars are offered as a healthy snack for kids, included a lot of saturated fat. And some of them more than 43% consisted of sugar.
The most satisfactory part was the bars "Nakd Apple Pie", "Alpen Apple and Weetabix Oaty Strawberry Crusher bar". The first contains no sugar, the rest showed a moderate amount of saturated fat and salt.
The researchers urge manufacturers of bars to reduce the amount of harmful components in the products.
Source: www.ecology.md