People work more willingly and better when they are led by robots.

People prefer to get directions not from their work colleagues, but from machines, a new study finds. It’s not just that robots are capable of improving labor efficiency, but that people themselves want to obey machines.

Researchers were stunned when, after a series of management experiments, they found that workers were more supportive of the computer boss. A new study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (CSAIL) Laboratory has shown that in the future, the functions of bosses can be delegated to robots.

In our study, we tried to find a middle ground when the employee is satisfied with the work and demonstrates high efficiency. What we've found is that we need to give machines more autonomy. This will help to involve people in collaborative work with robots, says study leader Matthew Gombolay from CSAIL.

So, groups of two people and one robot worked together in one of three modes: manual (all tasks were set by a person), fully autonomous (managed by a robot) and semi-autonomous (one person gave himself tasks, and the other gave orders to a robot).

Fully autonomous mode not only showed the greatest efficiency of work, but also received a positive assessment of people, writes the Daily Mail. According to the workers, the robots “understand them better” and “increase team performance.” But giving robots leadership doesn’t mean that cyborgs will one day take over. Rather, it will lead to the delegation of tasks, the planning and coordination of the activities of employees using an algorithm created by man.

“There’s no point in making a work plan yourself if you can come up with tools that do it automatically,” he says.

Such an algorithm can independently rewrite the work plan of the plant workers in the event of a machine failure or the arrival of a new part. Calling the repairmen and adjusting the work plan would take much longer.

According to scientists, in the future, such algorithms will coordinate the work of doctors, search and rescue vehicles and construction teams of robots and people. And training robots will accelerate crowdsourcing.


Source: /users/1617


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