How to place fruit trees in the garden

To maximize the use of land allotted for the garden, usually use the so-called dense planting. Between the Apple-trees, pears, plums and other fruit trees are planted dwarf trees of the same species of fruit or cherries.
Between rows you can plant also strawberries and vegetables. Do not use for these purposes, raspberries and blackberries (they will clog up the plot of spikes), as well as tall crops (corn, sunflower).
Usually placed in gardens fruit crops straight row. These rows are arranged at a distance of not less than 6 metres with respect to each other, and the trees in rows at a distance of 8 metres. If not planned the planting of bushes between the rows, distance between trees can be reduced to 6 metres.
When planting shrubs between rows distance is much less than 1.5 m in between rows of shrubs 0.8-1.2 m. Between plantings and buildings, the distance should be not less than 5-6 meters. As for the boundaries of the garden plots, neighbors, best to stick to about 3-4 metres from the fence, or (if the distance is smaller) plant in the border areas bushes (currants, gooseberries, etc.). In the latter case, the distance from the fence can be reduced to 1 meter.
With proper planting fruit trees and shrubs garden plot will not only be well-groomed and beautiful, but will bring much fruit.
Source: www.sadovoda.ru