Facts about sleep that will surprise you

1. During sleep we paralizuvalasya believe it or not, but our body is virtually paralyzed during sleep, mainly to ensure that the body is not repeated movements that occur during sleep.
2. External stimuli affect our snyergy of us has ever experienced it: the subconscious part makes sleep a physical sensation that we feel in the moment. People are thirsty, the subconscious "throws" the image of a glass of water. They're trying to get drunk (in the dream, of course), newly thirsty, again see a glass of water, and so on — until you Wake up and you find that you really want to drink and get drunk already in the real world. Thus, the subconscious "tells" that need to Wake up.
4. Dreams are not bukvalinyy the subconscious uses the language of signs and symbols. Therefore, it is not necessary to take every dream, even the most logical and rich plot, literally. The subconscious sends us signals, but not clear images.
5. Not everyone can see color niokolo 12% of sighted people see only black and white dreams. Others see dreams in color. There are several typical groups of dreams that see without exception: a situation in school or at work, attempt to escape from persecution, falling from height, death of a person, loss of teeth, flying, failure in exams, accidents, etc.
6. We dream only what we videli our dreams we often see strangers, but have no idea about what our consciousness does not invent their faces. These are the faces of real people, those we saw during life, but don't remember.
7. Dreams prevent psychosedative scientists conducted an experiment: subjects were allowed to sleep the required 8 hours, but woke in the initial phase of each dream. After three days, all without an exception of participants of the experiment, there were difficulties with concentration, hallucinations, unexplained irritability and early signs of psychosis. When the subject finally given the opportunity to dream, scientists noticed that the brain compensates for the absence of dreams in the previous days due to a longer than usual finding of the body in REM sleep.
8. Everyone dreams without iskluchenie people (except for patients with severe mental disorder) dreams, but men and women dream differently. Men mostly dream about the members of their own sex, women can see both sexes in roughly equal proportions.
9. We forget 90% snovidenii five minutes after waking we do not remember half my dreams, and in ten minutes will hardly be able to remember 10% of them. Known cases when poets, writers, scientists saw dreams in which they composed poems, prose, or invented a new scientific theory. Lucky for those who had the sense to leave the bedside pen and paper. It dreams owe their emergence into the light: a poem Samuel Colridge "Kubla Khan", the story of Dr. Jekyle and Mr. Hyde — Robert Louis Stevenson Frankenstein — Mary Shelley, as well as the famous periodic system of chemical elements, it is the periodic table.
10. The blind "see" shaludi who have been blind after birth can see dreams in the form of pictures. Blind from birth do not see images, but their dreams are filled with sounds, smells and tactile sensations.
11. People can not see dreams at the time when the snoring.12. Small children do not see themselves in dreams themselves under the age of 3 years. With 3 to 8 years old children see more nightmares than adults in my entire life.13. If you Wake up during stage REM sleep you remember your dream to the smallest detail.Sleep tight. Not going to root.
Source: /users/1077
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