15 ways to become irresistible to the opposite sex

a scene from the romantic Comedy "there's something about Mary" Directors Bobby and Peter Farrelly
The desire that people turned around when we enter the room, can not be called strange. Regardless of age or status, we strive to ensure their attractiveness to the opposite sex.
However, this does not necessarily have good genetics. Often it is sufficient just to be careful.
The average person may be more attractive than the model on the cover of the magazine, due to its internal qualities. People may not remember what you said but they will remember that you made them feel. It is known, for example, that people seem more sexy and irresistible to the opposite sex, when made to feel their own importance.
“Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than belief that she is really beautiful” — Sophia Loren.
And if you change the quote, it also applies to men, something happens: Nothing makes a man more attractive than the belief that he is irresistible.
When you believe that you are irresistible, and then use the following tips, you will become a magnet of attraction like honey for bees. These tips are primarily intended for men.
1. Be active, come to the people pervitine be shy. At the meeting, contact people, especially to those who are alone. Just say, “hi!” Anyone will be pleased that someone has taken the first step in his direction. This increases his self-esteem.
What are you afraid of people not daring to go first? The fact that they rejected. But how often does that happen after you say Hello? And if this happens more often than I would like, probably due to the lack of self-confidence. Sure, trusting in a man, hardly anyone can deny.
2. Ulybaeshsya in the eyes is a rocker switch on unless it is sincere.
A fake smile, “Oh ... Hello” and triggered the shutdown button.
Develop a sincere smile.
3. Visual contactbecause eyes indicate that you care about. A careful look will make your companion feel important.
When a person says, look at him. Don't look somewhere to the side or perhaps on your phone.
4. Uverennostyu if you look in the mirror and say, "I love you very much. You're stunning?" If you are unable to do this, the problem is evident.
No advice won't work unless you believe that you are amazing and attractive. Everyone has their "baggage", your negative experience. But you are not your Luggage and can always get rid of it.
This will help different trainings, books and just our own introspection.
Increase your self-confidence.
5. Call your companion at amerisave sweetest and most important word that wants to hear is his own name.
Talking with a person, and especially knotting a conversation with a new acquaintance, call him by his name.
During these conversations, watch the reaction of the interlocutor and the level of gratitude to you.
6. Ask open questions starting with: What, How, Why and Deezle you introverted, do not worry too much about it. You just need to show some curiosity and ask questions, because most people love to talk about themselves.
Start a conversation with standard phrases. “What brings you here? Where are you from? What do you do?”
Then use the questions which will translate your "relationship" to the next level:
What do you think about this?
What excites you in life? What brings you joy?
If you had a magic wand and you could change your life as you want, how would it look? (Questions that relate to dreams and personal aspirations so deep that your buddies will think: “You're swell!”)
What would you do, trying to reveal its full potential? Why is it so important to you? (this is another super question).
Each answer contains the conditions for the subsequent questions.
In General, ask questions and listen carefully to the answers.
7. Show interest in raised, timeto shows that you are listening. We feel confident when we know that we can hear. This is the next step up the ladder of your irresistibility.
8. Show that you radomysl the conversation continues, and it seems that everything is going well, share your concerns and dreams. This will increase the degree of trust between you.
9. Recommend someone from their friends“What goals are most important to you this year? I might have friends who can help to implement these plans, and I can hook you up”.
The other person will think: “This is a man who really cares about me. What can I do to pay?”
Think about what you have friends that may be useful to others?
10. Keep abreast of current events“What do you think about ... ”
11. Show that you are not afraid of recovation outside of one's comfort zone always is stimulating.
The more you risk, the greater the possible reward of exciting relationships and opportunities. When you meet new people, it is important to show that you are ready to leave your comfort zone. The more they will be confident that you are so brave and confident, the more attractive you will be in their eyes.
Do you plan in the near future some way out of your comfort zone?
12. Show your vision of where you want digitisat look attractive if you are in search of something for the sake of it and is able to leave their homes. Conversely, one who is not interested and does not work, seems boring.
You have goals and plans for achieving them?
13. Tell us about the positive aspects of their isnine bother on negative memories. Even if you talk about some of life's troubles, focuses on their good side.
Happy thoughts create happy energy. And the happy energy is magnetic and attractive.
14. Don't treat yourself too seriessites on yourself, talking about something stupid that you did. Laughter is the best medicine for the soul. If you managed to elicit laughter from people, they will be attracted to you even more.
15. Pay attention to its external vidugavia that the book must be judged by its cover. But the truth is that initially people are judged by their "cover."
You only have three seconds to make a first impression. Then this impression will be difficult to change. So at the beginning of the show itself from its best side.
Pay attention to your appearance. Nails, shoes, dress, hair etc. well-Groomed appearance is a reflection of low self-esteem. The lack of attention to any of these elements can ruin a first impression. Try to look presentable.
‘No time’ is no excuse. We spend time on what is important to us. If I feel great and want to look their feelings, then there is always time to look decent.
translation of the article with www.lifehack.org
Source: newgoal.ru/