Mountain bike Lapierre Overlot FS

Electric bikes are quickly upping their game, becoming more and more popular. Not that everything ran to the shops for electrobike, but on the streets of European cities they are already not unusual. Even appear in the criminal summaries, sometimes quite funny.
However, city streets or smooth asphalt road is not the mountain. Will be able to survive electric technology on steep, narrow paths and rough terrain? Trying to prove that clean energy all the roads in the humble, the French manufacturer Lapierre offers to sell electric mountain bikes Overlot FS.
Lapierre produces a variety of bicycles "on all occasions". But this bike Overvolt as company presents for the first time. No doubt, this electric bike that has many reasons to considered a mountain. How substantiated are the claims, will solve the buyer.
In addition to Rock Shox Revelation forks and shock absorbers to the original design of the Bicycle is equipped with and other characteristic mountain bikes components. Among them, 10-speed transmission Shimano XT, hydraulic disc brakes and lightweight Formula is 27.5-guimove wheels.
With wheels, however, a small hitch. Their size is a compromise between road size 29 inches and the traditional "mountain" 26-th inches. Obviously, in such a way Lapierre suggests that their bike is suitable not only for walking on rough terrain, but for smooth travel on smooth roads.
Electric power bike is the latest kit from Bosch. Thanks to him, the possibility of the cyclist increase to 275%. The torque of the motor reaches 60 nm. Four modes of operation of the electric drive and lithium-ion battery with capacity of 400 W-h provide mileage from 48 to 176 km, of course, if the cyclist is not asleep in the saddle, and helps the motor "wind miles" on the axis of the bike legs.
The battery is removable. Its energy can be replenished by plugging the charger into a standard outlet.
The bike is quite powerful. In sport mode, drive it easily overcomes any upgrades, but even with the economical "Eco" still adds to the efforts of the cyclist to 50% power. However, like all European bikes, he can't accelerate faster than 24 km/hour, these are the rules of the EU. "Persuade" the bike to break the law, the cyclist can are vigorously pushing on the pedals.
It should be noted that in order for the bike "listened" to the arguments, have pretty sweat. Overlot weight about 23 kg, twice the size of a normal mountain bike.
Another shortcoming of the new price. In the UK Lapierre mountain electric is sold at a price of around 3800 pounds. A lot. But what a handsome! Isn't it?
Source: www.ekopower.ru/