The idea for business - breeding rabbits according to the Mikhailov method

In the 70s, a resident of St. Petersburg Igor Mikhailov invented a new way to raise rabbits. In fact, he came up with a machine machine that takes care of rabbits on its own, a person in this case is not involved. This new method was called MIAKRO, which means: “Mikhaylov Igor acceleration rabbit breeding”.

Mikhailov's conversation with a rabbit

Rabbit breeding according to the Mikhailov method revolutionized the rabbit world. All rabbits were divided into retro-rabbits, that is, those who are hopelessly outdated, as well as new accelerates. New ones grow as if by yeast, while they reproduce with fantastic speed, mortality among them is very low.

The inventor said that will allow many Russians to become quite rich people. And in almost everything he is right: Mikhailov now has thousands of followers, who set up farms using his method and quickly developed their business.

The appearance of a superbunny

A contented accelerate rabbit

Mikhailov’s accelerator rabbits have a number of unique properties. The first is that they multiply exponentially. Five females after 5 months turn into 25, and after 9 months it is 125 rabbits and, of course, after 15 months the rabbits will become 625. In five years it will be possible to satisfy the need for rabbit meat in all of Russia, and in 6 years - all the inhabitants of China, the inventor believed. He proceeded from the physiological norm of meat consumption per year per person - 82.5 kg.

The second is that rabbits grow three times faster than normal. Already by four months, they gain the weight that retro rabbits gained for the year - 4-6 kilograms. Based on this, we can come to the conclusion that as early as 4 months they can be slaughtered, this is what happens on most farms that work according to the Mikhailov method.

Most importantly, rabbits don’t get sick. Since the advent of this new method, 88 generations of accelerates have grown and there is no known case of any animal dying of a disease - all the rabbits went to slaughter perfectly healthy.

No trickery.

Igor Mikhailov tells the “secret” of his mini-farm

There is nothing particularly cunning about Mikhailov’s method, he did not invent anything strange. Igor Nikolaevich only discovered that traditional rabbit breeding was a kind of mockery of animals, which broke their physiology. He decided to do something completely different, the opposite. Mikhailov decided to meet all the basic needs of rabbits.

He found that a rabbit reacts to a human touch in the same way a human reacts to a tiger or a lion. For the animal, this is very severe stress, which, in most cases, leads to diseases, as well as to the cessation of growth.

Based on this, he came up with the idea of a rabbit house-machine machine, which reduces communication between humans and animals to a minimum. Mikhailov, among other things, had the specialty of an aircraft mechanic, which he acquired during the war, because he himself was able to design and build this house. It was later called a “mini farm”. This is again an abbreviation, which means: "Mikhailov Igor Nikolaevich invented the farm." You can read about these cells in the article “Mikhaylov’s Mini Farm”.

It is equipped with automatic drinkers and feeders. Waste is removed in a semi-automatic mode: they “eat” a special tank-storage. It is necessary to clean the tank no more than once a week, as well as fill the feeders and shelves.

The machine is crowned by a ventilation pipe. With its help, another basic need of the rabbit was realized - they need to constantly breathe clean air. Retro rabbits did not breathe them, but vapors of their excrement, that is, they were poisoned with their own poisons. This explanation was given by Igor Nikolaevich. All their vital forces went to fight these poisons. New accelerate rabbits don’t have to fight anything. By the way, in the new method of cultivation, the basic need of the rabbit breeder is realized, they must necessarily work in a comfortable workplace, without any stench and annoying flies.

Growing rabbits according to the Mikhailov method includes new habitat conditions, animals began to eat much more often. Up to this point, as a rule, rabbits were fed three times a day, and some rabbit breeders-theorists came to the conclusion that it is possible and necessary to feed the animal twice, this technique reduces labor costs for cellular maintenance. However, in natural conditions, the rabbit feeds from 40 to 80 times a day. In fact, he eats so many times on Miacro farms. The animal is constantly eating and, of course, growing.

At last came that paradise moment when new rabbits have the opportunity to linger for a long time at the mother's breast.

The previously cited method of Milovanov-Pavlov, which urged rabbit breeders to take rabbits from their mother on the nineteenth day of their lives. If you follow this method completely, then all rabbits simply die. Therefore, the smarter people, naturally, retreated from it, and stopped breastfeeding only on 28, 35, or 45 days of their lives. In the Mikhailov method, a rabbit sucks the mother up to 87-90 days of life, that is, up to three months of age, or even more. Igor Nikolaevich said that with the mother’s milk, accelerates receive important immunity from all diseases, so the animals remain healthy for life.

Its technology is constantly evolving and improving. The newest mini-farm models have swimming pools. It turned out that animals very poorly tolerate heat: if the air temperature is above 27 degrees, then it is very unfavorable conditions for them, and if it rises to 33 and above, then this indicator is deadly for them. The solution to this problem is bathing. Refreshed, the accelerate retains cheerfulness of spirit and a wonderful appetite.

The economic consequences of this invention are obvious. Animals do not die, which means that inefficient investments are eliminated.

Rabbits multiply rapidly, continually bringing surplus value to their master.

There are significant savings, including on feed, because it takes only four months to raise a rabbit, not a year, as usual. Oddly enough, but due to better digestion of the feed saves it and 80-time feeding regimen.

If you make some calculations, on average, you spend five times less feed per kilogram of gain than on the most efficient retro farms. If we compare with inefficient, then there is generally a significant difference: there for the maintenance of one animal, from its birth to the moment of slaughter, it takes up to 300 kilograms of feed, and for the content of one accelerate about 14 kilograms.

Naturally, it became clear that the new system could have a very positive impact on the field of rabbit breeding. People from different countries of the world began to come to Mikhailov to learn the secret of mini-farms, which the inventor tells for free, but books and drawings, of course, sells. A few years later, the people who came to him earlier became quite wealthy people.

First the stock, and then the profit.

Mini-farm Igor Mikhailov

According to many rabbit farmers, investments in this business are quite significant, a breeding female costs about 1,000 rubles and a mini-farm about 8,000 rubles (this cost will be such if you buy a ready-made “automatic house”, if you do everything yourself according to Mikhailov’s drawings, then the costs, of course, will be much lower). To create a huge industrial farm, which will consist of 400 mini-farms, each of which will have several “apartments” for rabbits and, on average, includes 22 rabbits, can cost one million rubles. But at the same time, many confirm that the new industry, of course, is profitable, because it is growing rapidly. It will pay off, according to experts, in about 20 months.

Today, in the world, including the United States, Italy and neighboring countries, there are dozens of large, hundreds of medium-sized, as well as thousands of small farms created using Mikhailov’s technology. One cannot but agree that for one invention it is a wonderful result.


Source: /users/1077


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