A brother in the village breeds rabbits, a profitable business, if you know what mistakes you can not make, taking care of the eared
Rabbit raising It could be quite a lucrative venture. So believe inexperienced novice rabbit breeders who decided with two individuals to create a real fluffy empire. Selling purebred animals is really able to give money to its organizers, but it is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. What myths should be debunked for potential rabbit owners?
Rabbit farming, like any business, rabbit-farm It needs serious financial investments and a competent business plan. You should not hope for the notorious fertility of these cute fluffy and holy believe that they themselves will cope with numerous offspring. Perhaps a few decades ago there was no such variety of rabbit breeds. They were grown only for fur or meat.
Now the situation has changed a little. Not all farmers are in a hurry to raise rabbits just for meat. The abundance of decorative breeds of fur animals allows you to sell them as pets. But there are also some important nuances. This knowledge should be taken into account if the topic of rabbit business did not leave you indifferent.
Need to say that before buying rabbits you must necessarily care for comfortable cages for them. Or set up a special room if you're serious about breeding rabbits. Remember that in the habitat of animals should be maintained optimal temperature, cleanliness, comfort. What animal would like a dirty pen?
Prepare special food for rabbits. Many people believe that rabbits can only eat hay, but this is a common mistake. Like any other animal, the rabbit need a full diet. We are talking not only about dry grass, but also about fresh greens, vegetables, fruits, various premixes that contain vitamins and useful trace elements.
Another funny misconception is that rabbits should not be fed fresh greens. Wild rabbits and bunnies would be seriously surprised by such a statement. Of course, to give such food to domestic rabbits can only follow certain rules. It is necessary to monitor the nutrition of living creatures very carefully.
If previously long-eared fluffy people have never seen greenery, then for their digestive system it really can be an unpleasant surprise. Start introducing this type of food gradually. Enough. add some grassAnd in time, I'll give you more. So rabbits can get used to a new kind of food without unnecessary stress.
I bet that anyone who saw newborn rabbits as a child immediately heard a clear message: “Do not touch with your hands.” After a reasonable question, why not do so, sounded all sorts of scarecrows: “Rabbit from furry will refuse because of the human flavor.” Melkali even more frightening phrases that an adult rabbit can eat their own children.
There is some truth to this ban, but it is still a common childhood horror story. Moreover, rabbits need to be inspected from time to time. Of course, this should be done very carefully and without unnecessary odors. Animals are much better than people smell all kinds of scents and they are unlikely to like too sharp amber. Enough will be enough. Take the rabbit with clean hands.
By the way, do not try to take the rabbit by the ears. This will not only frighten the animal, but can also seriously injure the muscles and blood vessels. The skin that covers rabbit ears is very thin and delicate, so it will be extremely difficult to hold the body of its owner. The animal will immediately begin to escape in search of salvation.
How do you handle a rabbit in your arms? Grab the withers? It's less traumatic than being dragged by the ears, but still not. Try hard. pet. One hand should support the hind legs and tail, and the second - the front part of the body. So the animal will not kick, because its weight will be evenly distributed. No pain or fear.
It is best to place rabbits in the room where it is possible to control the temperature. Those who believe that the furry can easily be killed by the cold are deeply mistaken. Earned absolutely. normally tolerate a decrease in temperature 15 degrees below zero. But we are talking only about adults who have previously been tempered and prepared for a decrease in temperature.
Detrimental cold can become only for newborn rabbits. If the babies are less than a month old, they should be under the supervision of a loving mother. Special nests of hay and fur rabbit does not just so, but to protect babies from drafts.
Domestic rabbits are very cute and funny animals. Caring for them and keeping such fluffs at home should not cause great problems for the owners. Maybe it makes sense. Communication with more experienced rabbit breeders. They can be asked different questions that would help determine the choice of breed, the subtleties of caring and feeding adults, caring for babies.
Even if raising rabbits is of serious interest to you, prepare yourself for the fact that first of all it is a living creature, and not a faceless product from a store shelf. Each rabbit will have its own character, its taste preferences, its number of offspring, its own health characteristics. Be prepared for the fact that in addition to financial investments, you may also need loveless To those cute little ears.
Rabbit farming, like any business, rabbit-farm It needs serious financial investments and a competent business plan. You should not hope for the notorious fertility of these cute fluffy and holy believe that they themselves will cope with numerous offspring. Perhaps a few decades ago there was no such variety of rabbit breeds. They were grown only for fur or meat.
Now the situation has changed a little. Not all farmers are in a hurry to raise rabbits just for meat. The abundance of decorative breeds of fur animals allows you to sell them as pets. But there are also some important nuances. This knowledge should be taken into account if the topic of rabbit business did not leave you indifferent.
Need to say that before buying rabbits you must necessarily care for comfortable cages for them. Or set up a special room if you're serious about breeding rabbits. Remember that in the habitat of animals should be maintained optimal temperature, cleanliness, comfort. What animal would like a dirty pen?
Prepare special food for rabbits. Many people believe that rabbits can only eat hay, but this is a common mistake. Like any other animal, the rabbit need a full diet. We are talking not only about dry grass, but also about fresh greens, vegetables, fruits, various premixes that contain vitamins and useful trace elements.
Another funny misconception is that rabbits should not be fed fresh greens. Wild rabbits and bunnies would be seriously surprised by such a statement. Of course, to give such food to domestic rabbits can only follow certain rules. It is necessary to monitor the nutrition of living creatures very carefully.
If previously long-eared fluffy people have never seen greenery, then for their digestive system it really can be an unpleasant surprise. Start introducing this type of food gradually. Enough. add some grassAnd in time, I'll give you more. So rabbits can get used to a new kind of food without unnecessary stress.
I bet that anyone who saw newborn rabbits as a child immediately heard a clear message: “Do not touch with your hands.” After a reasonable question, why not do so, sounded all sorts of scarecrows: “Rabbit from furry will refuse because of the human flavor.” Melkali even more frightening phrases that an adult rabbit can eat their own children.
There is some truth to this ban, but it is still a common childhood horror story. Moreover, rabbits need to be inspected from time to time. Of course, this should be done very carefully and without unnecessary odors. Animals are much better than people smell all kinds of scents and they are unlikely to like too sharp amber. Enough will be enough. Take the rabbit with clean hands.
By the way, do not try to take the rabbit by the ears. This will not only frighten the animal, but can also seriously injure the muscles and blood vessels. The skin that covers rabbit ears is very thin and delicate, so it will be extremely difficult to hold the body of its owner. The animal will immediately begin to escape in search of salvation.
How do you handle a rabbit in your arms? Grab the withers? It's less traumatic than being dragged by the ears, but still not. Try hard. pet. One hand should support the hind legs and tail, and the second - the front part of the body. So the animal will not kick, because its weight will be evenly distributed. No pain or fear.
It is best to place rabbits in the room where it is possible to control the temperature. Those who believe that the furry can easily be killed by the cold are deeply mistaken. Earned absolutely. normally tolerate a decrease in temperature 15 degrees below zero. But we are talking only about adults who have previously been tempered and prepared for a decrease in temperature.
Detrimental cold can become only for newborn rabbits. If the babies are less than a month old, they should be under the supervision of a loving mother. Special nests of hay and fur rabbit does not just so, but to protect babies from drafts.
Domestic rabbits are very cute and funny animals. Caring for them and keeping such fluffs at home should not cause great problems for the owners. Maybe it makes sense. Communication with more experienced rabbit breeders. They can be asked different questions that would help determine the choice of breed, the subtleties of caring and feeding adults, caring for babies.
Even if raising rabbits is of serious interest to you, prepare yourself for the fact that first of all it is a living creature, and not a faceless product from a store shelf. Each rabbit will have its own character, its taste preferences, its number of offspring, its own health characteristics. Be prepared for the fact that in addition to financial investments, you may also need loveless To those cute little ears.
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