
1. The rabbit is not rodents, they belong to the family of lagomorphs
2. As you know rabbits are good jumpers. They can easily jump a meter or even higher. Their most long officially a registered long jump is three meters
3. Rabbits are social animals, ie in the wild live in groups. This distinguishes them from the birds, which are more inclined to solitude
4. Life expectancy of a rabbit in the wild for about a year, while the pet rabbit with proper care can live 8-12 years
5. female rabbit bifurcated uterus. It can carry two litters at the same time, conceived at different times by different males
6. Maximum length of the ears is officially a registered krodika - 80 cm
7. The oldest rabbit lived for 19 years
8. The female usually feeds the child about 5 minutes a day
9. The rabbits can be a false pregnancy
10. Rabbits only sweat through the pads on their paws
11. predator can scare a rabbit to death (literally)
12. dvuhkilogrammovy rabbit can drink as much water as the dog
13. The smallest breed of rabbit called Rabbit or Little Idaho - pygmy. Weight adult maksmialno reaches only 450 grams, and the length is from 22 to 35 centimeters
14. Previously, rabbits specially produced on a deserted island to have been shipwrecked source of food before they will be saved
15 Rabbits 28 teeth
16. The Group of rabbits is called a herd
17. Hare running speed can reach 72 km / h, and a rabbit - only 56 km / h
18. The eyes of rabbits are arranged so that they can see what is behind, without turning the head while
19. If you give them the opportunity to breed as freely as possible, then ninety years later, the number of rabbits, would be equal to the number of square meters on the planet
20. There is evidence that the Aztecs measured the degree of intoxication on a scale of 1 to 400 krolikov.Odnazhdy atstechka Mayyaual noticed that rabbit poevshy agave, runs across the field in a very bad state. So she opened the alcoholic potential of the cactus, for which the gods made Mayyaual goddess - the personification of the agave. According to legend, she gave birth to Sentson Totochin - 400 rabbits that have become intoxicated patrons still in Mexico, taken before drinking pulque splash a little drink on the floor as a victim of rabbits
21. In Australia rabbits recognized as the most destructive pests. It is believed that the wild rabbits cause annual losses amounting to more than $ 600 million, resulting in a degradation of agricultural land and soil erosion, threaten the survival of many rare species of animals in the wild. The content of rabbits as pets is highly undesirable, as in the state of Queensland since 2002 and did not allowed. The maximum penalty for violation of this prohibition is a fine of $ 30,000
22. Rabbits chew 120 times per minute and 17,000 have more taste buds.