Scientists chronic sleep deprivation in children due to the early rise to school

Scientists from the U.S. came to the conclusion that early rise may harm the health of students. Chronic sleep deprivation also negatively affects students ' academic performance. Experts recommend to postpone the start of classes at a later date, perhaps even at 10 am.
In 2006, the American national sleep Foundation conducted a study involving these issues. As it turned out, 59% of secondary school pupils and 87% of high school students did not receive the required rest, which caused chronic sleep deprivation. It is believed that at this age people need to sleep between 8.5 to 9.5 hours. This is largely due to the transition period in schoolchildren.
According to experts, lack of sleep increases the risk of road accidents, and hinders to good results in the classroom. The situation is aggravated by the fact that more than one thousand American schools in 70 school districts voluntarily switched to an earlier schedule.
To rectify the situation are going to the American Academy of Pediatrics. According to the recommendations of the experts, classes in American schools should start at 8:30 or even later.
This thesis confirms the study Walstrom Kayla (Kyla Wahlstrom) from the University of Minnesota. For three years she analyzed the performance of 9 thousand students from eight schools in the United States. Later in the morning not only increased intellectual performance, but also by 65-70% reduced risk of getting the student into an accident.
"This is an incredible step forward," says Russell foster Russell Foster, an expert at Oxford University – the postponement of the start of classes from 8 PM to 8:30 will certainly affect health and educational performance of children. However, to start classes in 10 hours would be even better
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