In Las Vegas presents a three-wheeled vehicle Pedalist

The developers have publicly shown their tricycle car pedal Pedalist.
The company Virtue Cycle Solutions, which is based in San Diego, has successfully developed and presented on public display three-wheeled vehicle called the Pedalist. It is a ensemble between the pedal an electric bike and car. The novelty can be called an indoor tricom or recumbent.

Electric recumbent will soon be presented at the auto show "Interbike 2014".
The velomobile looks very strange: he is tall and "skinny".

The width of the velomobile Pedalist is only 86 cm, which means that it will pass under a standard doorway. It weighs about 90 pounds without the battery and motor.

It is expected that in mass production trike Pedalist go in the middle of 2015. The cost of the trike will vary from 3 500 to 3 900 dollars, not counting cost of engine and battery.
Source: mirfactov.com/
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