Autumn charm in vintage style — flowers in old glass utensils
At first glance it looks just — found an empty bottle, broke a couple of the flowers, poured the water and placed in a prominent place. But if you want to create a special, festive mood, for example, for a picnic in the fresh air will help you a few tips.
You've probably seen at his dacha glass utensils, which is not used. But most often it is the same type — bottles of your favorite lemonade or vinegar. We also need variety. And for this you should pay a visit to the grocery store for new instances is much more bizarre forms. Of course we don't advise you to buy all that is beautiful in the jar, but think of it as a reason to buy on the table something new, to try other products and tastes. As seen in the photos is not limited to simple bottles of 1-1,5 liters, but found other, small glass "vases".
In General, it is the number of different glass objects and depends on the complexity and beauty of the composition. Flowers, if desired, it is possible to buy the, adding for example, a luxury rose, to his own country.
It all depends on your goal — are you going to make such compositions weekly, as of beginning of flowering of certain plants. Then you can limit their own inventory, for example, presenting himself to a glass container an unusual colour. Or you organize a picnic, a birthday for a family member or a harvest festival — and then we take a serious approach to this issue. By the way, instead of bottles of bubbles you can use regular light bulbs.
Now let's talk about the most difficult — the flowers, the art of bouquets. There are numerous mistakes beginners floral decorators are performed continuously, until you gain enough experience. We offer you a little bit to cut the road to mastery by reading helpful tips.
Worst mistake in floristry are used in the same bouquet (song) too many different varieties of flowers. This creates aesthetic chaos, no matter how beautiful they may be. You should not try to accommodate everything you have now in the garden, one or two vases. If you are missing utensils — get the collection or purchase, but don't do a huge gaudy bouquets all in a row. Of course, someone may like this style, when nature itself for its diversity makes the bouquet is unusual. But for a special occasion and just for the aesthetic pleasure is worth all the practice floristry rules.
The following is the preparation of the composition in perfect harmony between the number of buds and flowers already opened. The best, professional content has a ratio of 2:1, that is, the buds twice. Sometimes, it is the rule to adhere to is very difficult, because the desire to gather a bouquet is born just when in full lush garden, but still you can try.
If you are a beginner in the floral business, don't start with large bouquets. To start with and a small vase — dozens and dozens of variations, you learn to feel the color, texture, shape and General splendor of the composition. Large bouquets should move gradually.
Also, do not rush when arranging. This rule may seem very easy to perform with little value, but really — it is fundamental. Floristry is not a "business" where you have to "work", moments of contemplation and rolling waves of inspiration. This profession requires emotional attachment, reflection, precision, and pedantry. The slower is made the bouquet the better it looks. Make sure this rule works!
When you make something big, like not just put a vase on the dresser, and prepare the porch for Sunday dinner, you should consider a few simple refinements.
For example, you should not immediately pour into the vase water. First place them one by one or by group in all areas (across the room). Then go around a couple of times, looking at them from all sides, and if it is a porch and outside the house. Make the basic structure of the perfect, then the whole composition will look more refined. Then fill each vase half water and tear those flowers that you definitely want to use.
For example, in the garden lilies bloom, red and yellow. But a lot of sympathy you feed it to the red and yellow is likely to break "for the company". So at first it is better to break only the ones you really like.
Choosing a color scheme remember that it is not worth to overdo it as well as a huge number of varieties of flowers.
So, we have in hand, for example, 5 sprigs of red lilies. Spread them around the room in a certain order. These are your favorite flowers, and so 2 of the 5 branches you put together and in the most prominent place. The other three have at the corners so that, wherever you turned, you could see your darling.
Next is to start adding flowers, opposite just placed. Red Lily was bright and high enough, had Neoplatonic stem. Now locate the small bulk flowers light colors (white, vanilla), maybe even field. Divide the torn plants in 4-6 pieces and spread around the room depending on your inspiration. Don't forget to add dekorativnolistvennye plants, if you like them.
After you should start to add a bright but tiny flowers; tall, but light, constantly making sure that the room was filled evenly. An exception may be only the main group of vases. The one you made the front or just the most noticeable.
A few ideas how to combine the flowers according to their colours and shades you can find in the photos. Note that almost one color (for example, vanilla pink song) look very impressive.
And finally, we add a few axioms in this case.
Cut flowers are a must at an angle.
If your flowers long lay idle, not supplied by water, the sections should refresh under running water.
Any flowers can not tolerate direct sunlight, drafts, and often bad to chlorinated water. It is better to choose spring, distilled or rainwater.
Source: www.7dach.ru

You've probably seen at his dacha glass utensils, which is not used. But most often it is the same type — bottles of your favorite lemonade or vinegar. We also need variety. And for this you should pay a visit to the grocery store for new instances is much more bizarre forms. Of course we don't advise you to buy all that is beautiful in the jar, but think of it as a reason to buy on the table something new, to try other products and tastes. As seen in the photos is not limited to simple bottles of 1-1,5 liters, but found other, small glass "vases".
In General, it is the number of different glass objects and depends on the complexity and beauty of the composition. Flowers, if desired, it is possible to buy the, adding for example, a luxury rose, to his own country.

It all depends on your goal — are you going to make such compositions weekly, as of beginning of flowering of certain plants. Then you can limit their own inventory, for example, presenting himself to a glass container an unusual colour. Or you organize a picnic, a birthday for a family member or a harvest festival — and then we take a serious approach to this issue. By the way, instead of bottles of bubbles you can use regular light bulbs.

Now let's talk about the most difficult — the flowers, the art of bouquets. There are numerous mistakes beginners floral decorators are performed continuously, until you gain enough experience. We offer you a little bit to cut the road to mastery by reading helpful tips.
Worst mistake in floristry are used in the same bouquet (song) too many different varieties of flowers. This creates aesthetic chaos, no matter how beautiful they may be. You should not try to accommodate everything you have now in the garden, one or two vases. If you are missing utensils — get the collection or purchase, but don't do a huge gaudy bouquets all in a row. Of course, someone may like this style, when nature itself for its diversity makes the bouquet is unusual. But for a special occasion and just for the aesthetic pleasure is worth all the practice floristry rules.

The following is the preparation of the composition in perfect harmony between the number of buds and flowers already opened. The best, professional content has a ratio of 2:1, that is, the buds twice. Sometimes, it is the rule to adhere to is very difficult, because the desire to gather a bouquet is born just when in full lush garden, but still you can try.
If you are a beginner in the floral business, don't start with large bouquets. To start with and a small vase — dozens and dozens of variations, you learn to feel the color, texture, shape and General splendor of the composition. Large bouquets should move gradually.

Also, do not rush when arranging. This rule may seem very easy to perform with little value, but really — it is fundamental. Floristry is not a "business" where you have to "work", moments of contemplation and rolling waves of inspiration. This profession requires emotional attachment, reflection, precision, and pedantry. The slower is made the bouquet the better it looks. Make sure this rule works!

When you make something big, like not just put a vase on the dresser, and prepare the porch for Sunday dinner, you should consider a few simple refinements.
For example, you should not immediately pour into the vase water. First place them one by one or by group in all areas (across the room). Then go around a couple of times, looking at them from all sides, and if it is a porch and outside the house. Make the basic structure of the perfect, then the whole composition will look more refined. Then fill each vase half water and tear those flowers that you definitely want to use.

For example, in the garden lilies bloom, red and yellow. But a lot of sympathy you feed it to the red and yellow is likely to break "for the company". So at first it is better to break only the ones you really like.
Choosing a color scheme remember that it is not worth to overdo it as well as a huge number of varieties of flowers.
So, we have in hand, for example, 5 sprigs of red lilies. Spread them around the room in a certain order. These are your favorite flowers, and so 2 of the 5 branches you put together and in the most prominent place. The other three have at the corners so that, wherever you turned, you could see your darling.
Next is to start adding flowers, opposite just placed. Red Lily was bright and high enough, had Neoplatonic stem. Now locate the small bulk flowers light colors (white, vanilla), maybe even field. Divide the torn plants in 4-6 pieces and spread around the room depending on your inspiration. Don't forget to add dekorativnolistvennye plants, if you like them.
After you should start to add a bright but tiny flowers; tall, but light, constantly making sure that the room was filled evenly. An exception may be only the main group of vases. The one you made the front or just the most noticeable.
A few ideas how to combine the flowers according to their colours and shades you can find in the photos. Note that almost one color (for example, vanilla pink song) look very impressive.
And finally, we add a few axioms in this case.
Cut flowers are a must at an angle.
If your flowers long lay idle, not supplied by water, the sections should refresh under running water.
Any flowers can not tolerate direct sunlight, drafts, and often bad to chlorinated water. It is better to choose spring, distilled or rainwater.
Source: www.7dach.ru