QUANT e-Sportlimousine — electric car of the future

The automotive industry is gradually separated from hydrocarbon dependence and internal combustion engines moves to cleaner and more efficient electric technologies. Now widely used two scenarios. The first electric cars. They have a certain reserve to total discharge. Current production models it reaches 80-120 km in the summer and 60 in winter. The second scenario – the fuel cell vehicles. Sophisticated equipment, a complex electrochemical process: hydrogen and oxygen are converted into electricity. The exhaust pipe is water vapor, the wheels are electric motors. But, as everyone knows, first you need a hydrogen infrastructure and special gas stations.

Liechtenstein company NanoFlowcell offers a third, completely different power supply that combines the advantages of the first two, – "flow battery". In the back of the "Quantum" are two 200-liter fuel tank. They are filled with two different electrolytes. The composition of the fluids was not disclosed, but the developers claim that they are non-toxic and completely harmless to the environment, such as salt water. The most interesting occurs in a special chamber, divided in two thin ion-exchange membrane, on both sides of which the pumps electrolytes. As a result of their flow and contact with the membrane stands out electricity. And in such quantities that after the chain of transformations of four-wheeled motor comes equivalent to 653 HP and a peak power capacity of 925!

With all of this consumes no fuel, and electrolytic charge. The discharged fluid is drained and after recharging can be used once again. And the amount that is on the Board of "Quantum" enough for 400-600 km below several times to travel the Liechtenstein along, across and around the perimeter. In addition, the concept of e-Sportlimousine has outstanding dynamic characteristics and well-crafted engineering. Next year NanoFlowcell is going to introduce the prototype to operate in real conditions.

Source: www.ecology.md