Electric Quant F to "stream" batteries: 800 km course, 1090 horsepower

Because electric cars are now in the trend, many companies are trying to create their own version of the electric vehicle. However, some companies go their own way, not using the achievements of other automakers. For example, Toyota is promoting electric hydrogen fuel cells. A company nanoFlowcell Liechtenstein and all project offers an exotic electric energy systems - flow batteries.
Last year, the company introduced the car Quant e-Sportlimousine with power reserve of 600 km and a capacity of 925 horsepower. This year announced a new model - Quant F . There has power 1090 hp and the range - up to 800 km. The maximum speed of the electric is 300 kilometers per hour.
As fuel is used ionic liquids (what - the manufacturer does not speak, saying only that the liquid combustible and non-toxic, the main ingredient - salt water). Liquids are placed in two tanks - one tank ionic liquid with a charge & quot; + & quot ;, in another respectively & quot; - & quot ;. As the vehicle found the two fluids in a special chamber, where they interact through ion exchange membrane, whereby a current is generated. According to the manufacturers, the company's streaming batteries are five times more capacity per unit mass than Li-Ion batteries.
The volume of the tanks for ionic liquids, total - 500 liters. When this unit receives from the supercapacitors "generator" current of up to 50 A, and the electric motor can be supplied (albeit briefly), ток A force of more than 2,000 , thanks to a new "buffer system". The maximum stress in the drive - up to 735 V instead of 600 as in the previous model. The average stress in the long run - 400 V. The developers claim that has no manufacturer of electric vehicles did not seek to 2000 A for passenger cars on the road.
As for the car, it is not a theoretical project, but a real car, which has been shown in the past year (Quant e-Sportlimousine), and will be shown in this case, at the Geneva Motor Show. In the near future the manufacturer will perform crash test in Germany and USA.

So far, unfortunately, the mass production of electric vehicles are not talking - perhaps all the fuss just to show the advantages of this method of generating electricity, and in the future - start sales of the fuel system on ionic liquids. And just the other day it was announced that the company has joined the project Bosch.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/246244/