Garlic tincture to clean the blood vessels and prolong the youth
Twenty two million two hundred sixteen thousand six hundred ninety seven
You will need garlic, alcohol (or vodka) and milk. Only three ingredients, which, in General, it is easy to get.
Clean 250 grams of garlic, thoroughly wash and twice pass through a meat grinder. Add 300 ml of alcohol (or 500 ml of vodka), leave to infuse. After 10 days, a good strain. After 3 days we will start treatment for renewed strength, strengthen the immune system and rejuvenate the body.
Each time the drops should be added to 50 ml of cold milk and drink thrice a day half hour before meals for a specific scheme.
On the first day: morning — 1 drop, lunch — 2 drops, dinner — 3 drops.
Second day: morning — 4 drops, noon — 5 drops in the evening — 6 drops.
And so on.
By the end of the fifth day in the evening, take 15 drops in the morning on the sixth day too 15.
Then each time the number of droplets subtract one.
On the 10th day in the evening drink 1 drop.
Next, rejuvenating course continue 25 drops three times a day up until the healing garlic tincture will not end.
Curing will have a positive impact on all of the important functions and systems of the body. As a result, the vessels will be purified from fat and calcium deposits will become more elastic, normal cardiac activity will strengthen the immune system, and we will feel much better.
Repeat the course every 5 years.
Source: /users/1077
You will need garlic, alcohol (or vodka) and milk. Only three ingredients, which, in General, it is easy to get.
Clean 250 grams of garlic, thoroughly wash and twice pass through a meat grinder. Add 300 ml of alcohol (or 500 ml of vodka), leave to infuse. After 10 days, a good strain. After 3 days we will start treatment for renewed strength, strengthen the immune system and rejuvenate the body.

Each time the drops should be added to 50 ml of cold milk and drink thrice a day half hour before meals for a specific scheme.
On the first day: morning — 1 drop, lunch — 2 drops, dinner — 3 drops.
Second day: morning — 4 drops, noon — 5 drops in the evening — 6 drops.
And so on.
By the end of the fifth day in the evening, take 15 drops in the morning on the sixth day too 15.
Then each time the number of droplets subtract one.
On the 10th day in the evening drink 1 drop.
Next, rejuvenating course continue 25 drops three times a day up until the healing garlic tincture will not end.
Curing will have a positive impact on all of the important functions and systems of the body. As a result, the vessels will be purified from fat and calcium deposits will become more elastic, normal cardiac activity will strengthen the immune system, and we will feel much better.
Repeat the course every 5 years.
Source: /users/1077