7 signs that You are aging too fast

Do you snore?
Wake up with a headache?
Feeling tired even in the morning?
Fall asleep when reading, watching TV or driving?
Do you have problems with memory or concentration?
You answered "Yes" to these questions?
You have all the signs of the syndrome "sleep apnea", which can lead to the tongue and stop breathing.
Red eyes can be one of the first signs of arthritis – joint disease. The inflammatory process develops not only in tissue but also in the mucous membrane of the eye. Studies have proven that the sooner you start treating arthritis, the easier you will transfer attacks.
Dull skin is a symptom of the poor performance of the kidneys or anemia.
Loss of smell can be an early sign of Parkinson's disease that develops quite slowly. Try a simple test: moisten a cotton swab with alcohol and put it to his nose, gradually moving away from him. If you don't feel you at a distance of less than 8 inches, consult your doctor for examination.
Stopped growing hair on legs? This is convenient, but perhaps you have the first signs of problems with blood vessels. With excess weight the little blood vessels under the skin are clogged with cholesterol, they cease to receive blood and they gradually die off. In the end, this can lead to problems with heart and kidneys.
Note the shape and color of toe nails. If they become more round and convex, pale this may indicate a lack of oxygen. Perhaps you have lung cancer.
Hearing loss can be a sign of old age, a consequence of Alzheimer's disease. In brain tissue gradually emerging foci of destruction, which leads to deterioration of hearing. The disease progresses, the lesions spread, the hearing worsens, the person withdraws into himself and degraded. To keep a clear mind and good memory read and solve crosswords.
Source: /users/1077
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