The trilogy about Karlsson — naive children's tale or violent social drama?

Still from the film Olle hellbom worked on together, "Carlson, who lives on the roof" (1974)
The name Carlson is the third most common in Sweden
In Sweden in 2008, there were more than 200,000 people carrying this surname
Returning to Carlson in the Mature mind, you begin to realize that Lindgren did know him personally and this is disturbing children minds all over the world knows the story firsthand. And the most that neither is the horse's mouth. Because to come up with that, well, nothing is impossible.Indirect evidence what we find in the diaries of the younger sister of writer — Ingegerd: "First time chubby Troll with a propeller visited Astrid in the early spring of 1954 when she, being bedridden bilateral pneumonia, washed down the bitter codeinebuy the cough syrup Cup Rhine Riesling late harvest".
She further tells how Astrid she admitted that at that moment, she received a technical education, more just concerned how Carlson was able to stay in the air smoothly, with a classic single-rotor scheme Yes such small span of the blades — because then the propeller should rotate with ******** the speed at which the vibration of the engine will break every bone in his body, and the heat will heat the remains to a cherry glow, and the body, in the absence of a tail rotor, compensating reverse rotation must throw across the room like a balloon, suddenly escaped from the whistle.
As for explicit fiction, it's the presence in the Saga of residential thieves the Fill and Roullet. Well, in fact, where in the quarter Vasastan city of Stockholm in the mid 50-ies of the apartment — ha! Thieves. Because they are so vaguely spelled out, with a fair degree of tension. No brand lindgrens raisins. As a symbol of the absolute, undisguised, primitive evil from the depths of the unconscious, the Swedish — void sumnyaschesya evil doer is disgusting to the heart of a true bourgeois crimes against property — not life, mind you, that the Swede life — ugh! bessmyslennyi brief moment between the conception and Valhallas: they fly out of Windows on every occasion, and for no reason also been flying, with the same quality of literary catharsis to cut the evil from it's narrative in apophaticism the heat to ******.
And for that you need strong hands and free from reflection morality. What is Carlson from Lindgren, a hard, unscrupulous Troll, what is quite easy to make smoke, to use poetic language Lurke, literary source in the original. That is, goal balance, violent social drama, lost all of its original drama in translation of Lilianna Lungina, truly grasped the trend and replace the same, the force of his genius the sympathies of the reader of the country of victorious chanson in this fight with the thieves in the direction of a good-natured little fat man with a propeller and a pathological craving for jam.
Source: /users/1077