Stories from the history of Soviet animation
Millions of children have grown up, grow and will grow in the cult Soviet cartoons, a viable alternative which, in my opinion, is not created until now. At the same time the best Soviet cartoons are interesting, and at times amazing story of creation! We read about them in the continuation of the post!
Winnie the Pooh
The first film adaptation of a book about Winnie the Pooh Disney belongs: in the early 60s was released several series about a funny bear and his friends. Prior to the start of work on domestic "Winnie the Pooh" Fyodor Khitruk not seen the Disney version.
However, he wanted to move away from the images that were depicted in the book to create their new and original characters. Of course, he did it. All those who have seen and Disney, and our options, clearly speak in favor of the latter.
Curiously, the original Winnie the Pooh was very shaggy, his ears look a little "chew", and his eyes were of different sizes. Piglet is first get artists like thick delicious sausage. Much has been painted a variety of teddy bears and pigs before acquired characters familiar to us the form.
By the way, in the second and third series characters were simplified drawings: black "points" on the face of Winnie the Pooh took shape, and rosy cheeks Piglet have been designated a red line. While working on a cartoon about Winnie the Pooh Hitruk Fedor did not know about the existence of animated films about a funny bear Disney. Later, according to Hitruk, its like the Disney version of director Wolfgang Reitermann. At the same time, as the Soviet cartoons were created without Disney owned the exclusive rights to filming their show abroad was impossible.
Kid and Carlson
Soviet cartoon "The Kid and Carlson," directed by Boris Stepantseva, loosely based on the story of the Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren, and released on the screens in 1968, was enthusiastically received by both young and older viewers.
All series about Carlson came two: "The Kid and Carlson" (1968) and "Carlson returned" (1970). "Soyuzmultfilm" was going to do, and a third, but this idea has not been implemented. In the archives of the studio is still kept the film, which was planned to be used for the filming of the cartoon on the third part of the trilogy about the Kid and Carlson - "Carlson again mischief».
If you look very carefully cartoon about Carlson, we can see the following detail: at the beginning of the movie, when the kids cross the road at a passing bus ads visible Air France.
On the kidnappers of linen cartoon pictures about Carlson's very similar to detectives from the cartoon about the adventures of a pig Funtik. In addition, the Swedish parent of a baby is very similar to the Soviet parents Uncle Theodore of "Buttermilk».
Leopold the Cat
Soviet animated series about a cat Leopold and pesters him mice hooligans filmed on the creative association "Screen" from 1975 to 1993. At the time of the creation of the animated series has not been an art workshop. Therefore, the first two series ("Revenge of Leopold the Cat" and "Leopold and goldfish") is not drawn, and were made by the technique of shifting.
Small parts heroes and scenery were cut from paper and shifts under glass. After each frame is shifted by a scanty details of the distance, creating the illusion of movement. Further cartoon series have been implemented with the help of hand-drawn animation.
The creators of the cartoon have long puzzled over the name of the protagonist. The authors really did not want to call it too easy - "ordinary" snow leopard or Murzik. They thought the name should be beautiful sound and at the same time easy to pronounce.
There is a theory according to which the good-natured and charming cat called the son of the author of the script Arcadia Hite. While working on a story cartoon boy was trying to do two things at once: let adults and watch on TV "Elusive Avengers". Name-Colonel Leopold Kudasova White Guard, one of the heroes of "elusive", and suggested an idea as well be called a cat. Mischievous mouse is also not anonymous, as many people think. Chubby gray rodent called Motya, and thin white animal - Mitya. However, in the cartoon mice by name was never called.
Soviet cartoon Cheburashka was directed by Roman Kachanov based on the book by Eduard Uspensky, or rather their joint scenario. Although Assumption 8 wrote stories about Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka and their friends, all was done 4 series.
Known today "cartoon" image of Cheburashka - sweet creature with huge ears, large trusting eyes and soft brown hair - was coined by cartoonist Leonid Shvartsman. It is in this, he first appeared in the cartoon Roman Kachanov "Crocodile Gena" (1969) and won the hearts of children and adults.
According to the foreword to the book Eduard Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends" Cheburashka called the former in childhood author of books defective toys representing an unprecedented animal: whether to bear, or hare with big ears.
According to the book the author's parents argued that Cheburashka - is unknown to science beast that lives in hot tropical jungle. Therefore, in the text of the book, the characters of which are, according to the writer, children's toys of the Assumption, Cheburashka really appears to readers as an unknown tropical animal.
In an interview with Eduard Uspensky said that once came to visit a friend who had a little daughter. At the time of the visit of the writer girl trying on a fur coat, which was dragged across the floor. "The girl is constantly falling haltingly about a fur coat. And her father after another fall exclaimed: "Oh, cheburahnulas again!" The word stuck in my memory, I asked its meaning. It turned out that "cheburahnutsya" - it means "fall." And there was the name of my hero "- confessed to the author.
Three from Buttermilk
Animated series "Three from Buttermilk" based on the novel by Eduard Uspensky, "Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat" took director Vladimir Popov. In all there were three series. Much of what is in the literature, was not included in the cartoon, but the popularity of the film adaptation is several times higher than the popularity of the story of the Assumption.
Work on the screen images of the cartoon "Three from Buttermilk" was divided between the art director at the request of the director Vladimir Popov. Galchonka image for a long time does not work. Therefore everyone who came into the room to artists "Soyuzmultfilm", asked to draw this character. To create it even had a hand in the artist Leonid Shvartsman, who invented the "cartoon" Cheburashka.
Uncle Fedor - the only type for which the team is working to create the cartoon "Three from Buttermilk" and did not reach a decision. Therefore, his screen image varies from series to series. Since an unacceptable from the standpoint of Western animation course in our country accepted calmly.
By the way, the cat could Matroskina adverbs and Taraskina. The fact is that when Eduard Uspensky wrote his story, he wanted to call this character by the name of the employee newsreel "wick" Anatoly Taraskina, but he does not allow his name to be used. However, later regretted it and confessed to the writer: "What a fool I was! Surname regretted give! »
Well, wait a minute!
"Well, wait!" - Is not just a cartoon series, a true legend, which grew more than one generation. In 1969, "Well, wait a minute," was ordered by the state. Officials have decided to give our answer Disney cartoons and allocated fairly serious budget. Customer requirements were limited to a request to make something funny.
With this request, the management of "Soyuzmultfilm" and appealed to the known humorist Alexander Courland, Arkady Haight, Felix Kamov and Eduard Uspensky.
A lot of controversy from the creators of the cartoon appeared on the famous cartoon series 12, when Wolf is in the sarcophagus of Pharaoh Ramses. Even admit that the Egyptian government can protest in this regard. But nothing happened.
In the animated series "Well, wait!" Amazing musical selection, which used popular records of Western and Soviet music. But they have never been listed in the output of the cartoon. Then it was not accepted.
Music that sounds during the credits - saver "Well, wait!" - Called Vizisi («Water skiing") and was published in the collection of the Hungarian pop music by "Melody" in 1967. Its author - Hungarian composer named Tomas Deak (Tamás Deák).
Last Year's Snow Was Falling
As mentioned composer Grigory Gladkov during a speech in a humorous program "Around the laughter" cartoon "Last Year's Snow Was Falling" was the original working title of "Holy smoke, thick forest", and the main character in it was the janitor of "Plasticine Crow". Then the visual concept of the main character finalized, however, as the title of the painting.
The role of the narrator in the movie "Last Year's Snow Was Falling" was originally planned to give Leah Akhedzhakova. She even voiced a cartoon, but director Alexander Tatarsky did not like. As a result, both roles - and man, and storyteller - gave Stanislav Sadalsky.
Sadalsky, who voiced the role of the man and the narrator in the movie "Last Year's Snow Was Falling" was not listed in the credits. Shortly before putting cartoon actor was detained at the restaurant "Cosmos" with a foreign citizen, followed by a denunciation of the chairman of the Public Broadcaster SG Lapin. As punishment for speaking the name of the actor, it was decided to remove from the credits.
Cartoons «Last Year's Snow Was Falling" failed to avoid scrutiny of censorship. "At the surrender of" snow "I had PIS - recalled the director cartoon Alexander Tatarsky. - I was told that I was disrespectful attitude to the Russian people: you only have one character - a Russian peasant, and the idiot! .. »

Winnie the Pooh
The first film adaptation of a book about Winnie the Pooh Disney belongs: in the early 60s was released several series about a funny bear and his friends. Prior to the start of work on domestic "Winnie the Pooh" Fyodor Khitruk not seen the Disney version.
However, he wanted to move away from the images that were depicted in the book to create their new and original characters. Of course, he did it. All those who have seen and Disney, and our options, clearly speak in favor of the latter.

Curiously, the original Winnie the Pooh was very shaggy, his ears look a little "chew", and his eyes were of different sizes. Piglet is first get artists like thick delicious sausage. Much has been painted a variety of teddy bears and pigs before acquired characters familiar to us the form.

By the way, in the second and third series characters were simplified drawings: black "points" on the face of Winnie the Pooh took shape, and rosy cheeks Piglet have been designated a red line. While working on a cartoon about Winnie the Pooh Hitruk Fedor did not know about the existence of animated films about a funny bear Disney. Later, according to Hitruk, its like the Disney version of director Wolfgang Reitermann. At the same time, as the Soviet cartoons were created without Disney owned the exclusive rights to filming their show abroad was impossible.
Kid and Carlson

Soviet cartoon "The Kid and Carlson," directed by Boris Stepantseva, loosely based on the story of the Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren, and released on the screens in 1968, was enthusiastically received by both young and older viewers.

All series about Carlson came two: "The Kid and Carlson" (1968) and "Carlson returned" (1970). "Soyuzmultfilm" was going to do, and a third, but this idea has not been implemented. In the archives of the studio is still kept the film, which was planned to be used for the filming of the cartoon on the third part of the trilogy about the Kid and Carlson - "Carlson again mischief».

If you look very carefully cartoon about Carlson, we can see the following detail: at the beginning of the movie, when the kids cross the road at a passing bus ads visible Air France.
On the kidnappers of linen cartoon pictures about Carlson's very similar to detectives from the cartoon about the adventures of a pig Funtik. In addition, the Swedish parent of a baby is very similar to the Soviet parents Uncle Theodore of "Buttermilk».
Leopold the Cat

Soviet animated series about a cat Leopold and pesters him mice hooligans filmed on the creative association "Screen" from 1975 to 1993. At the time of the creation of the animated series has not been an art workshop. Therefore, the first two series ("Revenge of Leopold the Cat" and "Leopold and goldfish") is not drawn, and were made by the technique of shifting.

Small parts heroes and scenery were cut from paper and shifts under glass. After each frame is shifted by a scanty details of the distance, creating the illusion of movement. Further cartoon series have been implemented with the help of hand-drawn animation.

The creators of the cartoon have long puzzled over the name of the protagonist. The authors really did not want to call it too easy - "ordinary" snow leopard or Murzik. They thought the name should be beautiful sound and at the same time easy to pronounce.

There is a theory according to which the good-natured and charming cat called the son of the author of the script Arcadia Hite. While working on a story cartoon boy was trying to do two things at once: let adults and watch on TV "Elusive Avengers". Name-Colonel Leopold Kudasova White Guard, one of the heroes of "elusive", and suggested an idea as well be called a cat. Mischievous mouse is also not anonymous, as many people think. Chubby gray rodent called Motya, and thin white animal - Mitya. However, in the cartoon mice by name was never called.

Soviet cartoon Cheburashka was directed by Roman Kachanov based on the book by Eduard Uspensky, or rather their joint scenario. Although Assumption 8 wrote stories about Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka and their friends, all was done 4 series.

Known today "cartoon" image of Cheburashka - sweet creature with huge ears, large trusting eyes and soft brown hair - was coined by cartoonist Leonid Shvartsman. It is in this, he first appeared in the cartoon Roman Kachanov "Crocodile Gena" (1969) and won the hearts of children and adults.
According to the foreword to the book Eduard Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends" Cheburashka called the former in childhood author of books defective toys representing an unprecedented animal: whether to bear, or hare with big ears.

According to the book the author's parents argued that Cheburashka - is unknown to science beast that lives in hot tropical jungle. Therefore, in the text of the book, the characters of which are, according to the writer, children's toys of the Assumption, Cheburashka really appears to readers as an unknown tropical animal.
In an interview with Eduard Uspensky said that once came to visit a friend who had a little daughter. At the time of the visit of the writer girl trying on a fur coat, which was dragged across the floor. "The girl is constantly falling haltingly about a fur coat. And her father after another fall exclaimed: "Oh, cheburahnulas again!" The word stuck in my memory, I asked its meaning. It turned out that "cheburahnutsya" - it means "fall." And there was the name of my hero "- confessed to the author.
Three from Buttermilk

Animated series "Three from Buttermilk" based on the novel by Eduard Uspensky, "Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat" took director Vladimir Popov. In all there were three series. Much of what is in the literature, was not included in the cartoon, but the popularity of the film adaptation is several times higher than the popularity of the story of the Assumption.

Work on the screen images of the cartoon "Three from Buttermilk" was divided between the art director at the request of the director Vladimir Popov. Galchonka image for a long time does not work. Therefore everyone who came into the room to artists "Soyuzmultfilm", asked to draw this character. To create it even had a hand in the artist Leonid Shvartsman, who invented the "cartoon" Cheburashka.

Uncle Fedor - the only type for which the team is working to create the cartoon "Three from Buttermilk" and did not reach a decision. Therefore, his screen image varies from series to series. Since an unacceptable from the standpoint of Western animation course in our country accepted calmly.
By the way, the cat could Matroskina adverbs and Taraskina. The fact is that when Eduard Uspensky wrote his story, he wanted to call this character by the name of the employee newsreel "wick" Anatoly Taraskina, but he does not allow his name to be used. However, later regretted it and confessed to the writer: "What a fool I was! Surname regretted give! »
Well, wait a minute!

"Well, wait!" - Is not just a cartoon series, a true legend, which grew more than one generation. In 1969, "Well, wait a minute," was ordered by the state. Officials have decided to give our answer Disney cartoons and allocated fairly serious budget. Customer requirements were limited to a request to make something funny.

With this request, the management of "Soyuzmultfilm" and appealed to the known humorist Alexander Courland, Arkady Haight, Felix Kamov and Eduard Uspensky.

A lot of controversy from the creators of the cartoon appeared on the famous cartoon series 12, when Wolf is in the sarcophagus of Pharaoh Ramses. Even admit that the Egyptian government can protest in this regard. But nothing happened.

In the animated series "Well, wait!" Amazing musical selection, which used popular records of Western and Soviet music. But they have never been listed in the output of the cartoon. Then it was not accepted.
Music that sounds during the credits - saver "Well, wait!" - Called Vizisi («Water skiing") and was published in the collection of the Hungarian pop music by "Melody" in 1967. Its author - Hungarian composer named Tomas Deak (Tamás Deák).
Last Year's Snow Was Falling

As mentioned composer Grigory Gladkov during a speech in a humorous program "Around the laughter" cartoon "Last Year's Snow Was Falling" was the original working title of "Holy smoke, thick forest", and the main character in it was the janitor of "Plasticine Crow". Then the visual concept of the main character finalized, however, as the title of the painting.

The role of the narrator in the movie "Last Year's Snow Was Falling" was originally planned to give Leah Akhedzhakova. She even voiced a cartoon, but director Alexander Tatarsky did not like. As a result, both roles - and man, and storyteller - gave Stanislav Sadalsky.
Sadalsky, who voiced the role of the man and the narrator in the movie "Last Year's Snow Was Falling" was not listed in the credits. Shortly before putting cartoon actor was detained at the restaurant "Cosmos" with a foreign citizen, followed by a denunciation of the chairman of the Public Broadcaster SG Lapin. As punishment for speaking the name of the actor, it was decided to remove from the credits.

Cartoons «Last Year's Snow Was Falling" failed to avoid scrutiny of censorship. "At the surrender of" snow "I had PIS - recalled the director cartoon Alexander Tatarsky. - I was told that I was disrespectful attitude to the Russian people: you only have one character - a Russian peasant, and the idiot! .. »