Everyone should know the importance of the pineal gland
The pineal gland. It is also called epiphysis or pineal gland. And this is the result of the pineal gland in the updated terms, in other words, the change of wave frequency in humans and opens the spiritual vision, or what is called in the East, the Third Eye.
People not only changed internally, he opened the storehouse of true knowledge, the reality of the higher worlds.
It is in the pineal gland contain the information matrix, a kind of hologram, which stores information about everything related to this individual, including his previous lives.
This is the secret safe memory with dual fireproof bottom, as is also chacruna. Everything you see in the course of a lifetime, feel, experience, in General, all your internal and external is recorded in the pineal gland.
From a scientific point of view, is still functional significance of the pineal gland for a person is not sufficiently studied.
Secretory cells of pineal gland secrete into the blood the hormone melatonin, synthesized from serotonin, which is involved in synchronizing circadian rhythms (biorhythms "sleep — Wake").
Scientists suggest that the aging process begins in the pineal gland because of declining melatonin production. This hormone has antioxidant properties that help combat the cause of aging free radicals.
Before moving on energy practices, we need a constant vessel with a "bandwidth" of the gland 40 Hz and above. I recall that the "standard man" the resonant frequency of the pineal gland is only 7 Hz.
You are just not physically able to resonate 40 Hz if "unit" in this case, your pineal gland will not be ready for that from a biological point of view.
The nine steps in the search for melatonin.
• Step one: observe circadian rhythms.
Studies show that those who go early, around 22 o'clock and rises with the dawn, produce the most melatonin during the night and feel more energetic and healthy the next day. But to sleep in the dark — only one half of the task. Second — get as much light as possible during daylight. Arrange a working place by the large window and a daily spend part of the daylight hours under the open sky.
• Step two: eat foods rich in melatonin.
Among the richest sources — oats, corn, rice, barley, tomatoes and bananas. Carbohydrates help the body to produce melatonin due to the special amino acid — tryptophan. You should adhere to a vegetarian diet, because protein foods, especially meat, enriches the blood of a large number of amino acids that compete with tryptophan for the right to enter the brain. High carbohydrate foods — bread, potatoes, pasta — provoking injection of insulin, which displaces these competitors. Vitamins. Some of them increase melatonin production — for example, vitamins B3 and B6 (the disadvantage of the latter the elderly). A lot of vitamin B3 is contained in dried apricots, sunflower seeds, whole grains, wheat, barley. B6 can be obtained from carrots, hazelnuts, soybeans, lentils.
• Step three: protect your melatonin.
Caffeine, alcohol and nicotine each of them is able to disrupt normal hormone production. The same effect is given some medication. If you regularly take any medications, try to see if they have impact on the level of melatonin.
• Step four: follow the electromagnetic pollution.
Electromagnetic fields greatly affect the work of the pineal gland — until the suspension of production of melatonin. Main sources — computers, copiers, televisions, power lines and poorly insulated wiring and even the floors are heated and of course mobile phones. Electromagnetic fields nullify the anti-cancer activity of melatonin, so limit casual contact with them.
• Step five: take care of your pineal gland.
Over time this gland undergoes a so-called process of calcification, and its productivity decreases. To prevent this, stick to a plant-based diet, rich in antioxidants, neutralizing free radicals. Avoid fatty foods and never smoke.
• Step six: perform yoga asanas.
Asanas help in refining have an impact on our body and mind and free it from coarse models of thinking. The best asana for the pineal gland is the rabbit pose (Shashankasana) that applies pressure to the top of the head and directly stimulating the upper chakras and the pineal gland. Increasing the production of melatonin, this asana gives calmness to the mind and enhances memory and concentration.
• Step seven: Watch Shiva
The secretion of melatonin begins at sunset and reaches its peak at midnight, when body and mind are the most introspective. For thousands of years yoga was taught that the best time for meditation from 12 until 3 a.m., this time is called "watch Shiva". At this time you can experience a complete immersion of the mind inward, inner peace and deep meditation.
• Step eight: new Moon.
Once a month on the new moon the pineal gland produces comparatively large amount of melatonin. The person experiences a feeling of bliss and inner joy, if it supports the purity and loftiness of mind. At this time, melatonin bathes the entire gland and makes the mind calm and focused inward. If the human mind involved in the rough or to external objects of thought, melatonin is combusted and the man can endure the slimming contouring effect that it has on all the glands of the endocrine system and the mind. So many yogis in this day abstain from food and water, and perform many spiritual practices, introvertish, purifying and elevating their consciousness.
• Step nine: meditate regularly.
It was discovered that a daily practice of meditation directly affects the pineal gland, the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus and it balances the energy flows in the right and left hemisphere of the brain. The production of melatonin and other hormones in the brain increases, this leads to the achievement of perfect emotional control. Practices that most effectively develops the pineal gland and upper chakra, is called Dhyana, the 6th lesson of Ananda Marga meditation, which is associated with concentration and visualization on this gland. Shishkovidnym indirectly controls all the glands and chakras that are below 50 human inclinations, such for example, as fear, jealousy, greed, love and affection, etc. So whoever can control the pineal gland and upper chakra, can completely control both body and mind.
Such rules and way of life you will prepare your pineal gland to further practical developments and indeed to the exercises for opening the third eye.
Source: /users/1077
People not only changed internally, he opened the storehouse of true knowledge, the reality of the higher worlds.

It is in the pineal gland contain the information matrix, a kind of hologram, which stores information about everything related to this individual, including his previous lives.
This is the secret safe memory with dual fireproof bottom, as is also chacruna. Everything you see in the course of a lifetime, feel, experience, in General, all your internal and external is recorded in the pineal gland.
From a scientific point of view, is still functional significance of the pineal gland for a person is not sufficiently studied.
Secretory cells of pineal gland secrete into the blood the hormone melatonin, synthesized from serotonin, which is involved in synchronizing circadian rhythms (biorhythms "sleep — Wake").
Scientists suggest that the aging process begins in the pineal gland because of declining melatonin production. This hormone has antioxidant properties that help combat the cause of aging free radicals.
Before moving on energy practices, we need a constant vessel with a "bandwidth" of the gland 40 Hz and above. I recall that the "standard man" the resonant frequency of the pineal gland is only 7 Hz.
You are just not physically able to resonate 40 Hz if "unit" in this case, your pineal gland will not be ready for that from a biological point of view.
The nine steps in the search for melatonin.
• Step one: observe circadian rhythms.
Studies show that those who go early, around 22 o'clock and rises with the dawn, produce the most melatonin during the night and feel more energetic and healthy the next day. But to sleep in the dark — only one half of the task. Second — get as much light as possible during daylight. Arrange a working place by the large window and a daily spend part of the daylight hours under the open sky.
• Step two: eat foods rich in melatonin.
Among the richest sources — oats, corn, rice, barley, tomatoes and bananas. Carbohydrates help the body to produce melatonin due to the special amino acid — tryptophan. You should adhere to a vegetarian diet, because protein foods, especially meat, enriches the blood of a large number of amino acids that compete with tryptophan for the right to enter the brain. High carbohydrate foods — bread, potatoes, pasta — provoking injection of insulin, which displaces these competitors. Vitamins. Some of them increase melatonin production — for example, vitamins B3 and B6 (the disadvantage of the latter the elderly). A lot of vitamin B3 is contained in dried apricots, sunflower seeds, whole grains, wheat, barley. B6 can be obtained from carrots, hazelnuts, soybeans, lentils.
• Step three: protect your melatonin.
Caffeine, alcohol and nicotine each of them is able to disrupt normal hormone production. The same effect is given some medication. If you regularly take any medications, try to see if they have impact on the level of melatonin.
• Step four: follow the electromagnetic pollution.
Electromagnetic fields greatly affect the work of the pineal gland — until the suspension of production of melatonin. Main sources — computers, copiers, televisions, power lines and poorly insulated wiring and even the floors are heated and of course mobile phones. Electromagnetic fields nullify the anti-cancer activity of melatonin, so limit casual contact with them.
• Step five: take care of your pineal gland.
Over time this gland undergoes a so-called process of calcification, and its productivity decreases. To prevent this, stick to a plant-based diet, rich in antioxidants, neutralizing free radicals. Avoid fatty foods and never smoke.
• Step six: perform yoga asanas.
Asanas help in refining have an impact on our body and mind and free it from coarse models of thinking. The best asana for the pineal gland is the rabbit pose (Shashankasana) that applies pressure to the top of the head and directly stimulating the upper chakras and the pineal gland. Increasing the production of melatonin, this asana gives calmness to the mind and enhances memory and concentration.
• Step seven: Watch Shiva
The secretion of melatonin begins at sunset and reaches its peak at midnight, when body and mind are the most introspective. For thousands of years yoga was taught that the best time for meditation from 12 until 3 a.m., this time is called "watch Shiva". At this time you can experience a complete immersion of the mind inward, inner peace and deep meditation.
• Step eight: new Moon.
Once a month on the new moon the pineal gland produces comparatively large amount of melatonin. The person experiences a feeling of bliss and inner joy, if it supports the purity and loftiness of mind. At this time, melatonin bathes the entire gland and makes the mind calm and focused inward. If the human mind involved in the rough or to external objects of thought, melatonin is combusted and the man can endure the slimming contouring effect that it has on all the glands of the endocrine system and the mind. So many yogis in this day abstain from food and water, and perform many spiritual practices, introvertish, purifying and elevating their consciousness.
• Step nine: meditate regularly.
It was discovered that a daily practice of meditation directly affects the pineal gland, the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus and it balances the energy flows in the right and left hemisphere of the brain. The production of melatonin and other hormones in the brain increases, this leads to the achievement of perfect emotional control. Practices that most effectively develops the pineal gland and upper chakra, is called Dhyana, the 6th lesson of Ananda Marga meditation, which is associated with concentration and visualization on this gland. Shishkovidnym indirectly controls all the glands and chakras that are below 50 human inclinations, such for example, as fear, jealousy, greed, love and affection, etc. So whoever can control the pineal gland and upper chakra, can completely control both body and mind.
Such rules and way of life you will prepare your pineal gland to further practical developments and indeed to the exercises for opening the third eye.
Source: /users/1077
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