Doubt and fear are the two main blocking frequencies.Pineal gland
Eighty seven million seven hundred sixty seven thousand two hundred ninety six
For centuries it was known that the pineal gland (pineal gland) is an organ of cooperation between the higher dimensions and physical reality. It can be called a portal between an individual personality, brain and the Divine Mind. Metaphysicians, such as Descartes and Edgar Cayce, defined it as "the dwelling place of the soul". More precisely, the pineal gland is the "bio-star gate", a bridge between the physical and non-physical, between duality and the higher dimension. It is very complicated, and it is the screen from the three-dimensional brain to the Infinite Mind.
The pineal gland is the mediator of the advanced knowledge in the manifestation of reality. It works with the pituitary to open the bridge, a portal between the physical and non-physical, between mind and spirit. Whatever knowledge you may have allowed yourself to believe, it becomes reality after the pineal gland opens the gates to Divinity. It does this by translating the frequency of thought in the thermal bio-chemical electrical current through your body and open the mind. Your human brain every second, converts the thoughts that you create thousands of bio-chemical [elements]. As we have explained, not every thought of the ordinary brain gets into the Higher Mind.
Crystal filter the pineal gland
The problem most people concerning the consistency of their beliefs is blind acceptance of mental three-dimensional programming. You can think positive thoughts, think positive change, but if deep in your mind you doubt that all this will happen, then so be it.
Every emotion you feel, every moment of joy and fear produces a chemical enzyme in your body. Some of them are jumps and other obstacles. Each of them comes in the pineal gland. The pineal is a finely tuned calcite crystal, piezoelectric in nature, like quartz. It is a frequency screen, a kind of filter.
Depending on the frequency of thought or emotion, the pineal gland is the guard on the path that enters the portal creations of the Divine Mind. This, in a constructive form, a protective mechanism that prevents the manifestation of some negative thoughts. It also allows you to log any thoughts from the negative field. Negative thoughts are fear, doubt and the like. See, it works both ways. In accordance with this, each intent that you strongly or slightly in doubt, can not enter into programming. Do you understand?
Doubt is one of the blocks that prevent the manifestation of your desires. If you are in any doubt, you do not believe. Doubt in the brain creates a biochemical reaction. It activates the neural flow in the brain, which is sent from the pituitary gland to the pineal and blocks the opening of the "portal" (entrance through the pineal gland). Doubt comes from the fact that you don't believe.
As we mentioned, life-supporting aspect of programming the brain of the individual person uses "fear" in the duality as a warning system. However, the aspect of duality is a double — edged sword, since such a fear in isolation from the context can go into many negative emotions, including depression, doubt, hatred, jealousy and samopoznanie. This is, at its core, the negative aspects of fear, and fear creates a disturbance in the auric field and can lead to auric "leakage". As taught in "Metatronics keys", the human aura must be integrated to expand in Meg-Ka-Na. The energy field is covered with cracks and breaks, are not able to work optimally in the Act of Creation.
Bio-chemical process
Surrounding mental beliefs are created in mass fields by all of humanity, consistent in the macro. Individually they are projected according to your light quotient. This is manifested in the physical reality. It involves a physical process. Frequency thoughts are perceived digitally and immediately bio-chemical move directly into the brain.
Mental enzymes are connected with the pineal gland, which receives them as geo-coded transmission. Every image, every idea is interpreted and sorted according to their energy signature. They have to go through the software settings of the beliefs after being hit in the pineal gland. Your screens of the brain identify them as real or unreal, credible or not prawdopodobnie depending on the light ratio is programmed in the brain. Bio-chemicals are produced with the ingredient of ingredient acceptance or rejection, which, respectively, allows to open or close the gates to the Higher mind.
These bio-chemicals are sent as coded neurons, and are receiving the excretory mechanism of this energy of thought that contains all of the encoded data required to convert (or not convert) any thought or image into physical reality.
The thoughts that coincide with beliefs, going to reproduce the inner image within the brain through every nerve fiber of the physical body. This is the original flame of maturation to form a new reality.
The next step is using the pure intention of the mind, willpower, channeled through the strengthening of emotions and feelings.
After that, the physical body releases way digitally coded to thin body holistic auric field in a state of plastic frozen light code, projected and reinforced by the system of the chakras.
Aura must be intact and in optimal length and cycle 13-20-33. Then he [the image] passes through the Mer-Ki-Va to the fields Meg-Ka-Va and Meg-Ka-Na. All driven by the will. Purity and intensity that you put into the thought, desire or goal, largely determines the immediacy of materialization. Once you learn the mechanics of conscious creation, then it is important to use the engine a sincere desire, an imaginative visualization and emotion to complete the process of physical manifestation.
The law of conscious creation
There is not a physical object or experience in your life that you have created yourself. This includes your physical fitness, your body. Master, in your physical life there is nothing that you have created. In fact, if you were able to see ourselves in other incarnations, you'd be surprised at how many similar physical characteristics you have created in what is called successive incarnations.
If you have divine Wisdom, you can create an unlimited number of worlds. If you have knowledge, then you have nothing to fear, because then there's not one thing, no item, no site, no understanding that can ever threaten, intimidate or enslave you. When fear provides the knowledge, then it is called enlightenment.
You have natural rhythm of existence in the physical and non-physical reality. This is your waking state and sleep. Sleep is one of your most valuable natural healing practices and means of communication between internal and external realities and universes.
Your normal consciousness benefits from travel and leisure in other areas, not a physical reality into which you enter during sleep. And the so-called sleeping consciousness will also be a boon for frequent transitions in the waking state in the physical matter.
Let me draw your attention that the images you see in both [States] are based on mental interpretation of the digital frequency fields basic units of consciousness. Frequency that takes your brain is actually a digital code, a crystalline pattern of symbols (similar to noughts and crosses), which you interpret and translate into images and feelings.
Do you find it difficult to accept that you create your dreams, but also need to recognize that you create your physical reality, however, you do both. You also determine what is real and what is not.
We say again... doubt and fear are the two main blocking frequencies that prevent manifestation of your desires. In fact, all negative emotions are the primary basis is based on fear. Overcoming fear and replacing it with LOVE, especially true acceptance and love of self, is a key frequency needed to overcome duality. The pineal gland is the system of entering in the Divinity, is a complex crystalline computer that filters frequencies. This forgotten information. It is time to remember, time to know. published
Source: maliy.livejournal.com
For centuries it was known that the pineal gland (pineal gland) is an organ of cooperation between the higher dimensions and physical reality. It can be called a portal between an individual personality, brain and the Divine Mind. Metaphysicians, such as Descartes and Edgar Cayce, defined it as "the dwelling place of the soul". More precisely, the pineal gland is the "bio-star gate", a bridge between the physical and non-physical, between duality and the higher dimension. It is very complicated, and it is the screen from the three-dimensional brain to the Infinite Mind.
The pineal gland is the mediator of the advanced knowledge in the manifestation of reality. It works with the pituitary to open the bridge, a portal between the physical and non-physical, between mind and spirit. Whatever knowledge you may have allowed yourself to believe, it becomes reality after the pineal gland opens the gates to Divinity. It does this by translating the frequency of thought in the thermal bio-chemical electrical current through your body and open the mind. Your human brain every second, converts the thoughts that you create thousands of bio-chemical [elements]. As we have explained, not every thought of the ordinary brain gets into the Higher Mind.
Crystal filter the pineal gland
The problem most people concerning the consistency of their beliefs is blind acceptance of mental three-dimensional programming. You can think positive thoughts, think positive change, but if deep in your mind you doubt that all this will happen, then so be it.
Every emotion you feel, every moment of joy and fear produces a chemical enzyme in your body. Some of them are jumps and other obstacles. Each of them comes in the pineal gland. The pineal is a finely tuned calcite crystal, piezoelectric in nature, like quartz. It is a frequency screen, a kind of filter.
Depending on the frequency of thought or emotion, the pineal gland is the guard on the path that enters the portal creations of the Divine Mind. This, in a constructive form, a protective mechanism that prevents the manifestation of some negative thoughts. It also allows you to log any thoughts from the negative field. Negative thoughts are fear, doubt and the like. See, it works both ways. In accordance with this, each intent that you strongly or slightly in doubt, can not enter into programming. Do you understand?
Doubt is one of the blocks that prevent the manifestation of your desires. If you are in any doubt, you do not believe. Doubt in the brain creates a biochemical reaction. It activates the neural flow in the brain, which is sent from the pituitary gland to the pineal and blocks the opening of the "portal" (entrance through the pineal gland). Doubt comes from the fact that you don't believe.
As we mentioned, life-supporting aspect of programming the brain of the individual person uses "fear" in the duality as a warning system. However, the aspect of duality is a double — edged sword, since such a fear in isolation from the context can go into many negative emotions, including depression, doubt, hatred, jealousy and samopoznanie. This is, at its core, the negative aspects of fear, and fear creates a disturbance in the auric field and can lead to auric "leakage". As taught in "Metatronics keys", the human aura must be integrated to expand in Meg-Ka-Na. The energy field is covered with cracks and breaks, are not able to work optimally in the Act of Creation.
Bio-chemical process
Surrounding mental beliefs are created in mass fields by all of humanity, consistent in the macro. Individually they are projected according to your light quotient. This is manifested in the physical reality. It involves a physical process. Frequency thoughts are perceived digitally and immediately bio-chemical move directly into the brain.
Mental enzymes are connected with the pineal gland, which receives them as geo-coded transmission. Every image, every idea is interpreted and sorted according to their energy signature. They have to go through the software settings of the beliefs after being hit in the pineal gland. Your screens of the brain identify them as real or unreal, credible or not prawdopodobnie depending on the light ratio is programmed in the brain. Bio-chemicals are produced with the ingredient of ingredient acceptance or rejection, which, respectively, allows to open or close the gates to the Higher mind.
These bio-chemicals are sent as coded neurons, and are receiving the excretory mechanism of this energy of thought that contains all of the encoded data required to convert (or not convert) any thought or image into physical reality.
The thoughts that coincide with beliefs, going to reproduce the inner image within the brain through every nerve fiber of the physical body. This is the original flame of maturation to form a new reality.
The next step is using the pure intention of the mind, willpower, channeled through the strengthening of emotions and feelings.
After that, the physical body releases way digitally coded to thin body holistic auric field in a state of plastic frozen light code, projected and reinforced by the system of the chakras.
Aura must be intact and in optimal length and cycle 13-20-33. Then he [the image] passes through the Mer-Ki-Va to the fields Meg-Ka-Va and Meg-Ka-Na. All driven by the will. Purity and intensity that you put into the thought, desire or goal, largely determines the immediacy of materialization. Once you learn the mechanics of conscious creation, then it is important to use the engine a sincere desire, an imaginative visualization and emotion to complete the process of physical manifestation.
The law of conscious creation
There is not a physical object or experience in your life that you have created yourself. This includes your physical fitness, your body. Master, in your physical life there is nothing that you have created. In fact, if you were able to see ourselves in other incarnations, you'd be surprised at how many similar physical characteristics you have created in what is called successive incarnations.
If you have divine Wisdom, you can create an unlimited number of worlds. If you have knowledge, then you have nothing to fear, because then there's not one thing, no item, no site, no understanding that can ever threaten, intimidate or enslave you. When fear provides the knowledge, then it is called enlightenment.
You have natural rhythm of existence in the physical and non-physical reality. This is your waking state and sleep. Sleep is one of your most valuable natural healing practices and means of communication between internal and external realities and universes.
Your normal consciousness benefits from travel and leisure in other areas, not a physical reality into which you enter during sleep. And the so-called sleeping consciousness will also be a boon for frequent transitions in the waking state in the physical matter.
Let me draw your attention that the images you see in both [States] are based on mental interpretation of the digital frequency fields basic units of consciousness. Frequency that takes your brain is actually a digital code, a crystalline pattern of symbols (similar to noughts and crosses), which you interpret and translate into images and feelings.
Do you find it difficult to accept that you create your dreams, but also need to recognize that you create your physical reality, however, you do both. You also determine what is real and what is not.
We say again... doubt and fear are the two main blocking frequencies that prevent manifestation of your desires. In fact, all negative emotions are the primary basis is based on fear. Overcoming fear and replacing it with LOVE, especially true acceptance and love of self, is a key frequency needed to overcome duality. The pineal gland is the system of entering in the Divinity, is a complex crystalline computer that filters frequencies. This forgotten information. It is time to remember, time to know. published
Source: maliy.livejournal.com
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