A little lesson for the future —an essay written blog shortly before departure from life
Fifty four million eight hundred thirty two thousand eight hundred forty eight
fragment © Ilya Repin "barge haulers on the Volga"
Linds Redding worked in new Zealand agencies BBDO and Saatchi & Saatchi. At the age of 52, he died from inoperable cancer of the esophagus. His legacy, in addition to advertising projects, an essay entitled "a lesson for the future," he wrote in his blog shortly before his passing.
People obsessed with work, is everywhere, regardless of profession. Maybe someone the cry of the soul will make you think and look back on your life before it's too late.
Many years ago, when I started to work in advertising, we had this kind of reception "Night check". Throughout the day my partner and I are on A4 sheets wrote down all the ideas that ever occurred to us on the topic of work projects. Sloppy headlines, stupid puns, simple sketches with a marker. It was a kind of garbage dump for the brain. Everything fell out of our heads or off of our mouths, immediately applied to the paper. By the end of the day, all the most absurd and non-filtered ideas and a pile of crumpled paper filled trash can in the corner of our closet.
If the day was productive, in addition to the mountains of paper, plastic cups from coffee beans and crowded ashtrays accumulated fat stack "of concepts." We carefully hung the posters on the wall in our office before heading to the bar to drink a pint of beer.
The next day, ignoring the hangover, at exactly 10:00 we came to work and fresh eyes evaluated the results of our yesterday's work. Typically, a third of the ideas were weeded out immediately. It's amazing how the ideas of yesterday seemed to at the time of their birth is hilarious or truly outstanding, pale in the light of the sobering morning light. To noon coffee all the Agency was Assembly and we were back to our routine work: loitering with smart view for office, criticizing the works of other creative couples.
But here's the thing."Night check" only works if you can afford that night. As time went on, it was the 90s that turned the advertising industry and not only. There are new tools, endless possibilities and urgent deadlines. With the advent of digital technology, our work is significantly accelerated. Just had an idea. Realize and leave for several hours! At first it was a luxury. We could have so much and so quick to make!
Keepers up there quickly calculated that now for one and the same time, we can three times as much work and three times more to make them money.
Very soon, the "Night test" become "Test lunch". Then, without realizing how, we switched to "instant noodles" at the Desk and began to take turns to go home to kiss the kids before bedtime. As soon as we put any idea to the wall, he ran red-faced account in a cheap suit and tearing a piece of paper was whirling away. Now we have not had the opportunity of stretching his legs to take a look at our ideas from the outside and to separate the wheat from the chaff. We have to rely on experience and gut feeling. In most cases it worked.
Standards fell. We have become more conservative. Were reluctant to take creative risks, relying on tried-and-tested techniques. Studies have shown that are already familiar gives better results than something new. And research has become a new religion.
To be truly creative is to be devoid of any shyness. To turn off the internal censor. To not care what others think. That's why children are so successful in the works, and people with Volkswagens, credits and bags Louis Vuitton no.
You have to be brave to think out loud. And the best is obtained in a safe and secure location. Once the creative Department and design Studio was such a place. It was possible to pour out your creative ideas without fear of judgment or ridicule. After all, the only way to do, otherwise you're just closes, like a clam in its shell. It's like that to have sex when mom is listening at the door. It will not work. But then some wise guy came up with the idea to organize a competition. Art turned into a competition. In the race. The winner gets the job.
Now from this disease all suffer. Technology is evolving at the speed of the electron. And our poor perenapryagsya neurons trying to keep up. Decisions are made in a fraction of seconds. Saw, liked, shared, amounted to a superficial view it, Twitter. No time to wait or doubt. Seize the moment! The main catch! You will then repent. Oh yeah, to cover your ass, don't forget to put a smiley face at the end, in case you crossed the line.
The week off is good. A month is a luxury. Now I'm "enjoying" a forced removal from my past reality. And this is the best 6 months of my life. When you're accustomed all his life to run from low start, shooting from the hip and dancing through the eye of a needle, it is useful to look at your life from the outside. Very sobering.
It turns out that my life is not as I like, as I thought. I understand that meeting from time to time with his former colleagues. They attack me, talk with enthusiasm about his latest project. I try to listen respectfully as they argue about who slept less, and who often eats at fast food restaurants. "I haven't seen my wife since January," "I already can't feel my legs" "I've long been a fan, but it is necessary to finish the project, and the client goes on vacation," they say. What I think? They all went crazy. They are mad. They are so divorced from reality that it's not even funny. I had a shock. It seemed to me that it's all somebody's Scam. Deception. Elaborate hoax.
The idea that we glorify and value the most, turned into a trinket in a plastic toy for advertising and trade. Moreover, now we have to stamp them in accordance with the quota and the production schedule. "In the morning we need to show the customer 6 concepts, and then he goes on vacation. He pays for one, so strongly do not strain, do not waste time. Sketch something. His favorite color is green. Well, so far! I'm in the club. See you in the morning!"
Have you ever tried to render the idea of under the gun? It is a daily reality creatives. And when he copes with it..."sorry, the client is not able to come. I sent him to the squash club, your work Fax. He liked a green option. Everything except the font, words, images and ideas. And yet, it is possible to make the logo bigger? I hope you're not way late yesterday? Well, there are computers! Well, while I have lunch."
The work isn't worth itI've seen a lot of creatives. Alcohol, occasionally drugs, anxiety, stress, a broken marriage, even a couple of suicides. People just psychologically and emotionally, are not adapted to such a hostile and toxic environment. However, the queue of young, inquisitive, willing to work for peanuts young advertisers does not dry out. But their enthusiasm does not last long.
I stayed in advertising for 30 years? Walked the razor's edge. Hid from all the feelings of insecurity and fear. And ran, ran as fast as I could so nobody could catch me. I convinced myself that nothing else can in this life to do. Don't know how. Advertising is my calling, and I'm incredibly lucky that for me it almost always pays.
Countless nights, weekends, holidays, birthdays, school concerts and anniversaries — all have been sacrificed to something, as it seemed, more standing, that will pay off, sometime later...
It was a hoax. Now I understand it. It was not so important. Just stay on schedule. Just promoted the product. Just fed the beast, as I call it now.
Was it worth it?Of course not. It was just industry. No higher purpose. No main prize. Only certificates in frames and small figurines. Mountain of boxes of antidepressants, empty bottles, pieces of gray hair and a tumor of indeterminate size.
It may seem that I feel sorry for me. This is not so. It was fun. I succeeded in your case. I met a lot of talented and smart people, learned to work at night, on a daily basis to provoke their creative itch and to earn enough money to support a family favorite that is even sometimes seen.
But I have done nothing in their lives is really important. In the creative plan. I promoted several products, improved the economic condition of several companies and made a couple of rich people even more rich. At the time I thought it was a great idea. But "Night check" it, perhaps, would not have passed.
Sorry.And again. If you read all this, sitting in a dark Studio, agonizing over whether regular housewife to use soap in the right or in the left hand, do yourself a favor — send all to hell. Go home and kiss his wife and children.
source: pokolenie-x.com
Source: /users/1077
fragment © Ilya Repin "barge haulers on the Volga"
Linds Redding worked in new Zealand agencies BBDO and Saatchi & Saatchi. At the age of 52, he died from inoperable cancer of the esophagus. His legacy, in addition to advertising projects, an essay entitled "a lesson for the future," he wrote in his blog shortly before his passing.
People obsessed with work, is everywhere, regardless of profession. Maybe someone the cry of the soul will make you think and look back on your life before it's too late.
Many years ago, when I started to work in advertising, we had this kind of reception "Night check". Throughout the day my partner and I are on A4 sheets wrote down all the ideas that ever occurred to us on the topic of work projects. Sloppy headlines, stupid puns, simple sketches with a marker. It was a kind of garbage dump for the brain. Everything fell out of our heads or off of our mouths, immediately applied to the paper. By the end of the day, all the most absurd and non-filtered ideas and a pile of crumpled paper filled trash can in the corner of our closet.
If the day was productive, in addition to the mountains of paper, plastic cups from coffee beans and crowded ashtrays accumulated fat stack "of concepts." We carefully hung the posters on the wall in our office before heading to the bar to drink a pint of beer.
The next day, ignoring the hangover, at exactly 10:00 we came to work and fresh eyes evaluated the results of our yesterday's work. Typically, a third of the ideas were weeded out immediately. It's amazing how the ideas of yesterday seemed to at the time of their birth is hilarious or truly outstanding, pale in the light of the sobering morning light. To noon coffee all the Agency was Assembly and we were back to our routine work: loitering with smart view for office, criticizing the works of other creative couples.
But here's the thing."Night check" only works if you can afford that night. As time went on, it was the 90s that turned the advertising industry and not only. There are new tools, endless possibilities and urgent deadlines. With the advent of digital technology, our work is significantly accelerated. Just had an idea. Realize and leave for several hours! At first it was a luxury. We could have so much and so quick to make!
Keepers up there quickly calculated that now for one and the same time, we can three times as much work and three times more to make them money.
Very soon, the "Night test" become "Test lunch". Then, without realizing how, we switched to "instant noodles" at the Desk and began to take turns to go home to kiss the kids before bedtime. As soon as we put any idea to the wall, he ran red-faced account in a cheap suit and tearing a piece of paper was whirling away. Now we have not had the opportunity of stretching his legs to take a look at our ideas from the outside and to separate the wheat from the chaff. We have to rely on experience and gut feeling. In most cases it worked.
Standards fell. We have become more conservative. Were reluctant to take creative risks, relying on tried-and-tested techniques. Studies have shown that are already familiar gives better results than something new. And research has become a new religion.
To be truly creative is to be devoid of any shyness. To turn off the internal censor. To not care what others think. That's why children are so successful in the works, and people with Volkswagens, credits and bags Louis Vuitton no.
You have to be brave to think out loud. And the best is obtained in a safe and secure location. Once the creative Department and design Studio was such a place. It was possible to pour out your creative ideas without fear of judgment or ridicule. After all, the only way to do, otherwise you're just closes, like a clam in its shell. It's like that to have sex when mom is listening at the door. It will not work. But then some wise guy came up with the idea to organize a competition. Art turned into a competition. In the race. The winner gets the job.
Now from this disease all suffer. Technology is evolving at the speed of the electron. And our poor perenapryagsya neurons trying to keep up. Decisions are made in a fraction of seconds. Saw, liked, shared, amounted to a superficial view it, Twitter. No time to wait or doubt. Seize the moment! The main catch! You will then repent. Oh yeah, to cover your ass, don't forget to put a smiley face at the end, in case you crossed the line.
The week off is good. A month is a luxury. Now I'm "enjoying" a forced removal from my past reality. And this is the best 6 months of my life. When you're accustomed all his life to run from low start, shooting from the hip and dancing through the eye of a needle, it is useful to look at your life from the outside. Very sobering.
It turns out that my life is not as I like, as I thought. I understand that meeting from time to time with his former colleagues. They attack me, talk with enthusiasm about his latest project. I try to listen respectfully as they argue about who slept less, and who often eats at fast food restaurants. "I haven't seen my wife since January," "I already can't feel my legs" "I've long been a fan, but it is necessary to finish the project, and the client goes on vacation," they say. What I think? They all went crazy. They are mad. They are so divorced from reality that it's not even funny. I had a shock. It seemed to me that it's all somebody's Scam. Deception. Elaborate hoax.
The idea that we glorify and value the most, turned into a trinket in a plastic toy for advertising and trade. Moreover, now we have to stamp them in accordance with the quota and the production schedule. "In the morning we need to show the customer 6 concepts, and then he goes on vacation. He pays for one, so strongly do not strain, do not waste time. Sketch something. His favorite color is green. Well, so far! I'm in the club. See you in the morning!"
Have you ever tried to render the idea of under the gun? It is a daily reality creatives. And when he copes with it..."sorry, the client is not able to come. I sent him to the squash club, your work Fax. He liked a green option. Everything except the font, words, images and ideas. And yet, it is possible to make the logo bigger? I hope you're not way late yesterday? Well, there are computers! Well, while I have lunch."
The work isn't worth itI've seen a lot of creatives. Alcohol, occasionally drugs, anxiety, stress, a broken marriage, even a couple of suicides. People just psychologically and emotionally, are not adapted to such a hostile and toxic environment. However, the queue of young, inquisitive, willing to work for peanuts young advertisers does not dry out. But their enthusiasm does not last long.
I stayed in advertising for 30 years? Walked the razor's edge. Hid from all the feelings of insecurity and fear. And ran, ran as fast as I could so nobody could catch me. I convinced myself that nothing else can in this life to do. Don't know how. Advertising is my calling, and I'm incredibly lucky that for me it almost always pays.
Countless nights, weekends, holidays, birthdays, school concerts and anniversaries — all have been sacrificed to something, as it seemed, more standing, that will pay off, sometime later...
It was a hoax. Now I understand it. It was not so important. Just stay on schedule. Just promoted the product. Just fed the beast, as I call it now.
Was it worth it?Of course not. It was just industry. No higher purpose. No main prize. Only certificates in frames and small figurines. Mountain of boxes of antidepressants, empty bottles, pieces of gray hair and a tumor of indeterminate size.
It may seem that I feel sorry for me. This is not so. It was fun. I succeeded in your case. I met a lot of talented and smart people, learned to work at night, on a daily basis to provoke their creative itch and to earn enough money to support a family favorite that is even sometimes seen.
But I have done nothing in their lives is really important. In the creative plan. I promoted several products, improved the economic condition of several companies and made a couple of rich people even more rich. At the time I thought it was a great idea. But "Night check" it, perhaps, would not have passed.
Sorry.And again. If you read all this, sitting in a dark Studio, agonizing over whether regular housewife to use soap in the right or in the left hand, do yourself a favor — send all to hell. Go home and kiss his wife and children.
source: pokolenie-x.com
Source: /users/1077
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