Perfect time for a Cup of coffee 10:30 am
The University of health in the us city of Beesd the researchers were able to establish that a refreshing Cup of coffee, the human body needs most immediately after awakening, and at 10:30 in the morning. And at this time is to treat yourself to a tonic drink, while getting out of bed it is best to follow washing your face with cool water, a charging and a light Breakfast.
The following conclusions were made based on the study of the concentration of the hormone cortisol in the human body throughout the day. It turned out that early in the morning of this substance in the blood abound, and drinking coffee at this moment exceeds the required concentration, which will not only have a refreshing effect, but also will bring down the biological rhythm of the body.
But by 10:30 the level of cortisol in the body drops to its daily minimum, and it is at this point the man needed a Cup of coffee, which will raise the concentration of the hormone to the desired indicator.
It is worth noting that in the world medicine cortisol is called the "hormone of regulations", which raises or lowers the activity of an organism during certain time periods. Its excess or shortage directly affects the discomfort and hyperactivity, which can guide a person in unusual time for this.
At the same time, U.S. researchers suggest not to overdo it with organic coffee, and ideally limit it to one Cup a day, a time reference close to 10:30.
Despite the fact that around the properties of coffee for a long time there are a lot hot debate, its influence on the body by too frequent use, yet more negatively than positively.
And even if you are drinking coffee, feel a burst of energy and vitality, to deceive ourselves it is not worth it. It is not known how will react to such artificial vzbadrivanie your body, which in these moments I want to rest and tranquility.
Source: zeleneet.com
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