Interesting facts about names

Do you know what the word "surname" comes from the ancient Roman designation of a large family, the head of which was definitely male, the family also included slaves. Then names became common in different countries, and in our days no last name anywhere at all. Some of them deserve special attention, which we'll talk.
The name of the famous American actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, indicating the translation from German – "the black farmer", it seemed the Director of the film, which debuted actor, is too complicated. Therefore, in the credits of the lead actor, identified as Arnold Strong. And if You're in Italy you meet someone with the last name Rossi, then with a probability of 90% call him will be Mario, as it is the most common combination of name and surname in this country. According to the American phone book before World War II in the city of new York lived 22 people with the last name Hitler, and after the war there is not one namesake dictator. And another well-known name in the United States — Smith — wears every 150 citizens. But not only in America there are a lot of namesakes. For example, in Sweden, more than 300,000 have the surname Carlson, 40% of Vietnamese can brag with the surname Nguyen, and China have 100 million people in the passport the surname of Lee.
In Iceland, surnames were generally prohibited by law for the preservation of the traditions of the people. Instead of names you can use something like a patronymic. A similar law adopted in Tibet, Myanmar and the people of Amhar. The French family is the most original name – 1792, what do the numbers, nobody knows, but many tend to believe that the name chosen in honor of the revolution. Koreans have a total of 300 different names, and species names, they have a few thousand. From this it follows that in both Koreas easier to meet the namesake, rather than the namesake.
And finally, a bit of history. When in 1811 Napoleon conquered the Netherlands, was immediately issued a decree on the assignment of all the inhabitants of the conquered countries French surnames. The locals thought that the country occupied for a while and the law will soon be canceled, so they came up with themselves, for the sake of laughter, idiotic names. So, soon came the first bearers of such names as peeing, or Pooping Cholorogenic. Imagine the surprise when the innovation has taken root and now the descendants of these jokers are not very euphonious name.
Source: mif-facts.com.ua