In the US there was a service the post office on the moon

It is believed that the next step in the development of mankind will be the colonization of the moon. People who are going to build a colony far from Earth, about some of the things you need to worry in advance. Thus, the American company decided to organize business parcel delivery from the earth to the moon. For this purpose was created a special postal service.
MoonMail – unique postal service from a private company Astrobotic, the official partner of NASA's Lunar CATALYST program, which promises delivery to the moon of parcels weighing up to 270 kilograms. The cost of delivery from Earth to the moon is $ 1.2 million per kilogram.
Space postal service will accept small gifts that can be safely stored on the moon until, unless taken by the recipient. The parcel period of storage is unlimited and can be hundreds of years.
To be sent to the moon to accept any thing except for chemically hazardous and inert substances. Mail can be issued on the website of the company Astrobotic. After placing the order, the client receives a set of MoonMail with the lunar capsule, which have to load to send, and then pass the capsule Astrobotic.
The capsule will protect the cargo during transport. On the moon it will deliver a lander Griffin. All the capsules will be stored in a tightly closed container Moon Pod. Proof of delivery will serve sent to the sender of the photo with the moon.
According to Astrobotic, the items inside the capsule will be carefully maintained on the moon for subsequent transmission to future generations.
Source: hi-news.ru