Caution - deadly plastic in Your kitchen
If You, 20 years boil water in plastic kettle — you can have bad health! From plastic the immune system of the body just collapses. Thus, it is enough just to use plastic utensils (Drinking drinking water from plastic bottles, for example) to have killed health, without the immune system ...
By boiling from the sides of the kettle, peel fragments of molecules-polymers which then fall into the water, and then on to our body.
What happens to the plastic on, you can think out yourself. If these particles still break down, they produce a lot of toxins (think burning plastic) which we are intensively etched.
If they are not split immediately, they littered the walls of the intestines over time, turning it into a PVC tube. The entire Oncology of the digestive tract has a very simple origin.
It is clear, that for once you enter in your body, a negligible amount of plastic. But if you're at the office drink on average 2 cups of coffee/tea per day, the amount of plastic inside of you is growing constantly, during the whole time while you're doing the sweat of a career...
I want to note that the idea of slow poison kettle is not new. Even during the colonization of America, Indians were sold(!) special multilayer galvanized pot "cooking". He was multi-layered and made from zinc alloy, tin, and doped with arsenic. Very quickly the top zinc layer went on there and began the mass poisoning of Indians.
The Indians themselves called the pot "poison Pot" — "Poison Pot". This "miracle" not long ago sold on the Internet auction site e-bay.
You need to categorically refuse in the first place, from a plastic kettle, and preferably from a plastic dish at all! If this is not possible, do not store long there is liquid food. Kettle buy quality iron or ceramic, and the products you store in glass jars.