Kystybyi - traditional Tatar dish
Kystybyi is the oldest pastry in the Tatar kitchen. But it is also believed that it is the Bashkir national dish. Kystybyi is very easy to prepare and is a fried flat cake made of unleavened dough, folded in half filled with mashed potatoes or phenol porridge. Currently kystybyi sometimes prepared with other fillings: rice porridge and ISM, carrots and raisins with pumpkin.
We need:
For the dough: For the filling:
flour — 500g potatoes — 500g
sour cream — 200 g onions — 200 g
egg — 2 PCs butter — 100 g
salt — to taste milk — 1 Cup
butter stretch. — 2 tbsp salt
Make dough. To do this, combine eggs, sour cream and flour, add salt and oil. Knead a tight dough is to roll it with a rolling pin. Leave it, covered with a towel, for 30-40 minutes "to lie down".
At this time, prepare the filling. Boil the potatoes, wipe. Chop onion and saute in vegetable oil until Golden brown (it khoroshenko browned to taste fried onions!) Mix well.
Next, divide the dough into pieces of 40 grams. Rasschityvaet them into thin tortillas.
And pecem in a hot dry pan until browned. To pellet does not dry out they can cover with a towel. Next: on one side of the tortilla put the stuffing, fold in half, cover the other half. If you wish kystybyi you can grease the top with butter.
Ready-made cakes put in oven for 15 minutes to warm up.
Serve the household hot. Although a little cold and constant kystybyi also very tasty. Bon appetit!!!
Source: www.7dach.ru

We need:

For the dough: For the filling:
flour — 500g potatoes — 500g
sour cream — 200 g onions — 200 g
egg — 2 PCs butter — 100 g
salt — to taste milk — 1 Cup
butter stretch. — 2 tbsp salt
Make dough. To do this, combine eggs, sour cream and flour, add salt and oil. Knead a tight dough is to roll it with a rolling pin. Leave it, covered with a towel, for 30-40 minutes "to lie down".

At this time, prepare the filling. Boil the potatoes, wipe. Chop onion and saute in vegetable oil until Golden brown (it khoroshenko browned to taste fried onions!) Mix well.

Next, divide the dough into pieces of 40 grams. Rasschityvaet them into thin tortillas.

And pecem in a hot dry pan until browned. To pellet does not dry out they can cover with a towel. Next: on one side of the tortilla put the stuffing, fold in half, cover the other half. If you wish kystybyi you can grease the top with butter.

Ready-made cakes put in oven for 15 minutes to warm up.

Serve the household hot. Although a little cold and constant kystybyi also very tasty. Bon appetit!!!
Source: www.7dach.ru