The principles of a healthy lifestyle

The principles of a healthy lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle should be liked.
To use a healthy lifestyle you should come on your own, and not under pressure, otherwise it will be a harmful healthy lifestyle that will drive you into depression, anger and irritate. Since one of the components of healthy lifestyle is mental harmony, if you do not like it, do not torment yourself.
Getting rid of bad habits
Of course, every first grader knows that the main rule of a healthy lifestyle is the rejection of bad habits. In addition to smoking and drug use, bad habits include excessive time at the computer.
Day regime
The next stage of a healthy lifestyle is to set the right regimen of the day. First of all, it is a healthy and full sleep. In general, sleep is a very important component of human health and full functioning. Try to go to bed before midnight, and the duration of sleep should be 6-8 hours. Do not neglect your sleep, otherwise it will negatively affect your health. Start your day with a little morning exercise, after which be sure to take a shower. Eat food at the same time. In short, try to plan the day so that it has its own mode.
Proper and healthy nutrition
Nutrition is one of the main forms of a healthy lifestyle. Most of our ailments come from malnutrition. For example, eating excessively fatty foods leads to the fact that we begin to feel discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen. Moreover, fatty foods lead to obesity and other, more serious consequences like diabetes. In addition, drinks with dyes and other foods that contain various chemical additives, negatively affect the kidneys and liver.
It is important to note that the water we drink is also important. Avoid carbonated drinks with dyes, ready-made teas and juices with preservatives. If you like sugary drinks, replace them with fresh juices. As the main drink, use mineral water, or at least purified water from a special source. Boiled water is also not recommended, since after boiling it does not remain useful and nutritious for the body components.
Physical activity
Quite often we experience pain in the joints, muscles and physical lethargy. It's all our inactivity. First, we don’t walk very much, but we use a car or public transport. Secondly, a sedentary lifestyle, whether it is working in the office, watching TV or using a computer, also negatively affect the body.
Inactivity for a woman primarily threatens the appearance of excess weight. Also inactivity affects the joints, which begin to hurt and crunch. Due to inactivity, blood flow in the body deteriorates, which leads to numbness of the limbs.
Try to move as much as possible, every morning do a little exercise to stretch all parts of the body. It is very useful to walk to work, or at least get up a couple of stops earlier to walk. We advise you to go out more often and walk around the city, this should be done at least an hour a day.
Personal hygiene
For health, doctors recommend taking a shower at least twice a day, this is best done before and after sleep. In the summer, try to take a shower as often as possible, except that you can cleanse your body, hot water expands the skin pores through which toxins leave the body.
Cleansing and healing
Healthy lifestyle also implies constant healing and cleansing of the body. The first stage of cleansing is the installation of proper nutrition, fasting days will be very useful. As for healing, then for this, eat as much vitamin as possible, which is contained in fruits and foods.
Fresh air.
Clean house.
Avoid stress.
Source: vk.com
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