What gifts to accept and which not

Once known Wang said: "One of the gifts rejoice, others watch out." Indeed, there are gifts, accepting that we make in house trouble. What you need to know how to protect yourself and what to do if there was danger? 1. Gloves When one glove on his hand, puts it on, he fingers cold preserves, but why would he want alien heat to keep warm? Receiving a gift of gloves, you are at the mercy of the giver. In the old days through the gloves it was possible to influence a person, forcing him to obey. Your physical and mental well-being may falter. Tip: pay off, give a coin to the giver. Next, you "gave back", that is not later than a week to give your donor too gloves. And if this is not possible, then go to visit your giver and forget it for a week to give you gloves, all the energy, the power of magic will leave them and spread to his house. 2. Strap If using gloves is the impact on your state then strap protect your actions. You are constrained, compressed, can not achieve anything you want, but don't have enough "pull." You've been barred from success, good luck, new horizons of change. You gave a little space for existence. What to do? Again, once off. Then hold a ritual: light the 3 candles of the Church before him, put the belt 12 times and read "our father." Blow out the candles. The belt can wear through the week. 3. Handkerchief don't give and don't take such a gift. Wang warned about the handkerchief to take, soon the tears dry. Long ago, in many countries, the shawls were given only in difficult periods – handed out during the funeral; gave to the sick; and were in love or marriage was impossible. The handkerchief symbolizes sickness and trouble, so taking it, you take the unhappiness of the donor. You should immediately pay off. Then wash the handkerchief, iron the without hands, place in front of the icons, read "our father", remember the giver and sincerely wish him health, happiness and luck to your ritual did not bring him any harm. 4. Pectoral cross If you are not sure of the sincerity of the giver, in no case do not take a gift! Consider the fate of the donor – if he is happy, successful and rich, then maybe he and you wants it, but if it is haunted by illness, setbacks, problems, you took the cross of the giver for himself, his fate. To pay off in this case will not work. Give the cross to the Church. Turn to the pawnshop, and the money give to the poor, buy them as the giver of the gift and otdadite. Leave the cross cannot be, a powerful force emanates from him. 5. Overseas Souvenirs, Each of us brought friends and relatives Souvenirs from exotic countries, but how often do we studied the meaning of wonders? If it's a pyramid, it is a good symbol. If is the deity, study it responsible for what it has, and then will perform the ceremony, remove the negative and charge positive. Any souvenir first wrap in white silk and put in a dark place (preferably on a rack) and hold it for 7 days. Then during the week the gift-to-clean "gold" and "silver" water in turn. The most dangerous Souvenirs are African masks and deities, ritual objects. Remember, knowledge is our weapon. 6. The watch Can stop time your happy, carefree life. Pay off immediately. 7. The mirror Takes away youth and beauty, joy and love for life. Especially dangerous vintage antique mirrors. Even the rituals don't always help. It is best not to take the gift, throw it away. 8. Old coins Besides the fact that money have the ability to realize all our dreams and fantasies, they also at all times been an occasion for discord, and often pushed people to crime. Fatal events and human vices printed on each ancient coin. They contain information about the emotions of each owner of the coin – greed, anger, hatred, etc. will perform the ritual for the purification of these damned coins. Wrap the coins in white silk, keep the day on the windowsill. Three day hold before the icons, and every morning burned three Church candles. Hide the coins in a metal box, you can pull 1-2 times a week. Can coins to wipe the "gold" water. 9. Malachite destruction. Everyone remembers the tale "the Mistress of copper mountain"? So, if you want to negotiate with the obstinate stone, then perform the ritual. Wrap decoration (stone) in purple silk. Light up a fat Church candle in front of the fabric, let it burn out, then light the three thin Church candles and turn first to that mountain, which was filmed this stone. Ask her blessing and farewell. And then turn to stone, ask him not to harm you, not fouling, because you have the blessing of mother mountains, otherwise it will split on the seeds, pound into grains of sand and scatter in the wind. As soon as you have agreed with the stone, wipe it with Golden water. More than 6 hours a malachite decoration cannot be worn. 10. Scissors will Shorten the life, changed it completely, break relations with others. Do not take them, do not hesitate to refuse a gift. And if a guest still left them, draw conclusions about the nature of your friend. Clean the apartment (house) after the departure of the guest, and throw away the gift. 11. Knives Pushed to crime, you should immediately pay off. 12. The wallet Can let you in the world, if the giver did not put the coin. Let put even a penny. You also need to give the giver a coin. Tips can amaze, amuse, and maybe someone to piss off, but certainly the harm they will bring.Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
Source: www.esotericblog.ru/2014/05/blog-post_12.html