Anti-bugs for the start of the relationship
Thirty million six hundred seventy eight thousand nine hundred thirty five
What would be the ideal model I described, all I want them to try. Like Cinderella's sisters wanted to pull on her glass slipper.
I do not propose generic models for practical application, and conditioned for analysis, to then, independently, each could come up with a formula for yourself.
But today is the day ready formulas.
In addition to the previous two girls, one of which was almost perfect, and the second — on the contrary, let's look at a real girl, not gold, but simple. At the same time I'll show about how you can work with the ideal model to me every time I asked: "where is guuut your integrated personality?" Known where, in a fairy tale.
Imagine a regular girl at work is not great, and apparently she's not a goddess, and her Hobbies are not that creative, and friends conventional, and not so few, to treat novels easily. In General, I would like her permanent MCH, and even better husband. But for the first meet, of course, she doesn't want. In General, a typical story. And here she meets with a young man that seemed to her attractive, but still makes it clear that he likes her.
Now I'm as aunt fairies will talk about some of the main mistakes that girl in the beginning of the novel. (Novels are different, sometimes a girl MCH does not in any way, but she decides to give him a chance, he or she is not very good, but very trying to attract, the situations we will examine separately, if you want, but here imagine that from the very beginning — more or less).
The first bug is called "Ostrich"
They say that the ostrich, in fact, head in the sand no one is not hiding and get this insect. But it doesn't matter. Not an example of intelligent ostriches girls often still hiding their heads in the sand. They demonstrate the external indifference at meetings, and with them and with friends alone give in to their feelings will. They think that if no one sees their love, it is completely safe. It is actually the opposite. Upon meeting his love, to demonstrate it is possible and sometimes even necessary, but outside the meetings need to try not to wind yourself up too much, but despondency not to allow to remain in a buoyant but stable condition, while the situation is not completely clear.
Sometimes even love is not any, and girls want to pretend, to dream, to fantasize, even to suffer, while it's not painful, but nice. I want to put everything aside and spend all day talking about the new acquaintance, just for once managed to fall in love. What are the risks I described in the previous post. If a new acquaintance is thinking about you very little, and you very much it teaches the superiority of his forces. This does not mean that we should fear any of his thoughts, thoughts need to happily greet, but transferring the attention to some activities without getting stuck in those thoughts for long.
But at a meeting it is better to be the most active emotion, with one small condition: non-verbal. You can Shine your eyes, to blind him with a smile, watching admiringly and as anything else to demonstrate my sympathy, but it is better not to say any words about that yet. Even if the new friend he takes the theme on relationships, listen, but avoid responses because the time has not come yet. The most stupid tactics: look cold and closed, but to start a conversation about what you want from a relationship, to talk about their past romances and delve into the analysis.
Protective formula — with this bug: "the Feelings that you are hiding from a person, increase your libido, feelings that you show to the person, increase his attraction (if it is greater than zero)".
The second bug is called "Swing"
No, it's not the swing that use the manipulators to shake a person's emotions and drive him crazy. It swings, which some of the girls themselves rocking and maddening myself. For example, they show indifference, and then begin to worry that pushed him with his cold. Even if they don't start fussing to like and write on the wall to compensate for their wrong behavior, they worry about it.
Bringing yourself to a frazzle, they can become angry, that someone forced them to cry, although they made themselves. Then he offers to meet for a long time she breaks down, spoiling him the whole attitude, and then offended that he postponed the meeting, and when they finally meet, it stings and it hurts, and then, ashamed, he invites to him. There, she feels annoyance at his initiative, and warns that serious relationship do not interest her, and interested in just sex.
And the next day writes romantic messages that he didn't think about her bad. Then gives an ambiguous status in the social networks and hang an ambiguous photo. As a result of its border flying here and there, and he feels the desire to keep a distance with such a strange girl. It would be better to do the opposite: be positive, cheerful and consistent, willing to respond to his initiative, but to show no activity and slightly slow down the pace that he sets. Then its borders would open faster and thus the relationship a little more would drive her. I don't want any hints and notes about the new acquaintance in social networks!
The formula for dealing with this bug: "a Magnet that causes a person to do to another active steps, is a visual openness, warmth and durability in the cold and the sense of danger scare away even animals."
Another anti-bug: "the Beginning of a relationship is not the time for meaningless promises and agreements, and the time for meaningful glances."
The third bug is called "the Swamp"
When starting a new relationship in which the feeling is growing rapidly, and escape is almost impossible, (especially if internal resources leave much to be desired), it is important not to sit in front of the mirror. The mirror in this passive state into a swamp and pulls the energy. And it's not the mirror, of course, but the fact that the energy in the passive state of dreams is always on the increase its own dependencies, so self-esteem plummets and soon from the mirrors may look some kind of hobgoblin. Therefore it is not necessary to remain in passive expectation. Look in the mirror, but not for hours.
It is very important between sessions to put your energy into a flurry of activity. The rapid, which is only possible! Ideally, at this moment not bad to work or begin to learn something important but, unfortunately, for people without a good internal resources, this is an option in the state of love is practically inaccessible. Therefore, we can assume a more easy task: to improve your body, your wardrobe, your house, your kitchen. Love is quite inspiring.
All the energy of love early in the relationship need to focus on improving yourself and your (as send to relationship too early), but in any case not to lie and not to sit, waiting for the bell, and on reflection. Start a small repair or a daily practice or course of self-massage that enough forces to bleed any resource, even the smallest, and your self-esteem will rise, and energy that could go to the formation of your addiction, will strengthen your position.
The magic formula for dealing with this bug: "Passion is a bottle of gin, and if not give him useful work, it will destroy its host".
The fourth bug "Steam"
One of the most common mistakes I mentioned: ahead of the event, taking the place of the engine. When people meet, they are new friends. Not lovers, not even friends, and new acquaintances, so do not look at the unfamiliar person appraisingly presenting, whether you want to Wake up with him every morning or will irritate his protruding ears.
With an unfamiliar person to Wake up every morning is not necessary! And in that case, if you happen to love the ears will become a favourite with their ears and their importance will change. So there is no sense asking prices to a new person on the market. This is the same sour, brooding faces of the girls on a date, after which date they often regret. Or another option is to evaluate yourself his eyes and worry that doesn't seem ideal. You need to understand that relationship is a dynamic thing, and a man who looks at you now almost with indifference, may be interested, to get involved, then fall, then even adore you more than anyone else, and change the attitude to you and he will change, especially it will change in your eyes your feelings, if it will grow.
Yet enough that is: you interested in this new man, he's one of many, but you are happy to meet you smile and not think about whether he needs you in life, and whether you are him. Thoughts on the possibility of a serious relationship and spoil the romantic moment of the beginning of convergence, and then, paganis you really are, you'll miss the moment of acquaintance, which is so ineptly missed.
Anti-bug: "In love it is very dangerous to live in the future, because the present you are depriving yourself and your partner, and without a nice present to the future with you, he may not want"
And the main "Learn to play, if you want to live".
Source: evo-lutio.livejournal.com/53603.html
What would be the ideal model I described, all I want them to try. Like Cinderella's sisters wanted to pull on her glass slipper.
I do not propose generic models for practical application, and conditioned for analysis, to then, independently, each could come up with a formula for yourself.
But today is the day ready formulas.
In addition to the previous two girls, one of which was almost perfect, and the second — on the contrary, let's look at a real girl, not gold, but simple. At the same time I'll show about how you can work with the ideal model to me every time I asked: "where is guuut your integrated personality?" Known where, in a fairy tale.
Imagine a regular girl at work is not great, and apparently she's not a goddess, and her Hobbies are not that creative, and friends conventional, and not so few, to treat novels easily. In General, I would like her permanent MCH, and even better husband. But for the first meet, of course, she doesn't want. In General, a typical story. And here she meets with a young man that seemed to her attractive, but still makes it clear that he likes her.
Now I'm as aunt fairies will talk about some of the main mistakes that girl in the beginning of the novel. (Novels are different, sometimes a girl MCH does not in any way, but she decides to give him a chance, he or she is not very good, but very trying to attract, the situations we will examine separately, if you want, but here imagine that from the very beginning — more or less).
The first bug is called "Ostrich"
They say that the ostrich, in fact, head in the sand no one is not hiding and get this insect. But it doesn't matter. Not an example of intelligent ostriches girls often still hiding their heads in the sand. They demonstrate the external indifference at meetings, and with them and with friends alone give in to their feelings will. They think that if no one sees their love, it is completely safe. It is actually the opposite. Upon meeting his love, to demonstrate it is possible and sometimes even necessary, but outside the meetings need to try not to wind yourself up too much, but despondency not to allow to remain in a buoyant but stable condition, while the situation is not completely clear.
Sometimes even love is not any, and girls want to pretend, to dream, to fantasize, even to suffer, while it's not painful, but nice. I want to put everything aside and spend all day talking about the new acquaintance, just for once managed to fall in love. What are the risks I described in the previous post. If a new acquaintance is thinking about you very little, and you very much it teaches the superiority of his forces. This does not mean that we should fear any of his thoughts, thoughts need to happily greet, but transferring the attention to some activities without getting stuck in those thoughts for long.
But at a meeting it is better to be the most active emotion, with one small condition: non-verbal. You can Shine your eyes, to blind him with a smile, watching admiringly and as anything else to demonstrate my sympathy, but it is better not to say any words about that yet. Even if the new friend he takes the theme on relationships, listen, but avoid responses because the time has not come yet. The most stupid tactics: look cold and closed, but to start a conversation about what you want from a relationship, to talk about their past romances and delve into the analysis.
Protective formula — with this bug: "the Feelings that you are hiding from a person, increase your libido, feelings that you show to the person, increase his attraction (if it is greater than zero)".
The second bug is called "Swing"
No, it's not the swing that use the manipulators to shake a person's emotions and drive him crazy. It swings, which some of the girls themselves rocking and maddening myself. For example, they show indifference, and then begin to worry that pushed him with his cold. Even if they don't start fussing to like and write on the wall to compensate for their wrong behavior, they worry about it.
Bringing yourself to a frazzle, they can become angry, that someone forced them to cry, although they made themselves. Then he offers to meet for a long time she breaks down, spoiling him the whole attitude, and then offended that he postponed the meeting, and when they finally meet, it stings and it hurts, and then, ashamed, he invites to him. There, she feels annoyance at his initiative, and warns that serious relationship do not interest her, and interested in just sex.
And the next day writes romantic messages that he didn't think about her bad. Then gives an ambiguous status in the social networks and hang an ambiguous photo. As a result of its border flying here and there, and he feels the desire to keep a distance with such a strange girl. It would be better to do the opposite: be positive, cheerful and consistent, willing to respond to his initiative, but to show no activity and slightly slow down the pace that he sets. Then its borders would open faster and thus the relationship a little more would drive her. I don't want any hints and notes about the new acquaintance in social networks!
The formula for dealing with this bug: "a Magnet that causes a person to do to another active steps, is a visual openness, warmth and durability in the cold and the sense of danger scare away even animals."
Another anti-bug: "the Beginning of a relationship is not the time for meaningless promises and agreements, and the time for meaningful glances."
The third bug is called "the Swamp"
When starting a new relationship in which the feeling is growing rapidly, and escape is almost impossible, (especially if internal resources leave much to be desired), it is important not to sit in front of the mirror. The mirror in this passive state into a swamp and pulls the energy. And it's not the mirror, of course, but the fact that the energy in the passive state of dreams is always on the increase its own dependencies, so self-esteem plummets and soon from the mirrors may look some kind of hobgoblin. Therefore it is not necessary to remain in passive expectation. Look in the mirror, but not for hours.
It is very important between sessions to put your energy into a flurry of activity. The rapid, which is only possible! Ideally, at this moment not bad to work or begin to learn something important but, unfortunately, for people without a good internal resources, this is an option in the state of love is practically inaccessible. Therefore, we can assume a more easy task: to improve your body, your wardrobe, your house, your kitchen. Love is quite inspiring.
All the energy of love early in the relationship need to focus on improving yourself and your (as send to relationship too early), but in any case not to lie and not to sit, waiting for the bell, and on reflection. Start a small repair or a daily practice or course of self-massage that enough forces to bleed any resource, even the smallest, and your self-esteem will rise, and energy that could go to the formation of your addiction, will strengthen your position.
The magic formula for dealing with this bug: "Passion is a bottle of gin, and if not give him useful work, it will destroy its host".
The fourth bug "Steam"
One of the most common mistakes I mentioned: ahead of the event, taking the place of the engine. When people meet, they are new friends. Not lovers, not even friends, and new acquaintances, so do not look at the unfamiliar person appraisingly presenting, whether you want to Wake up with him every morning or will irritate his protruding ears.
With an unfamiliar person to Wake up every morning is not necessary! And in that case, if you happen to love the ears will become a favourite with their ears and their importance will change. So there is no sense asking prices to a new person on the market. This is the same sour, brooding faces of the girls on a date, after which date they often regret. Or another option is to evaluate yourself his eyes and worry that doesn't seem ideal. You need to understand that relationship is a dynamic thing, and a man who looks at you now almost with indifference, may be interested, to get involved, then fall, then even adore you more than anyone else, and change the attitude to you and he will change, especially it will change in your eyes your feelings, if it will grow.
Yet enough that is: you interested in this new man, he's one of many, but you are happy to meet you smile and not think about whether he needs you in life, and whether you are him. Thoughts on the possibility of a serious relationship and spoil the romantic moment of the beginning of convergence, and then, paganis you really are, you'll miss the moment of acquaintance, which is so ineptly missed.
Anti-bug: "In love it is very dangerous to live in the future, because the present you are depriving yourself and your partner, and without a nice present to the future with you, he may not want"
And the main "Learn to play, if you want to live".
Source: evo-lutio.livejournal.com/53603.html