Time is a relative concept or the end of the sheet is already visible
However, people without it this long felt. Nobody would argue that a good time is rushing with insane speed and boring and pointless stretches like a turtle?
To somehow bring order to this chaos, and were invented calendars. Look at the calendar and feel confident and calm: today is Monday, tomorrow is Tuesday, and two days later will begin the summer.
The only problem is that calendars are also quite relative. There are calendars that slow down time, and there are those that make you worth your weight in gold. Don't believe?
Let's take for example, vintage tear-off calendar. Thick a pile of leaves-days that you can't even flip through. And then will end the year and you will be hanged the next. If you live by this calendar, then life seems endless. Days — not count, why hurry?
Or, for example, an ordinary pocket calendar. A convenient thing, though it is not without flaws. Allows you to plan your life for a year.
A whole year?! And then what?
And then remove the following calendar and start again.
As you can see, all these ways of counting time there is one significant problem. They are ripped from the time stream one segment, in the first case, the day, second — year, but do not allow to look at the rest of your life. They inform us on what day it is on account of Christ, but are silent about what day it is on account of your life.
Although for us it is much more important, isn't it?
And recently, my eye caught the calendar, which completely solves all the problems with planning and motivation. He is simply brilliant and brilliantly simple. See for yourself.
Is human life expectancy in 90 years (we are kind, we do not mind), presented in the form of weeks. One little cell is one week, each row is the next year of your life. This is released you time. Impressive?
But the more you will understand when you will print and paint over already spent time. Then hang this calendar in the kitchen or put on the desktop and start to paint each the following week. For variety and clarity, we can emphasize the most important events or periods in your life.
There is a full map of your life the size of an A4 sheet, which gives a visual representation of the limbs of your life and will help you to appreciate every week.
You probably want to ask me, where is this calendar the days of the week, numbers and months?
And if so much you need them? You may not be able to answer what is the date today, but will know exactly what is now the fifth week of the thirty-third year of your life. You by all means will try to make the most memorable and beautiful.
After the end of the sheet is already visible...
Source: lifehacker.ru/2014/05/16/prostoj-kalendar-kotoryj-sdelaet-vashu-zhizn-osmyslennoj/
To somehow bring order to this chaos, and were invented calendars. Look at the calendar and feel confident and calm: today is Monday, tomorrow is Tuesday, and two days later will begin the summer.
The only problem is that calendars are also quite relative. There are calendars that slow down time, and there are those that make you worth your weight in gold. Don't believe?
Let's take for example, vintage tear-off calendar. Thick a pile of leaves-days that you can't even flip through. And then will end the year and you will be hanged the next. If you live by this calendar, then life seems endless. Days — not count, why hurry?
Or, for example, an ordinary pocket calendar. A convenient thing, though it is not without flaws. Allows you to plan your life for a year.
A whole year?! And then what?
And then remove the following calendar and start again.
As you can see, all these ways of counting time there is one significant problem. They are ripped from the time stream one segment, in the first case, the day, second — year, but do not allow to look at the rest of your life. They inform us on what day it is on account of Christ, but are silent about what day it is on account of your life.
Although for us it is much more important, isn't it?
And recently, my eye caught the calendar, which completely solves all the problems with planning and motivation. He is simply brilliant and brilliantly simple. See for yourself.
Is human life expectancy in 90 years (we are kind, we do not mind), presented in the form of weeks. One little cell is one week, each row is the next year of your life. This is released you time. Impressive?

But the more you will understand when you will print and paint over already spent time. Then hang this calendar in the kitchen or put on the desktop and start to paint each the following week. For variety and clarity, we can emphasize the most important events or periods in your life.
There is a full map of your life the size of an A4 sheet, which gives a visual representation of the limbs of your life and will help you to appreciate every week.
You probably want to ask me, where is this calendar the days of the week, numbers and months?
And if so much you need them? You may not be able to answer what is the date today, but will know exactly what is now the fifth week of the thirty-third year of your life. You by all means will try to make the most memorable and beautiful.
After the end of the sheet is already visible...
Source: lifehacker.ru/2014/05/16/prostoj-kalendar-kotoryj-sdelaet-vashu-zhizn-osmyslennoj/