Why is it helpful to stretch and yawn
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As a rule, people yawn and stretch themselves, when tired, didn't sleep well, or just tired of sitting in one position. It turns out that these actions are beneficial to the human body.
Why do people yawn?Yawning relates to conditioned reflexes, which is the involuntary act of breathing. Going on a deep enough breath of air with a wide spreading mouth, with the mouth and throat expand. This is followed by a sharp exhale with a specific sound. During yawning overlap of the auditory tube, in this way, hearing is muffled, and throat disclosed so widely that the air flow can reach to the stomach.
Even the fetus in the womb yawns. The yawn is typical for fish, amphibians, birds and animals. Many animals yawn, show their teeth and, thus, as if to say that the hungry, or give the pack team, it is time to sleep. Scientists believe that in the process of evolution of the mechanism of yawning developed the biorhythms change: yawning, individuals demonstrated to all that it is time to sleep.
However, why then do people yawn? Prerequisites for yawning can be quite a lot. We start to yawn, if very much tired, if we're bored, if we are very tense, if you want to sleep. In addition, yawning attacks when people are very hungry or, conversely, tightly eaten enough.
It is considered that yawning suggests that the body goes from a state of excitation in the stage of braking. The result is decreased performance of the nervous tissue: slow down some physiological processes and body functions, especially as it relates to breath, it becomes more slow and perfunctory. Due to this, blood accumulates a greater amount of metabolic products – carbon dioxide, toxic substances. This is what causes a yawn.
When a person yawns, then there is a deep enough breath, and the blood is oxygenated, due to this, she actively runs on the vessels, including and vessels of the brain, because when you yawn, the muscle tension in the neck, face and mouth. That is, when you yawn, we're trying to cheer up, not to sleep. But such activity is of short duration, and the more we begin to yawn, the more tired our brain.
Previously, it was believed that people yawn due to lack of oxygen in the room, however, scientists has denied this fact.
Interesting factsPeople usually start to yawn before you increase the activity – for example, before an important performance, exam or tricks. Thus, the body mobilizes its forces and fighting the fear.
In the process of boring activities people usually yawn and Wake up.
In Japan, for some enterprises, the workers make a special Severnye pause to reflect on the screens of the sweet yawning people. As a result, workers are drawn into "Zavalny process", and after that start working twice as active.
It is noticed that people who have little yawn, usually have more severe nature, can afford tactless and inconsiderate behaviour.
Yawning is contagious: up to 60% of people seeing yawning in a few minutes they begin to yawn. Usually these people can actively empathize with the problems of others.
Yawning healthyScientists have proven the fact that those who yawn a lot, have less wrinkles, think faster and get more oxygen to the skin and tissues. Yawning saves people for stress, helps to relax and relieve fatigue, and stimulates brain cell activity.
He also proved the positive effect of the yawn to normalize blood pressure, relieve nervous tension as well as pain in the joints. While spontaneous yawning is prevention of heart attacks and heart problems. If you have an important decision to make or just relax – open mouth, as if mimicking the yawning and yawning, soon she will come to you. Only posivite and you will immediately notice how different you feel.
Stretching good for healthWith a long presence in a constant tense posture the muscles begin to numb, they accumulate lactic acid and there is a need to disperse it. Due to this aktiviziruyutsya performance and increases the overall tone. Due to the try of the muscles involved in the work and improves mood.
Sweet stretching are a great way to combat stress and bad mood. In addition, the active pulling force blood to move faster through the vessels, improves cerebral circulation.
Make sure you leave yourself time in the mornings to try, let your hands and feet. Only then get up from the bed. Do not forget to pozivati – this helps to develop the facial muscles and fills the body with oxygen.
Source: help-me.by/pochemu-polezno-potyagivatsya-i-zevat
As a rule, people yawn and stretch themselves, when tired, didn't sleep well, or just tired of sitting in one position. It turns out that these actions are beneficial to the human body.
Why do people yawn?Yawning relates to conditioned reflexes, which is the involuntary act of breathing. Going on a deep enough breath of air with a wide spreading mouth, with the mouth and throat expand. This is followed by a sharp exhale with a specific sound. During yawning overlap of the auditory tube, in this way, hearing is muffled, and throat disclosed so widely that the air flow can reach to the stomach.
Even the fetus in the womb yawns. The yawn is typical for fish, amphibians, birds and animals. Many animals yawn, show their teeth and, thus, as if to say that the hungry, or give the pack team, it is time to sleep. Scientists believe that in the process of evolution of the mechanism of yawning developed the biorhythms change: yawning, individuals demonstrated to all that it is time to sleep.
However, why then do people yawn? Prerequisites for yawning can be quite a lot. We start to yawn, if very much tired, if we're bored, if we are very tense, if you want to sleep. In addition, yawning attacks when people are very hungry or, conversely, tightly eaten enough.
It is considered that yawning suggests that the body goes from a state of excitation in the stage of braking. The result is decreased performance of the nervous tissue: slow down some physiological processes and body functions, especially as it relates to breath, it becomes more slow and perfunctory. Due to this, blood accumulates a greater amount of metabolic products – carbon dioxide, toxic substances. This is what causes a yawn.
When a person yawns, then there is a deep enough breath, and the blood is oxygenated, due to this, she actively runs on the vessels, including and vessels of the brain, because when you yawn, the muscle tension in the neck, face and mouth. That is, when you yawn, we're trying to cheer up, not to sleep. But such activity is of short duration, and the more we begin to yawn, the more tired our brain.
Previously, it was believed that people yawn due to lack of oxygen in the room, however, scientists has denied this fact.
Interesting factsPeople usually start to yawn before you increase the activity – for example, before an important performance, exam or tricks. Thus, the body mobilizes its forces and fighting the fear.
In the process of boring activities people usually yawn and Wake up.
In Japan, for some enterprises, the workers make a special Severnye pause to reflect on the screens of the sweet yawning people. As a result, workers are drawn into "Zavalny process", and after that start working twice as active.
It is noticed that people who have little yawn, usually have more severe nature, can afford tactless and inconsiderate behaviour.
Yawning is contagious: up to 60% of people seeing yawning in a few minutes they begin to yawn. Usually these people can actively empathize with the problems of others.
Yawning healthyScientists have proven the fact that those who yawn a lot, have less wrinkles, think faster and get more oxygen to the skin and tissues. Yawning saves people for stress, helps to relax and relieve fatigue, and stimulates brain cell activity.
He also proved the positive effect of the yawn to normalize blood pressure, relieve nervous tension as well as pain in the joints. While spontaneous yawning is prevention of heart attacks and heart problems. If you have an important decision to make or just relax – open mouth, as if mimicking the yawning and yawning, soon she will come to you. Only posivite and you will immediately notice how different you feel.
Stretching good for healthWith a long presence in a constant tense posture the muscles begin to numb, they accumulate lactic acid and there is a need to disperse it. Due to this aktiviziruyutsya performance and increases the overall tone. Due to the try of the muscles involved in the work and improves mood.
Sweet stretching are a great way to combat stress and bad mood. In addition, the active pulling force blood to move faster through the vessels, improves cerebral circulation.
Make sure you leave yourself time in the mornings to try, let your hands and feet. Only then get up from the bed. Do not forget to pozivati – this helps to develop the facial muscles and fills the body with oxygen.
Source: help-me.by/pochemu-polezno-potyagivatsya-i-zevat
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