Unmanned future
Twenty eight million nine hundred thirty eight thousand five hundred thirty four
The future is close and it may come sooner than we notice. According to the study, after 20 years on the road will be about 12 million driverless cars — 10% of total auto sales.
Indeed, 44% of drivers surveyed by the Boston consulting group (BCG), said that they are going to consider buying a fully automated car in the next 10 years. The main advantages, which they call, is the ability to save on fuel and insurance and increased security.
Not looking up from the latte turned Out that the drivers also want to be able to bring in all their habits, including present day multi-tasking. The ability to drink driving latte and scribbling SMS without threat to life is worth it to spend the extra money.
Out of every five person one said that he is ready to pay 5 thousand dollars more for a machine that will carry him part of the tasks of the driver.
Reuters Thomas Doner, head of BCG's analysis of global auto industry has shared his opinion about the prospects imobilecinema auto:
"This will be the most radical change in the automotive industry over the past 100 years." Audi, Mercedes-Benz and General Motors are working to create a partially automated machines, which will be presented in 2015-2016. Fully Autonomous cars will appear on sale not quite soon, but the producers expect that they will hit the market in 2025.
It seems that the generation of the new Millennium will be the first that doesn't have to teach their children to drive.
Source: insider.pro/EN/article/3974/
The future is close and it may come sooner than we notice. According to the study, after 20 years on the road will be about 12 million driverless cars — 10% of total auto sales.
Indeed, 44% of drivers surveyed by the Boston consulting group (BCG), said that they are going to consider buying a fully automated car in the next 10 years. The main advantages, which they call, is the ability to save on fuel and insurance and increased security.
Not looking up from the latte turned Out that the drivers also want to be able to bring in all their habits, including present day multi-tasking. The ability to drink driving latte and scribbling SMS without threat to life is worth it to spend the extra money.
Out of every five person one said that he is ready to pay 5 thousand dollars more for a machine that will carry him part of the tasks of the driver.
Reuters Thomas Doner, head of BCG's analysis of global auto industry has shared his opinion about the prospects imobilecinema auto:
"This will be the most radical change in the automotive industry over the past 100 years." Audi, Mercedes-Benz and General Motors are working to create a partially automated machines, which will be presented in 2015-2016. Fully Autonomous cars will appear on sale not quite soon, but the producers expect that they will hit the market in 2025.
It seems that the generation of the new Millennium will be the first that doesn't have to teach their children to drive.
Source: insider.pro/EN/article/3974/