Created a device to "teleport" physical objects

Teleportation of physical objects as in the TV series "Star trek" a step closer to reality thanks to the prototype device using the technology of 3D printing. Its creators used a simple technique.
As the newspaper writes Daily Mail, a device called Scotty (in honor of one of the characters in the sci-Fi series "Star trek") digitizes the object in one place, destroying it during scanning, and recreating a copy elsewhere. The object is scanned layer by layer, and then transferred to the machine understandable language and printed on a 3D printer.
To teleport thing, you need to put it into the machine, select the recipient and click "Move" — it will be teleported to a specified location.
Scotty is a simple self contained unit that allows you to teleport inanimate physical objects at a distance, say researchers from the Institute named Hasso Plattner of Germany.

The uniqueness of the object is maintained due to the destruction of the original. The point is that this is not a simple copy of the original object, and the transfer from one place to another. According to the researchers, at the same time there can be only one instance of an object. This increases the emotional value of physical objects exchanged between friends.
Scotty solves another important problem is digital piracy. With the development of 3D printing is becoming a serious problem of leakage of the source files which you can copy and reproduce an original piece.
The destruction of the original ensures that purchased in the online store thing is going to be delivered to the buyer instantly.
Scotty scans an object using a digital camera, and destroys with the help of a router. The disadvantage of the device is that it allows you to teleport only plastic, and in one color – black (to increase contrast). Since no other materials we are not talking about teleporting to other planets yet you can forget. However, with the development of 3D printing technology range of materials suitable for teleportation, will only increase.
According to scientists, time travel and a real teleportation will be available by the year 2100.
Source: hi-news.ru