Trains, faster planes

You thought Elon Musk had forgotten about his Hyperloop, a superfast transportation system, which he started to say back in 2013?
Not surprising: it has long been the last time I spoke on this topic.
And yet he continues to think of her. In fact, recently Musk has decided to build a test track to demonstrate his ideas.
While few details, but here's what Musk wrote in his Twitter on 15 January:

We will build a Hyperloop test track so companies and student groups can test their capsule. Most likely, in Texas.
In order to encourage people to get involved, he suggests to create the League competition to see which student groups will construct the capsule.

I'm thinking to organize an annual competition created by students capsules for Hyperloop, like Formula SAE.
Capsule real race!
Here are the key points of what we know about the Hyperloop system, which wants to build Elon Musk:
The first full-size Hyperloop track (not the test) will stretch from Los Angeles to San Francisco.
Team Mask believes that the cost of the route from Los Angeles to San Francisco will be about $ 6 billion.
According to theoretical calculations, this trip will take 35 minutes.
The highest estimated rate of approximately 1 223 km/h.
Musk believes that the Hyperloop will work either above or below ground.
The idea was to launch the capsule into the tube under pressure. This tube is (theoretically) contains prevacuum that allows the capsule to move at a significantly reduced air resistance. The capsule itself slides on air cushion, despite the fact that its design implies the use of accumulated air pressure, which usually slows down the vehicle in its favor.
Source: insider.pro/EN/article/4085/