Hyperloop Elon musk — a revolution not only in transport

From San Francisco to Los Angeles — 559,1 kilometers. For comparison: from St. Petersburg to Moscow is 634 kilometers (straight-line). Almost the same. To drive over five hundred miles in 35 minutes — this is the dream of the Hyperloop.
In 2013, Elon Musk introduced the world to this dream contained 60 sheets of white paper. Based on the idea to launch a supersonic train levitating on pure solar energy. He could make a revolution in the minds of the fans of technology and transport. But will it ever — that is the question.
The Musk says he too busy to do this, but if other people want to, well, he's all for it. It turned out, there were about a hundred people who wanted to accept his offer.
For example, the company Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT), which is actually not really a company. Using JumpStartFund, a hybrid model of crowdfunding and crowdsourcing, the organization plans to build Hyperloop forces workers who do not get the money until the train does.
How is that possible? For the most part, these workers do not work on HTT. Every day they go to work in a variety of companies such as Boeing and NASA Yahoo SpaceX and Salesforce and Airbus. HTT gives them the opportunity to realize extra time and knowledge in the creation of a supersonic train. Such is the network.
In addition, in this network need to apply for a job. This means that unlike most crowdfunding initiatives that you just undertake the work, this will still be to choose from. Not only will this allow you to attract to the project the most talented people, but will also provide him a hefty backup pool if the workers will come and go. This is what happens when people work in other companies or not receive payment for their work.
So it will be a while.
A few weeks ago about hundreds of engineers who are in the network, HTT, got together and wrote a 76-page plan, arguing that it will build first Hyperloop (which will connect Los Angeles with Las Vegas, not quite according to plan Elon musk) in just 10 years, and the project will cost some $ 16 billion.
What is interesting in all this is the parallel between the new kind of organizational structure required for the construction technologies like the Hyperloop, and the new social structure the Hyperloop will eventually create.
In macroscopic terms of distance hamper the business. We know that businesses need a level of confidence to succeed, but confidence is only emitted in the process of interpersonal contact. Here, the Hyperloop will come in handy if nothing else.
Transport technology, which will allow residents of Los Angeles to go to work in Vegas or San Francisco, or even somewhere that will make neighbors of strangers. Suddenly, people living in different cities, eat in the same restaurants. Will go into the booth. To walk in the same room. Hyperloop can significantly enhance interpersonal communication, and thus to change the ways of doing business. To imagine all the consequences of this, imagine that from Moscow to St. Petersburg (and back) can be reached in just 40 minutes — during this time, sometimes from one paragraph to another in one only to Moscow could not be reached.
If Hyperloop gets built and the technology evolyutsioniruet something larger traffic network around the world — to change not only transportation, will change the entire business and all the relationships in principle. This is how to invent a teleporter.
Source: hi-news.ru