The parents of the girls on a note

In our Ashram, actively blooming plumeria or fragipani, as they call it in Europe. This tree has very beautiful flowers. They are gentle and very touching, exude a subtle and unique aroma that resembles the scent of citrus, Jasmine, spices, Gardenia.
And today was the wedding and I watched with admiration the young. They looked like flowers, so beautiful was their outfits. When I approached, one of the couples that would like to congratulate, I felt the smell of the bride. It's impossible to tell her hair and body were anointed with scented oils, she was decorated with flower garlands and jewelery. Involuntarily, I compared it to fragipani in all its splendor, she was as fresh and pristine.
We also have a daughter, she is 14 soon and I have a few months thrilled with how do I correctly and clearly to explain to her about the importance of chastity.
Of course this in itself is a word that holds much more than education, purity of thought. But like any parent I worry about the risk of early sexual relationships. This summer, I asked her: "What must I do, what would have happened?" — she said that I just have to trust her, in response I said that it's easy to say, to which she replied that is my problem. I guess she's right, this is certainly my problem, but here a year as we speak on this subject, she willingly went on contact, then began to show more interest and I think she began to hear.
It looks like this: "did you know that in India marrying a girl deprived of virginity, is excluded as meaningless useless action? The people entering into such marriages and their offspring are automatically included in the category of outcasts. The fact that a woman, in accordance with the Vedic conception, is compared with the field (kshetra), and the man with the owner of the field (kshetri). First sastavci (who put the seed vozglavil) field becomes its owner and therefore the owner of everything that rises (is born) ever in this field. Therefore, if the sower of the field were not you, then the fruit (children) born of this box from your seed does not belong to you, and you are equated to a thief who used (zastausia) someone else's field."
At the time, I told her the story from the Bible about king Solomon, he had the reputation as the richest and most wise ruler. Solomon had the world's largest harem, and mainly consisted of virgins. Virgin carries a tremendous amount of energy that it takes during intercourse spends to achieve their goals. Filled man can do everything, he is successful in all his Affairs. That is why the right of the first night belongs to the tribe leader.
My daughter remembered that when she was reading "Notes of the Count Saint Garmen or in the iron mask" by Edvard Radzinsky, there Louis the 14th was also the "house of fairies" in which he brought virgins. And in all the legends and tales were sacrificed is the virgin, and she read that from the point of view of the occult, there is a theory that the women with a few men, a child is born with-all the qualities "of these previous men.
I'm juggling and were able to explain that if the previous communication is not completed, the child in the following respects replaces a previous partner. Sexual relationship, even if it only happened once and lasts for 7 years and no special rituals is not going away, and the first sexual experience is for life, the energy imprint of the first men can exert influence on offspring...
I'm also reminded of the scientific article and the book "Boys and girls and their parents about the consequences of pre-marital intimate life" is a new book published by the publishing house "Iman" of the Republic of Tatarstan. Its author is Kazbek Urusov, who scientifically proves the immutability of this truth, which adhered to all the traditional religions. A special feature of the edition is that the author talks about the phenomenon telegonia.
About 150 years ago, konezavodchik, breed new horse breed for endurance decided to cross a horse and a Zebra. But no conception has not happened: none of the horses from the zebras, or the Zebra from the mares. Experiments have stopped. But after a few years these mares were born striped foals from thoroughbred stallions. This phenomenon is called telegonia.
Urusov adopted multiple sexual relationships cause the girl destroyed the potential of the generic function. This means that her reproductive organs leaves us with a mark that does not allow it in the future to give birth to healthy children. Even when she meets her beloved, the one and only, marry him and wants to have children, her premarital experience could be her obstacle. The one who was before him lays the gene pool, regardless of when and from whom she will give birth. A man who violated his virginity, becomes the gene father of future children of the woman.
Now, doctors say, such young couples very much. Every day come new and new for advice and ask for help. That's why the preservation of virginity, they argue, should be taken seriously.
In ancient times our ancestors have existed a set of moral rules about chastity and heredity. They knew from promiscuous relations with men, girls can't be healthy children. The results of these violations we see in virtually every arrangement, where there is a problem with children or relationships.
But all this gives morality, prohibition, manipulate, threats if you want. I like our conversations about femininity and the importance of women in different traditions, her power, the ability to communicate with nature and energies, and that it nature ordered to pass life on...
That when IT happens, as it is important that IT was...
I sincerely hope that our conversations will be able to touch the strings of heart my girl, which awakens in her the ancient knowledge of our ancestors. I pray that in her life everything was right.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: ishchenko.pro/roditelyam-be-na-zametku/