The role of vitamins for cats

As you know, vitamins play a huge role in all metabolic processes. In addition, they protect cats from the adverse effects of environmental factors, strengthen the immune system. And even if the animal is sick, with a proper diet and obtaining all of the vitamins and minerals, the recovery occurs much sooner.
Vitamins activate proper growth and development, increase its resistance to infectious diseases, normalizes the work of cardiovascular system, digestive and others.
It is especially important to add vitamins to kittens in the first months of life. Sometimes the cause of deficiency can be not only wrong nutrition but also a violation on the part of the gastrointestinal tract (worms, antibiotics, or malabsorption of vitamins due to damage to the mucosa of the stomach and intestines).
Beriberi Such a diagnosis most often putting domestic cats. They have a weakened immune system, deteriorating appetite, lose their hair, they often suffer from diseases of the respiratory system, nervous and circulatory.
Beriberi is a disease in contrast to the IMR. Hypovitaminosis is a condition of the body when the cat is not getting all the necessary vitamins in sufficient quantity is the initial malfunction of systems and organs, but not impact badly on her health. The deficiency leads to beriberi is a consequence of prolonged malnutrition, which is missing one or more (polyanilines) of important vitamins.
Causes of avitaminosis:
- violation revenues from food at the wrong cat food;
- digestive disorders or the functioning of the organs, which are associated with this process;
- the reception by the cat of certain drugs, which violate the flow and absorption, promote the breakdown of vitamins in the body.
- Lack of vitamin C – scurvy;
- The lack of vitamin A – night blindness;
- The lack of vitamin D rickets;
- Lack of vitamin PP pellagra;
- The lack of vitamin B1 is beriberi.
-all the essential my pet gets from natural food — no matter how you tried, very hard, "the eye" to make it correct and balanced;
— multivitamin preparations harmful, as it is "pure chemistry" — is more profitable and cheaper for any manufacturer to pack in capsule and tablet vitamins are natural origin.
Also remember that vitamins from a reputable manufacturer is several times greater than the quality of the cheap systems, unfortunately. Simply look to the composition.
Source: vetsait.com