Tesla tower hidden in the forests near Moscow

The generator is capable of producing high voltage pulses, with a duration of about 100 microseconds.
What you see on the picture is one of the most powerful generators of high-voltage electrical pulses, built during the Soviet Union. This actually is an implementation of the so-called Marx generator (Marx Generator) capable of generating pulses with a voltage of 6 megavolt and create electrical discharges with a length of 200 meters.
Built in the 1970-ies, this generator is designed for testing the insulation strength, lightning protection of aircraft and research in the field of weapons systems on the basis of electromagnetic pulses. But after the collapse of the USSR the plant was abandoned and left to rust in the open air for a long time.
The generator is capable of producing high voltage pulses, with a duration of about 100 microseconds. But during those microseconds instantaneous power of the pulse exceeds the total capacity of all Russian power plants, including nuclear.
Now the generator of high voltage pulses is a Research centre of high-voltage all-Russian electrotechnical Institute named after V. I. Lenin (FGUP VEI). In recent years, researchers at the center produce an extremely rare inclusion of installation, due to the relatively high cost of energy required to generate high voltage pulse.
According to information posted on the official website of FSUE VEI, take advantage of the generator voltage pulses can be anyone capable of pay spent on this electricity and in need of conduct as confirmed by relevant certificates of tests of planes, vehicles and industrial equipment. In addition, the leadership of FSUE VEI expects that proof of operability of the generator will attract the attention of potential customers who will be able to provide funding for the reconstruction and modernization of this incredible installation.
Source: ridus.ru