Chocolate truffles with hazelnut strawberry dust
Delicate and very fragrant truffle, which will easily be happy as a gift for almost anyone! Vegetable, of course. Variations of fillings and sprinkles can be many, the best guide is your taste and availability in the kitchen. Ingredients:
- 200 grams best dark chocolate — the one that you like the taste (preferably with a cocoa content of not less than 70%)
- 150 grams of coconut milk — chocolate milk is about 3/2
- 1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup
- about 8 tablespoons freeze-dried strawberries or other freeze-dried berries, fruits — currants, cranberries, etc., ground to the consistency of flour in a coffee grinder
- half a Cup lightly toasted hazelnuts, peeled
- 1 tablespoon Japanese soegogo sauce tamari
- 1/2 tablespoon dry ginger
- sesame seeds for dusting
The chocolate finely and put in a deep bowl.
Strawberries to grind into powder in a coffee grinder.
The coconut milk heat until almost boiling and pour it over the chocolate. Stir — up all the chocolate has dissolved. If not all melted, hold for a few more minutes in a water bath, then stir until smooth. Stir in 1/3 of the strawberry powder.
Allow to cool and harden about 15 minutes in the refrigerator. Teaspoon, soaked in warm water to pick off some chocolate and then use your hands to form the truffle balls. If you decide to bother with filling in the form of a hazelnut, the most convenient way for me — keeping one teaspoon in your left hand, take about half of the chocolate and put on top nut. The second spoon in your right hand to scoop up a second helping of chocolate and cover her nut. Blind hands truffle.
The rest of the powder to pour into a small tray and roll the truffle. The consistency of strawberry powder turns out not so light and small and in my case, unevenly accumulated on the truffles. In this case, fingers to distribute the strawberry clusters over the entire area of the truffle.
Store truffles for a long time (a week outside of the refrigerator with a minimum loss of taste), but the colour the next day lose brightness since the powder soaks into the chocolate. published
Source: buckwheatandspinach.com/strawberry-dust-coated-truffles/