How to win a spring avitaminosis
Fifty one million seven hundred five thousand eight hundred sixty four
The long-awaited spring, and with it came such unpleasant things as brittle nails and hair, dull pale skin, bleeding gums, cracks on the lips, a strong feeling of apathy, irritation and lethargy... in addition, many in the spring, many acute chronic diseases, and the common cold can last indefinitely.
These are all signs of vitamin deficiency, which we have heard, and which we are afraid. Is it really all that bad? In fact, most of us in the spring suffers not from beriberi, and hypovitaminosis, that is, insufficient intake of certain vitamins and minerals. However, the "popular" name "beriberi" has taken root in us, and we use it often unaware that the deficiency is the complete absence of vitamins in the body. This terrible disease causes scurvy, and in severe cases – fatal. Fortunately, this phenomenon is quite rare. So, with the terms sorted out. Now let's define the reasons of hypovitaminosis, which overtakes us at this wonderful time of the year, like spring. Causes of vitamin C deficiency is the Main cause of lack of vitamins – lack of getting their food. It is clear that in winter the amount of fruits and vegetables on our table is sharply reduced. The situation is complicated by the fact that, according to scientists, over the last 50 years the vitamin content of fruits and vegetables decreased significantly. For example, apples and oranges "lost" 66% of vitamin A in chicken the amount of the same vitamin decreased by 70%, green has become less of calcium by 46.4%, and cabbage by 85%! This list can go on and on. The reasons for this situation is simple: today vegetables and fruits are grown for the most part, accelerated methods, farmers tend to take 2-3 crops per season. Due to this, the soil is heavily depleted of useful substances, respectively, these substances disappear, and from the fruits of agriculture. Prevention of hypovitaminosis As you know, the best way to treat any disease is its prevention. And deficiencies: it is much easier to prevent its development than to treat the consequences. The vast majority of at the first signs of lethargy and weakness, problems with skin, nails and hair shout: "All clear – beriberi!"— and rush to the pharmacy by buying there in a row all taking vitamins and eating them literally by the handful. And, of course – that in fact the advertising claims that you need to take a multivitamin, askorbinku and multivitamins, and bright boxes says that they solve all the problems. Such self-diagnosis and self – treatment is not the best solution. Do not think that, if vitamins are sold without a prescription so you can eat uncontrollably. To make the diagnosis and prescribe treatment can only a doctor! A seemingly harmless pills and capsules can seriously harm the body. Let's try to avoid the lack of vitamins, supplementing your diet natural their sources. It is much more natural and safer. Healthy food - vitamin a, necessary for eye health, beauty, skin and hair, contains in fish, eggs, liver, cheese, milk, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, green salad, parsley and almost all vegetables. - Vitamin B1 protects our nerve cells, helps it easier to transfer stress, and reduces fatigue. To saturate the body with vitamin B1, you need to eat peas, beans, eggs, liver, milk, wheat germ, and avoid excessive intake of coffee – this drink is able to reduce the beneficial effect of vitamin B1 to zero. - Vitamin B2 contributes to the regeneration of the skin, rapid regeneration of cells, prevents the development of cancer and normalizes blood sugar. Much-needed vitamin contains oat flakes, pork, fish, soy oil, vegetables, eggs and dairy products. - Vitamin B6 which is particularly beneficial to women (improves the condition before menstruation), located in the brain, liver, kidneys, bananas, plums, raisins, cabbage, oat flakes. - Vitamin B12 is useful in the treatment of nervous disorders and anemia, you will find him in the kidney, liver, and egg yolk. - Vitamin C successfully increases the overall resistance of the organism, positively affects the immune system, and it is in citrus fruits, cauliflower, green peas, radish, beans, fruits and vegetables red color. - Vitamin E increases efficiency, helps with disorders of the circulatory system. Contained in wheat sprouts, milk, lettuce, and sunflower, peanut and soy oil. - Vitamin F, which many in the fish oil, dried fruits and olive oil slows the aging process, makes the skin elastic and supple, and hair shiny and healthy. - Vitamin K activates the process of hematopoiesis, helps mineral substances to penetrate into the bone tissue. To get this vitamin, you should eat seaweed, pickled cabbage, green tea, spinach, lentils and onions. With the advent of spring is particularly necessary to actively nourish your body with vitamins A, C, D, E and group B. This will help to avoid frequent colds, to revive and maintain the skin, improve the condition and appearance of hair and nails, gives you energy and prevents the accumulation in the body of toxins. Vitamins relieve fatigue, strengthen the nervous system, will increase efficiency. Because in winter it is difficult to secure a home and an abundance of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, nutritionists recommend to pay attention to frozen foods. They saved a lot more vitamins and minerals than, for example, boiled or baked foods. From frozen vegetables are delicious, if quite a bit to simmer with the lid on or cook in a double boiler. Frozen berries – a wonderful product for cooking stewed fruit, jelly, pies and salads. "Delicious" treatment With the advent of spring try every day to eat at least two oranges or grapefruit a day – they saturate the body with vitamin C. a Very useful vitamin drink: 2 tablespoons of berries of rose hips pour a glass of water, bring to a boil, strain and add 1 Cup of lemon juice. You can add a little honey. Drink take half a Cup before meals, 4 times a day. Take the time to sprout wheat and use it every day, and sprouts is just a storehouse of vitamins! If the condition continues to be not very good — always consult your doctor. published Author: Olga Moiseeva
Source: hochu.ua
The long-awaited spring, and with it came such unpleasant things as brittle nails and hair, dull pale skin, bleeding gums, cracks on the lips, a strong feeling of apathy, irritation and lethargy... in addition, many in the spring, many acute chronic diseases, and the common cold can last indefinitely.
These are all signs of vitamin deficiency, which we have heard, and which we are afraid. Is it really all that bad? In fact, most of us in the spring suffers not from beriberi, and hypovitaminosis, that is, insufficient intake of certain vitamins and minerals. However, the "popular" name "beriberi" has taken root in us, and we use it often unaware that the deficiency is the complete absence of vitamins in the body. This terrible disease causes scurvy, and in severe cases – fatal. Fortunately, this phenomenon is quite rare. So, with the terms sorted out. Now let's define the reasons of hypovitaminosis, which overtakes us at this wonderful time of the year, like spring. Causes of vitamin C deficiency is the Main cause of lack of vitamins – lack of getting their food. It is clear that in winter the amount of fruits and vegetables on our table is sharply reduced. The situation is complicated by the fact that, according to scientists, over the last 50 years the vitamin content of fruits and vegetables decreased significantly. For example, apples and oranges "lost" 66% of vitamin A in chicken the amount of the same vitamin decreased by 70%, green has become less of calcium by 46.4%, and cabbage by 85%! This list can go on and on. The reasons for this situation is simple: today vegetables and fruits are grown for the most part, accelerated methods, farmers tend to take 2-3 crops per season. Due to this, the soil is heavily depleted of useful substances, respectively, these substances disappear, and from the fruits of agriculture. Prevention of hypovitaminosis As you know, the best way to treat any disease is its prevention. And deficiencies: it is much easier to prevent its development than to treat the consequences. The vast majority of at the first signs of lethargy and weakness, problems with skin, nails and hair shout: "All clear – beriberi!"— and rush to the pharmacy by buying there in a row all taking vitamins and eating them literally by the handful. And, of course – that in fact the advertising claims that you need to take a multivitamin, askorbinku and multivitamins, and bright boxes says that they solve all the problems. Such self-diagnosis and self – treatment is not the best solution. Do not think that, if vitamins are sold without a prescription so you can eat uncontrollably. To make the diagnosis and prescribe treatment can only a doctor! A seemingly harmless pills and capsules can seriously harm the body. Let's try to avoid the lack of vitamins, supplementing your diet natural their sources. It is much more natural and safer. Healthy food - vitamin a, necessary for eye health, beauty, skin and hair, contains in fish, eggs, liver, cheese, milk, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, green salad, parsley and almost all vegetables. - Vitamin B1 protects our nerve cells, helps it easier to transfer stress, and reduces fatigue. To saturate the body with vitamin B1, you need to eat peas, beans, eggs, liver, milk, wheat germ, and avoid excessive intake of coffee – this drink is able to reduce the beneficial effect of vitamin B1 to zero. - Vitamin B2 contributes to the regeneration of the skin, rapid regeneration of cells, prevents the development of cancer and normalizes blood sugar. Much-needed vitamin contains oat flakes, pork, fish, soy oil, vegetables, eggs and dairy products. - Vitamin B6 which is particularly beneficial to women (improves the condition before menstruation), located in the brain, liver, kidneys, bananas, plums, raisins, cabbage, oat flakes. - Vitamin B12 is useful in the treatment of nervous disorders and anemia, you will find him in the kidney, liver, and egg yolk. - Vitamin C successfully increases the overall resistance of the organism, positively affects the immune system, and it is in citrus fruits, cauliflower, green peas, radish, beans, fruits and vegetables red color. - Vitamin E increases efficiency, helps with disorders of the circulatory system. Contained in wheat sprouts, milk, lettuce, and sunflower, peanut and soy oil. - Vitamin F, which many in the fish oil, dried fruits and olive oil slows the aging process, makes the skin elastic and supple, and hair shiny and healthy. - Vitamin K activates the process of hematopoiesis, helps mineral substances to penetrate into the bone tissue. To get this vitamin, you should eat seaweed, pickled cabbage, green tea, spinach, lentils and onions. With the advent of spring is particularly necessary to actively nourish your body with vitamins A, C, D, E and group B. This will help to avoid frequent colds, to revive and maintain the skin, improve the condition and appearance of hair and nails, gives you energy and prevents the accumulation in the body of toxins. Vitamins relieve fatigue, strengthen the nervous system, will increase efficiency. Because in winter it is difficult to secure a home and an abundance of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, nutritionists recommend to pay attention to frozen foods. They saved a lot more vitamins and minerals than, for example, boiled or baked foods. From frozen vegetables are delicious, if quite a bit to simmer with the lid on or cook in a double boiler. Frozen berries – a wonderful product for cooking stewed fruit, jelly, pies and salads. "Delicious" treatment With the advent of spring try every day to eat at least two oranges or grapefruit a day – they saturate the body with vitamin C. a Very useful vitamin drink: 2 tablespoons of berries of rose hips pour a glass of water, bring to a boil, strain and add 1 Cup of lemon juice. You can add a little honey. Drink take half a Cup before meals, 4 times a day. Take the time to sprout wheat and use it every day, and sprouts is just a storehouse of vitamins! If the condition continues to be not very good — always consult your doctor. published Author: Olga Moiseeva
Source: hochu.ua
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