The man who defeated Karelin (5 photos)
The fight itself - sport strong people. Those who are able to become the first in spite of the most violent pregrady.I if you were able to win some great, and then will be able to defeat a stronger opponent. Himself ...
Somehow assumed Rulon Gardner lucky. Came out, they say, in the two thousandth the carpet Sydney Olympics, shuffled nine minutes with a great Karelin, the judge raised his hand, and the organizers of the Games were awarded the gold medal - and here it is the glory. Came for all eternity. And now will not go anywhere.
However, if you ask any of the broad-giants weighing under 130 kg to do the same way to the finals of the Olympics and cover it in all respects, the legendary fighter (and such there are still, believe me) - wishing unlikely to be found. After all, for the nine minutes of fame must pass at least eleven years of hard work, combined with the risk of life and heavy blows of fate "Karelin won, I realized his very great dream. And even more. Until now, I can not believe I won Karelin, so keep coming back to that battle. It's like a dream - and I'm afraid to wake up ... I am very happy to talk about my idol. Karelin - God. He was and will remain the best fighter. However, some now think that the best - I. But I'm just an Olympic champion. And I will come down in history not as Rulon Gardner, and as the winner of Karelin. "
Generally rolls clearly luck with the number nine. Nine minutes of Sydney for the ninth son of Reed and Virginia Gardner became a star because he defeated nine time world champion. Non-Olympic titles at it too, by the way, nine (one - world, one - an individual in the World Cup, two Pan American champion and five in the US). And his first nine lives Roll for the first time it has lost in nine years.
Sydney 2000. Greco-Roman wrestling.
Weight category up to 130 kg. Finals. R. Gardner - Alexander Karelin
Most often, I remember the fear that choked me before the meeting with Karelin. Fifteen years all the heavyweights suffered only one question: how to win Russian Bear. Thought, but could not come up. Thought in Sydney and me. Answer, of course, also not found. But realized that my only chance - to be patient. Be patient and try to tire Karelin, make it tired. Seems to have succeeded. Every person has a dream. So you know: defeating Karelin, I realized his very great dream. And even more. Until now, I can not believe I won Karelin, so keep coming back to that battle. It's like a dream - and I'm afraid to wake up.
In American schools there is a popular technique in the early grades. Called "Tell and show." Children develop the ability to orate before a large audience. To do this, they take some well-known story and play it in front of the whole class at the same time explaining it. Roll occurred to tell classmates about William Tell. Taking the story of the apple and shooting at him. Tell's son portrayed himself Gardner. And so, when released in standing on his head apple arrow pierced his ear, was able to provide first collapsed into a swoon teacher assistance.
In December 1990, the second life he took dead daughter. This was the reason for the break in relations with his first wife. In 2002, Gardner was lost on his snow bike and almost died from the cold, as a result of the incident, he was amputated frostbitten toe. In 2004, it hit by a car while riding a motorcycle. In 2007, Bolt crashed a small plane (Cirrus SR-22) fell into the lake, after the crash, he was able to get out, swam in the water with a temperature of 7 ° C over an hour, and then spent the night on the street at a temperature of? 2 ° C, after which, by happy coincidence, he was picked up by a fishing boat, the next morning. He constantly struggled with life for a life. As much as it may sound tautological ...
"You go to the farm and try to budge the cow when she does not want that. It was the same thing. Alexander only much more mobile and always strove to throw me on the carpet. »
Immediately after the completion of a professional career fighter, Pride FC was very interested in signing man victory of the Russian Bear. In the New Year's Eve 2004 to 2005, Gardner spent his only MMA fight against the Japanese judo star Hidehiko Yoshida. Many speculated that the fight will take place mainly on the ground, but instead, the soldiers chose to exchange blows in the rack. Gardner won a unanimous decision and then never spoke to MMA.
When I started training for performances as part of the Olympic team, champion of the United States in superheavy weight was Matt Ghaffari. He took second place at the 1996 Olympics, and in 1998 became the second in the world championship. He was stronger than me, but I kept getting up every day and say to yourself, "Maybe you can not beat him today or tomorrow, but someday you'll be able to beat him, do it all for every day." That is what made me become better.
Gardner himself appreciates more its bronze in Athens 2004. Because to her he was going through the amputation of a toe, and a long recovery. Win it then second gold - would stand on a par with the great. But even third place will not allow to throw a stone at him. The good-natured guy from Wyoming remained the same as it has been all his life. In Beijing 2008, he came as a coach. Although it is unlikely that Gardner will in this direction. Coaches are people of another stock character.
This year, Bolt decided to take for themselves thorough. His weight reached 215 pounds. So he decided to take part in the 11th season of the show The Biggest Loser, whose members are struggling with being overweight. The winner of the show is the one who managed to lose the greatest number of pounds through diet and intense exercise. While Gardner fully justifies its reputation as a fighter. During the first 11 weeks of the show, he was able to lose 63 pounds. And very close to his new victory. For the most difficult in my life - to win over himself.

Somehow assumed Rulon Gardner lucky. Came out, they say, in the two thousandth the carpet Sydney Olympics, shuffled nine minutes with a great Karelin, the judge raised his hand, and the organizers of the Games were awarded the gold medal - and here it is the glory. Came for all eternity. And now will not go anywhere.
However, if you ask any of the broad-giants weighing under 130 kg to do the same way to the finals of the Olympics and cover it in all respects, the legendary fighter (and such there are still, believe me) - wishing unlikely to be found. After all, for the nine minutes of fame must pass at least eleven years of hard work, combined with the risk of life and heavy blows of fate "Karelin won, I realized his very great dream. And even more. Until now, I can not believe I won Karelin, so keep coming back to that battle. It's like a dream - and I'm afraid to wake up ... I am very happy to talk about my idol. Karelin - God. He was and will remain the best fighter. However, some now think that the best - I. But I'm just an Olympic champion. And I will come down in history not as Rulon Gardner, and as the winner of Karelin. "
Generally rolls clearly luck with the number nine. Nine minutes of Sydney for the ninth son of Reed and Virginia Gardner became a star because he defeated nine time world champion. Non-Olympic titles at it too, by the way, nine (one - world, one - an individual in the World Cup, two Pan American champion and five in the US). And his first nine lives Roll for the first time it has lost in nine years.

Sydney 2000. Greco-Roman wrestling.
Weight category up to 130 kg. Finals. R. Gardner - Alexander Karelin

Most often, I remember the fear that choked me before the meeting with Karelin. Fifteen years all the heavyweights suffered only one question: how to win Russian Bear. Thought, but could not come up. Thought in Sydney and me. Answer, of course, also not found. But realized that my only chance - to be patient. Be patient and try to tire Karelin, make it tired. Seems to have succeeded. Every person has a dream. So you know: defeating Karelin, I realized his very great dream. And even more. Until now, I can not believe I won Karelin, so keep coming back to that battle. It's like a dream - and I'm afraid to wake up.
In American schools there is a popular technique in the early grades. Called "Tell and show." Children develop the ability to orate before a large audience. To do this, they take some well-known story and play it in front of the whole class at the same time explaining it. Roll occurred to tell classmates about William Tell. Taking the story of the apple and shooting at him. Tell's son portrayed himself Gardner. And so, when released in standing on his head apple arrow pierced his ear, was able to provide first collapsed into a swoon teacher assistance.
In December 1990, the second life he took dead daughter. This was the reason for the break in relations with his first wife. In 2002, Gardner was lost on his snow bike and almost died from the cold, as a result of the incident, he was amputated frostbitten toe. In 2004, it hit by a car while riding a motorcycle. In 2007, Bolt crashed a small plane (Cirrus SR-22) fell into the lake, after the crash, he was able to get out, swam in the water with a temperature of 7 ° C over an hour, and then spent the night on the street at a temperature of? 2 ° C, after which, by happy coincidence, he was picked up by a fishing boat, the next morning. He constantly struggled with life for a life. As much as it may sound tautological ...

"You go to the farm and try to budge the cow when she does not want that. It was the same thing. Alexander only much more mobile and always strove to throw me on the carpet. »
Immediately after the completion of a professional career fighter, Pride FC was very interested in signing man victory of the Russian Bear. In the New Year's Eve 2004 to 2005, Gardner spent his only MMA fight against the Japanese judo star Hidehiko Yoshida. Many speculated that the fight will take place mainly on the ground, but instead, the soldiers chose to exchange blows in the rack. Gardner won a unanimous decision and then never spoke to MMA.

When I started training for performances as part of the Olympic team, champion of the United States in superheavy weight was Matt Ghaffari. He took second place at the 1996 Olympics, and in 1998 became the second in the world championship. He was stronger than me, but I kept getting up every day and say to yourself, "Maybe you can not beat him today or tomorrow, but someday you'll be able to beat him, do it all for every day." That is what made me become better.
Gardner himself appreciates more its bronze in Athens 2004. Because to her he was going through the amputation of a toe, and a long recovery. Win it then second gold - would stand on a par with the great. But even third place will not allow to throw a stone at him. The good-natured guy from Wyoming remained the same as it has been all his life. In Beijing 2008, he came as a coach. Although it is unlikely that Gardner will in this direction. Coaches are people of another stock character.
This year, Bolt decided to take for themselves thorough. His weight reached 215 pounds. So he decided to take part in the 11th season of the show The Biggest Loser, whose members are struggling with being overweight. The winner of the show is the one who managed to lose the greatest number of pounds through diet and intense exercise. While Gardner fully justifies its reputation as a fighter. During the first 11 weeks of the show, he was able to lose 63 pounds. And very close to his new victory. For the most difficult in my life - to win over himself.