What to do with a lack of vitamins in a child
Beriberi — a condition that is characterized by the absence or deficiency of vitamins in the body. Among children the most common spring avitaminosis. Typically, the supply of vitamins in the child's body is substantially consumed during the autumn and winter period, because their intake to the required amount along with the food is greatly reduced.
According to statistics, most often the deficiency affected children born weighing less than 2.5 kg, as well as children living in families with low social status. Quite often, the deficiency can be a consequence of the transferred anemia, rickets, various colds or allergies.
Causes of vitamin deficiency
improper diet;
violation of diet;
the rapid growth of child's organism;
contamination of the environment.
The symptoms of lack of vitamins
The most common types of beriberi are the following violations: the deficiency of retinol (vitamin A), thiamin (B1), Riboflavin (B2), calciferol (D) ascorbic acid ©.
1. Hypovitaminosis A. the structure of vitamin A is a fat-soluble product, whose functions are to strengthen and support the normal condition of the mucous membranes of the human body and its skin. Also, this vitamin plays an important role in metabolic processes of the visual organs. According to statistics, most often vitamin a deficiency is common among school-age children and manifests itself as skin dryness, the appearance of itchy formations with gray and localized on the knees, abdomen, elbows, buttocks, and occurrence of cracks in the skin of the feet and fingers. This may experience hair loss, diseases of the eye, skin peeling.
2. Hypovitaminosis B1. Thiamine deficiency may be accompanied by a slowdown in the growth of the child, regular sleep disturbance and appetite, the appearance of chronic weakness, rapid fatigue, and memory impairment.
3. Hypovitaminosis B2. While a lack of this vitamin in a child, as a rule, the vessels on the eyeball, can occur hair loss, there are various diseases of the mucous membranes of the lips and tongue (cheilitis, glossitis, stomatitis), appear on the skin of various sizes pinkish hue acne.
4. Hypovitaminosis C. the Lack of ascorbic acid in the child's body can lead to disease møller-Barlow (a type of scurvy), the consequence of which is a failure in the formation of bones. This happens usually due to the regular consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates. Symptoms of such deficiency will be fatigue, inflammation of the gums, weakness, bleeding in the mouth, loss of appetite, formation of bruises.
5. Low levels of vitamin D. the small amount of income of vitamin D in the body can cause failure of development of bone tissue, the consequence of which may lead to the occurrence of tooth decay, softening of bones, and result in a constant convulsions, fatigue, and muscle weakness.
The child suffering from vitamin D deficiency, there is a great risk of rickets, which can lead to delays in physical and mental development.
How to recharge the child's body with vitamins?
Treatment of beriberi depends on what kind of groups do not have enough vitamins by the body for its normal functioning and development. If a child has vitamin a deficiency, then the treatment is prescribed only after examination by a dermatologist, who will rule out other types of skin diseases. For the treatment usually prescribe a drug retinol acetate, which must be injected intramuscularly, and the dose is prescribed depending on the child's age and the severity of the deficiency. You also need to know that this type of deficiency requires prolonged treatment and can last from one to three months. Usually administered a diet that is rich in vitamin A. Here is a small list of products that contain a wealth of vitamin a: peaches, green onions, biscuits, apricots, seafood, spinach, dairy products, carrots, eggs.
For the treatment of vitamin deficiency the lack of vitamin b, B1, B2 recommended use complex preparations, which contain the required components. These medicines can be in the form of pills (tablets) and injections. Often treatment takes up to one month, and the use of combination therapy may be administered vitamins B1, C, PP. Diet in this case should contain brown rice, meat and dairy products, brewer's yeast, flour, by-products, in which sufficient vitamin B1.
Treatment of deficiency the lack of vitamin C is carried out by injection of ascorbic acid. Very helpful in this case, various folk remedies such as decoctions of plants of pine needles or rose hips. Also recommended every day to eat adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables.
In the treatment of beriberi, which is caused by vitamin D deficiency, you should regularly consult with your doctor because in this case the overabundance of vitamins is equally harmful as the lack of them. To restore the body, prescribe medications containing the desired amount of vitamin, courses of UV irradiation. Children are encouraged often to be outdoors and regularly enjoy the sun. In the diet include liver, fatty fish, dairy products, egg yolk.
Source: natural-medicine.ru

According to statistics, most often the deficiency affected children born weighing less than 2.5 kg, as well as children living in families with low social status. Quite often, the deficiency can be a consequence of the transferred anemia, rickets, various colds or allergies.
Causes of vitamin deficiency
improper diet;
violation of diet;
the rapid growth of child's organism;
contamination of the environment.
The symptoms of lack of vitamins
The most common types of beriberi are the following violations: the deficiency of retinol (vitamin A), thiamin (B1), Riboflavin (B2), calciferol (D) ascorbic acid ©.
1. Hypovitaminosis A. the structure of vitamin A is a fat-soluble product, whose functions are to strengthen and support the normal condition of the mucous membranes of the human body and its skin. Also, this vitamin plays an important role in metabolic processes of the visual organs. According to statistics, most often vitamin a deficiency is common among school-age children and manifests itself as skin dryness, the appearance of itchy formations with gray and localized on the knees, abdomen, elbows, buttocks, and occurrence of cracks in the skin of the feet and fingers. This may experience hair loss, diseases of the eye, skin peeling.
2. Hypovitaminosis B1. Thiamine deficiency may be accompanied by a slowdown in the growth of the child, regular sleep disturbance and appetite, the appearance of chronic weakness, rapid fatigue, and memory impairment.
3. Hypovitaminosis B2. While a lack of this vitamin in a child, as a rule, the vessels on the eyeball, can occur hair loss, there are various diseases of the mucous membranes of the lips and tongue (cheilitis, glossitis, stomatitis), appear on the skin of various sizes pinkish hue acne.
4. Hypovitaminosis C. the Lack of ascorbic acid in the child's body can lead to disease møller-Barlow (a type of scurvy), the consequence of which is a failure in the formation of bones. This happens usually due to the regular consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates. Symptoms of such deficiency will be fatigue, inflammation of the gums, weakness, bleeding in the mouth, loss of appetite, formation of bruises.
5. Low levels of vitamin D. the small amount of income of vitamin D in the body can cause failure of development of bone tissue, the consequence of which may lead to the occurrence of tooth decay, softening of bones, and result in a constant convulsions, fatigue, and muscle weakness.
The child suffering from vitamin D deficiency, there is a great risk of rickets, which can lead to delays in physical and mental development.
How to recharge the child's body with vitamins?
Treatment of beriberi depends on what kind of groups do not have enough vitamins by the body for its normal functioning and development. If a child has vitamin a deficiency, then the treatment is prescribed only after examination by a dermatologist, who will rule out other types of skin diseases. For the treatment usually prescribe a drug retinol acetate, which must be injected intramuscularly, and the dose is prescribed depending on the child's age and the severity of the deficiency. You also need to know that this type of deficiency requires prolonged treatment and can last from one to three months. Usually administered a diet that is rich in vitamin A. Here is a small list of products that contain a wealth of vitamin a: peaches, green onions, biscuits, apricots, seafood, spinach, dairy products, carrots, eggs.
For the treatment of vitamin deficiency the lack of vitamin b, B1, B2 recommended use complex preparations, which contain the required components. These medicines can be in the form of pills (tablets) and injections. Often treatment takes up to one month, and the use of combination therapy may be administered vitamins B1, C, PP. Diet in this case should contain brown rice, meat and dairy products, brewer's yeast, flour, by-products, in which sufficient vitamin B1.
Treatment of deficiency the lack of vitamin C is carried out by injection of ascorbic acid. Very helpful in this case, various folk remedies such as decoctions of plants of pine needles or rose hips. Also recommended every day to eat adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables.
In the treatment of beriberi, which is caused by vitamin D deficiency, you should regularly consult with your doctor because in this case the overabundance of vitamins is equally harmful as the lack of them. To restore the body, prescribe medications containing the desired amount of vitamin, courses of UV irradiation. Children are encouraged often to be outdoors and regularly enjoy the sun. In the diet include liver, fatty fish, dairy products, egg yolk.
Source: natural-medicine.ru