How do you charm a woman?
When you like a girl and thoughts about her do not leave, then there is one question in your mind - how to charm her? In fact, everything is not so difficult, eternal values such as decency, neat appearance, cultural speech without obscene words will help charm the girl if the guy is at least a little interesting to her.
neat appearance
Every girl likes a well-groomed man or guy. This does not mean that a man should have a tan and hair removal in all possible places, but shaving and washing would not hurt. It will also be useful before the date to clean shoes, put on clean clothes and scent pleasant perfume. You can read more about this on pickup blogs.
To be yourself, not to appear
Any person who tries to show something is repulsive. It is important to be yourself, if there is shyness or excitement, then show it, because these are normal human reactions that everyone has. Despite the common stereotype that women love heroes and macho, they are still more interested in guys who even cause pity. Perhaps not the last role in this is played by the maternal instinct, laid down by nature. If you tell a heartwarming story from childhood, it will be more useful than a story about your love victories.
It is better not to talk about ex-girlfriends at all, neither bad nor good. But if a girl asks a question about her past personal life, you should not avoid the answer, because she may think that the guy is hiding the truth. It is better to answer with a couple of phrases that “was, but passed”.
A genuine interest
Everyone likes it if they are interested. The interlocutor should be able to listen and unobtrusively interested in a girl, as Vladimir Shamshurin does when meeting a girl.
Cultural speech
Cultural speech has become a rarity, especially among young people. Any obscene expressions repel, the more it will be unpleasant to the girl. Mat speaks primarily about the lack of culture of the guy, not that he is cool. It is also not advisable to tell vulgar jokes, this can be perceived as an unambiguous hint.
It is worth telling a girl about your hobbies, and if they are common. In addition, a person, talking about his hobbies, forgets about the excitement and becomes himself, his eyes begin to burn and it attracts.
A girl doesn't need much to be charmed by a guy. And those who believe that the girl can be charmed only by a cool car and an expensive gift, most likely, just nothing else the opposite sex is not interesting.
Source: /users/1077