How to get rid of constant worry

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Constant anxiety is a symptom of distress of the nervous system. Take your emotions under control, don't let them ruin your life.
To cope with anxiety and anxiety is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance.
Try to understand what bothers you. Most likely, many of your fears are far-fetched and do not have sufficient grounds. For example, you are worried about your career, about how to avoid being demoted at work, despite the fact that certainly well cope with your professional duties, and you value and respect the authorities.
Imagine the worst, let's Say, you have been demoted or even worse, reduced. Is your life to end? Surely you can always find another equivalent, and perhaps better-paying and interesting job. Sometimes even the most negative events happen for good.
Let's get busy Let it be something interesting for you, something that will bring you pleasure. Immerse yourself in the joyful emotions, expel them all your fears. Psychologists have long used therapy employment as the best cure for anxiety.
Think about those who are worse Start to help somebody, do not dwell on their own experiences, because there are so many people who have much more serious problems than you. Visit an orphanage or hospice, please share with others your smile, your warmth, and you will see that your anxiety disappears or becomes much weaker.
Let the past be the past don't worry about long-past events. People tend to experience anxiety and restlessness due to those situations that are deposited in the memory. Often the person long remembers what happened when there an event that caused a vivid emotional response, and re-experiencing unpleasant emotions. Clearly divide past, present and future. Don't worry about that a long time passed, and what has not and perhaps never will, live in the here and now.
Laugh at the trouble to Learn to be a happy person, optimistic looking at the world. In any situation it is possible to see both positive and negative sides. To develop a sense of humor, often joking and laugh.
Won't aggravate Remember about the negative consequences that can result from constant worry: this is a disease of the heart and blood vessels, gastritis and stomach ulcers, diabetes, arthritis, rheumatism, etc.
Take your emotions under control, Observe your thoughts, emotions and words, give up the usual word-forms: "I am worried so-and-so," "I'm scared", "I'm worried", etc. If you begin to overcome disturbing thoughts, observe them as if from the outside: how do they come to you? What reactions do you call? Don't let them get you down, yeah, let negative thoughts go through your brain without stopping in it.
Fix progress Keep a personal journal to write down all your fears, the reasons for your concern and specify what you did in order to get rid of them. Remember, only your active actions aimed at improving the quality of your life can help you to find your inner peace and harmony.
Contact your psychologist or therapist if your own efforts do not help you to get rid of anxiety. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe you any medication, aimed at addressing the physiological problems of your body that provoke anxiety. Such problems include hormonal imbalance, problems with thyroid gland, vegetative-vascular dystonia, etc.
In the relations of men and women the main fears relate to difficulties in communication. Why men are afraid of women and women men? Watch the video!
Source: domashniy.ru/
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