Denmark officially banned sex with animals, despite the objections of animal rights activists
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Starting Tuesday, April 21, sex with animals in Denmark was banned: voted for by all the parliamentary parties of the country, with the exception of the "Liberal Alliance", speaking against the bill, and the "Red-green coalition", the abstention from voting, reports The Local. Thus, from now on Danish legislation in this area corresponds to the in neighbouring countries.
A bill to prohibit bestiality was proposed in October 2014, the Danish Minister of agriculture Dan Jorgensen. Insisting on the need to prohibit such sexual practices, the Minister referred to the fact that after the introduction of similar bans in all the neighboring countries to Denmark and a flood of sex tourists from bestiality, which negatively affected the country's image.
In February, when the Parliament began the discussions on the proposals made by Jorgensen, he also noted that "Denmark should not be in the public eye look like a country where encouraged sexual relations with animals."
In recent years, all neighbouring Denmark countries have adopted laws prohibiting bestiality. So, in April 2013, sex with animals is outlawed in Sweden, and in 2011 — in Norway. This practice is also banned in Germany. This situation has turned Denmark into a center of attraction bestiality from around the region.
Public interest in the issue fueled short film Animal F*ckers, shot last year by an American Vice. The filmmakers were given the opportunity to Express themselves as fans of carnal pleasures with animals that sought the right to Express his passion and animal rights activists who want to ban the evil practice.
While the Danish Council for the ethical treatment of animals protested against the adoption ban, said The Local. The argument provided by the fact that existing laws allowing bestiality in those cases when it is proved the absence of any suffering for the animal is sufficient.
Jorgensen disagreed with the arguments of animal rights activists and demanded total ban on such sexual practices.
"I decided that we should ban sex with animals. There are a lot of reasons. The most important of them is that in the vast majority of cases it is an attack on the animal. Taking into account all circumstances, any doubts should be construed in favor of the animals. For natural reasons they can't say no, therefore it should be prohibited", — said the head of the Ministry of agriculture.
Now in Denmark, bestiality is punishable by a year in prison for the first occasion of the offence and two — in the event of relapse. The law also includes restrictions on the places where it is allowed trading in dogs to reduce the number of spontaneous purchases and protect the animal from which the owners subsequently refuse. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.newsru.com/world/22apr2015/zoo_dk.html
Starting Tuesday, April 21, sex with animals in Denmark was banned: voted for by all the parliamentary parties of the country, with the exception of the "Liberal Alliance", speaking against the bill, and the "Red-green coalition", the abstention from voting, reports The Local. Thus, from now on Danish legislation in this area corresponds to the in neighbouring countries.
A bill to prohibit bestiality was proposed in October 2014, the Danish Minister of agriculture Dan Jorgensen. Insisting on the need to prohibit such sexual practices, the Minister referred to the fact that after the introduction of similar bans in all the neighboring countries to Denmark and a flood of sex tourists from bestiality, which negatively affected the country's image.
In February, when the Parliament began the discussions on the proposals made by Jorgensen, he also noted that "Denmark should not be in the public eye look like a country where encouraged sexual relations with animals."
In recent years, all neighbouring Denmark countries have adopted laws prohibiting bestiality. So, in April 2013, sex with animals is outlawed in Sweden, and in 2011 — in Norway. This practice is also banned in Germany. This situation has turned Denmark into a center of attraction bestiality from around the region.
Public interest in the issue fueled short film Animal F*ckers, shot last year by an American Vice. The filmmakers were given the opportunity to Express themselves as fans of carnal pleasures with animals that sought the right to Express his passion and animal rights activists who want to ban the evil practice.
While the Danish Council for the ethical treatment of animals protested against the adoption ban, said The Local. The argument provided by the fact that existing laws allowing bestiality in those cases when it is proved the absence of any suffering for the animal is sufficient.
Jorgensen disagreed with the arguments of animal rights activists and demanded total ban on such sexual practices.
"I decided that we should ban sex with animals. There are a lot of reasons. The most important of them is that in the vast majority of cases it is an attack on the animal. Taking into account all circumstances, any doubts should be construed in favor of the animals. For natural reasons they can't say no, therefore it should be prohibited", — said the head of the Ministry of agriculture.
Now in Denmark, bestiality is punishable by a year in prison for the first occasion of the offence and two — in the event of relapse. The law also includes restrictions on the places where it is allowed trading in dogs to reduce the number of spontaneous purchases and protect the animal from which the owners subsequently refuse. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.newsru.com/world/22apr2015/zoo_dk.html
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