Spring grass burning: tradition, leading to the tragedy

Every April and may throughout Russia in the suburbs and villages on the hayfields and pastures burning grass. Everyone is familiar with this phenomenon, and the black steaming fields, no one is safe. And the reason is.
Statistics shows that every year in Russia as a result of grass fires killed several people and burned thousands of homes and cottages. Moreover, spring grass burning cause huge damages to the soil, reduce biodiversity, pollute the atmosphere. However, no one knows. And every spring the grass again begins to burn.
In Russia spring grass burning become a tradition, the need for which I accept on faith and on which consequences do not think. It is believed that the burning last year's grass contributes to the warming of the soil and fertilize it with ash, the rapid growth of young plants, as well as getting rid of pests and parasites. The main argument for Pyros is that the destruction of last year's grass allegedly prevent forest fires. These common myths about the benefits of herbal burning and ignorance of the real facts in every year cause enormous damage to nature and humans and lead to tragic consequences.
In this regard, with the aim of eradicating the dangerous myths and inform about the real consequences of grass arson, civil society activists together with the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation was prepared infographics:

In addition, the burning of grass does not give the expected positive effect, it provokes the emergence of new problems. For example, the burning of old grass and don't fertilize the soil and promotes the growth of young plants.
On the contrary, burning grass depletes the soil: organic matter, formed from last year's plants, is burned and the remaining ash is washed off by rain into rivers and ponds. Fire also limits the growth of new plants by damaging their buds and young shoots. The result is herbal burns killed a huge number of small mammals, nesting birds, and beneficial insects and microorganisms.
The smoke of grass fires pollute the air with hydrocarbons, ash, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide gases. But the most serious consequences of arson fires occur when the grass burns is converted into peat or forest fires. Then from this phenomenon begins to suffer the one who provoked it, man.

This spring in five subjects of Russia in Khakassia, Transbaikalia, Krasnoyarsk Krai, the Republic of Buryatia and Amur region — there was large-scale fires that resulted in the deaths of dozens of people and caused enormous material damage. According to official statements, the Ministry of emergency situations, the cause of most fires become uncontrolled grass burning when dry and windy weather conditions. Only in Khakassia as a result of natural disaster killed 30 people without housing there are about 5 thousand people. The total damage from the fires, according to preliminary data, is estimated at more than 7 billion rubles.
In this regard, the Minister of agriculture of Russia urged to refrain from burning grass, but it added that the Ministry has no plans to ban this practice, as is already done in the framework of current legislation. To date, the burning of dry grass is a violation of three legislative acts: Federal laws "On environmental protection" and "On protection of atmospheric air" and the RF Code on administrative offences. It is obvious that at the moment the requirements of current legislation against the burning of grass is not met, therefore there is a need for stricter enforcement.

However, often herbal fires may occur due to careless handling of fire. For ignition of a dry grass a spark from a fire, lit matches or cigarettes and such negligence is far-reaching, often tragic consequences.
To avoid such problems, it is enough to observe simple rules of fire safety: do not burn fires in dry woods and not to throw away burning cigarette ends and matches in last year's grass.

Problem spring burning of grass in Russia is still not solved, and every year its effects become more unpredictable and often hazardous nature and man. Currently, the fight against uncontrolled palom grass and environmental education on this subject, state forest protection of the structure and environmental activists.

For example, "Avialesookhrana" developed the mobile app "Protect the forest", which allows citizens to quickly inform the Federal dispatching service of forestry of any incident, seen in the forests of the country. But green movement of Russia ECA organized antiporno awareness campaign "Antipanic", the purpose of which is to educate the younger generation about the simple rules of behavior in the forest, avoiding major problems.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ridus.ru