The explosion at a mine in Novokuznetsk
Why a day in Russia killed 168 people?
Mining Cross: save and protect miners. The explosion at a mine in Novokuznetsk: "We are scattered over the walls ..." Surviving miners after the emergency recall how it was whole Novokuznetsk second day discussing the accident. At bus stops, on buses, wherever it's going to more than two people in a couple of sentences about the life of the conversation is transferred to a terrible accident "on Ulyana" (as the locals call mine "Ulyanovsk"). Periodically flash disputes about whose information about the victims and the survivors more reliable. Citizens do not believe that there are still mine survivors in the rubble and remains of miners, whose fate is still unknown, we are already enrolled in the victims of the tragedy. At two o'clock in the morning on March 20th to the 29th of Novokuznetsk city hospital where the wounded were brought from the mine, the crew drove up Vohra and two cars of traffic police. The answer to the question: "Why are they here?" - Turned out to be banal simple: - The administration has ordered, that's standing, - the police. - Suddenly the family in a panic will break into the body? Of the three victims who are in the neurosurgical department of the 29th hospital in intensive care with multiple injuries only two. Third - Alexei Loboda, 25-year-old miner - not to tell anyone about what he had seen in the mine: no family, no friends, no reporters. - I have it, though, and sociable man, about his experiences always remained silent. - Anastasia Dorofeevna Loboda, the mother of a miner, still remembers the horror through her tears. - I usually calm attitude to his work, and in this day mother's heart trouble sensed start whining. Although senior Loboda - father Alexei, a former miner, - having been a few times to "Ulyana", said the mine "revs" (emissions of methane). But it seemed that it was not so serious. And a half years of work, nothing has allowed to think that there may occur an accident. - And at four o'clock I called a relative and said that there was an explosion at the mine. My heart froze and Alyosha just went to work on my day off - Anastasia Dorofeevna sobs. - I immediately began to call the mine, trying to find out what her son. I call and cry, cry, cry. And I even said that Alyosha can not find ... more or less calmed down only when he was already living in the hospital saw. And Galina Loboda, the wife of Alexei remembered that in that fateful day, it was bad, the whole day is not enough air. And when she heard of the tragedy, the work could not. And I cried with joy when she found out that her husband is alive. Their 4-year-old daughter, Ksenia, although it no one about the tragedy and did not say where something learned about it, and all the relatives and friends reported: - In the mine was an accident and hurt my dad did! Alexei himself tells about the accident is very, very sparingly - There was an explosion. We are covered by the shock wave. I was taken for workers ... And the other miner driver gornovyemochnyh work Sergei Petrov (incidentally, also released at the weekend to repair a broken processor), says: - The four of us - me, the master of Alexander Kuznetsov, a mechanic Alexei accelerates and miner Alexei Loboda - were deadlock in the bottom, below all others. I was sitting on the combine, back to the entrance, when he caught a glimpse of some white glow, then I was stunned and thrown off the combine. If I lost consciousness, only a fraction of a minute. The remaining three of my teammates are scattered on the walls of the slaughter. When we went from the high pressure in the mine we all bled from the nose and ears. Master first rushed to extinguish the flames with a fire extinguisher in the vent pipe, and then, when the mechanic clocked said that it is necessary to leave, asked everyone to wear "rescuers" and go to the exit.
Helicopter rescue on mine "Ulyanovsk". Alas, MES is still the most popular agency of the country. In the bottom heat, stuffiness, no way you can not hold on, because all things are hot. And going into the main drifts, the miners stopped to see anything. The light bran, coal dust in the air curtain is so dense that even a flashlight on her miner's helmet does not shine through. Miners lined up in single file and went one after another to the touch. Along the way came across another one sinker - Vladimir Gunko, found him "rescuer" and went on to have five of them. All - bruised hitting the ground - hobble one another barely stumble at almost every step. Then gave way, grappled with each other hands and walked away. Loboda our master mechanic Razgonyaevym almost suffered at the hands of ... in drifts encountered another two miners. Those lying face down in the water. They were dragged to the wall and planted again handed found near "rescuers." Carry more and could not. Two and a half kilometers, which is separated from the surface of the miners, the miners climbed more than an hour. Upstairs, they have already met the rescuers and the management. As soon as they were informed about the remaining roadway locksmith. Those by the way, and the rescuers got the most out of the mine first. The wife miraculously escaped Sergei Petrov Irina Ivanovna secretly told her husband a few days before the tragedy began to feel that something was wrong. He worked underground for 20 years and no accidents during this time was not. But despite this, he always carries a bag icon of St. Anastasia. And just a few days before the tragedy began to put this icon in the pocket of a robe to the bottom and was with him. And that fateful day, she, too, was in his pocket. - Icon him and has kept - sure Irina Ivanovna. - Be sure to put a candle to God - say family and Loboda, and Petrov.
Explosions on "Ulyanovsk" the developments
1. There was a sudden release of methane - a dangerous gas that at a certain concentration in the air can explode. 2. From a strong explosion was crumbling roof - waste serving "roof" silo generation. 3. In many places drift formed debris. Some of the miners came under them, some was in limbo between the rubble ... 4. Work is closest to the trunk of the mine after the explosion, the miners went by yourself or with the help of friends. The path to the other rescuers had to clear.
Say it! "The tragedy in the Kemerovo Region, in Krasnodar, in the recent plane crash in Samara, killing large numbers of people. I propose to honor their memory with a minute of silence ... Fradkov (addressing Fradkov), everything must be done to carry out an investigation at the highest level and to identify the causes of the incident to the appropriate conclusions have been made. " (Russian President Vladimir Putin - at yesterday's meeting of the Commission on Military-Technical Cooperation with Foreign Countries.)
Q - Why is the rib under the leadership of the ground appeared? Besides the miners working the first shift underground at "Ulyanovsk" killed almost the entire leadership of the mine - some 20 managers. - Before the explosion, the mine later her leadership - chief engineer, deputy director of production, section chief and chief mechanic. They demonstrated to representatives of a foreign company, how the instrument gas detection system. Unfortunately, none of them did not rise to the surface, - said Head of Public Relations of the Kemerovo regional administration Sergei Cheremnyh. The governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev, confirmed that in the mine when the explosion killed a British citizen - the project manager of the British firm IMC Ian Malcolm Robertson. This international audit firm is evaluating coal reserves. Robertson went to the face, to see the mine, Tuleyev said. The body of the Briton found and raised to the surface ...
Novokuznetsk. WANT - BELIEVE ... Yekaterinburg astrologer predicted the tragedy? He believes that the accident at the mine triggered a solar eclipse - The fact that such events (solar eclipse. - Approx. Ed.) Entail major changes in the political and public life, - says astrologer Alexander Ivanov. - Action eclipse extends to seven days before and after seven days. In the evening on the way home I looked at the sunset, and my skin shivers ran: disc of the sun was blood-black. The ancient Sumerians in their manuscripts urged to pay attention to the color of the sun and moon. A range of such clearly does not bode well ... According to Alexander, a fateful role in the incident played a star Benetnash - "Star hired mourners." It was she who at the time worked with a solar eclipse. - I can give the example of past solar eclipse, which occurred September 22, 2006. Within two weeks, the effect of the eclipse occurred 4 tragedy in the mines. The first - in the Chita region, there died under the rubble of 25 people. The second - in Donetsk, where 13 miners were killed. Next in Kazakhstan killed 32 people, and finally again in Donetsk victims were still 3 Miner. The astrologer warned that on May 13 the danger of tragedies happen again - on this day in the sky will happen in the exact conjunction sleeping solar eclipse and Mars.
RESPONSE SPECIALIST Sergei Yazev, the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior researcher at the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS (Irkutsk): - It is a pity that there are people who are trying to earn popularity tragedies. According to the astrologer, a week after the previous solar eclipse, which happened on 22 September last year, there were four major accidents in the mines - in the period from 15 to 29 September. First, he mentions an accident in the Chita region. But the tragedy happened on September 7. During this dangerous period of time, this date does not fall at all! Astronomers no evidence that solar eclipses are the causes of serious accidents in the world. Of course, our vast planet every day there are any accidents, disasters. This happens and during solar eclipses, as in any other. And astrologers retroactively make statements saying that they were warned of the danger of these days. And on Saturday, March 17, in the city of Bratsk suffered another embarrassment. Since the 70s of the last century the city haunting legend that on March 17, 2007 "great seer Baba Vanga" predicted explosion of chlorine in the local factory. Excitement Bratsk last week was serious - about the prophecy reasoned and television, and local newspapers. But no state of emergency had happened.
In connection with the tragic events of the decree of Vladimir Putin on March 21, Russia announced a day of mourning. Will all national flags at half-mast, broadcasters encouraged to renounce entertainment programs. Rustam Kachkaev, Anastasiya Kireeva Irina MALAKOVICH Nikita Mironov, Oksana Shutov ("KP" - Kemerovo "), Inna Zhuravel, Sabina Magliano (" KP "- Krasnodar"), Irina LENEVSKAYA ("KP" - Rostov-on-Don " ), Maya Brody Tatiana Kondratieva ("KP" - Samara "), Eugene Katyhin (" KP "- Ekaterinburg»),
Artem Aniskina
Alexander Boyko boyko@kp.ru Blog author
Edward collar vorotnikov@kp.ru
Alexander Gamow gamov@kp.ru
Andrey Moiseenko moisey@kp.ru
Elena Pankrat'eva
Material paper: www.kp.ru To link to this article his blog: Why a day in Russia killed 168 people?
Mining Cross: save and protect miners. The explosion at a mine in Novokuznetsk: "We are scattered over the walls ..." Surviving miners after the emergency recall how it was whole Novokuznetsk second day discussing the accident. At bus stops, on buses, wherever it's going to more than two people in a couple of sentences about the life of the conversation is transferred to a terrible accident "on Ulyana" (as the locals call mine "Ulyanovsk"). Periodically flash disputes about whose information about the victims and the survivors more reliable. Citizens do not believe that there are still mine survivors in the rubble and remains of miners, whose fate is still unknown, we are already enrolled in the victims of the tragedy. At two o'clock in the morning on March 20th to the 29th of Novokuznetsk city hospital where the wounded were brought from the mine, the crew drove up Vohra and two cars of traffic police. The answer to the question: "Why are they here?" - Turned out to be banal simple: - The administration has ordered, that's standing, - the police. - Suddenly the family in a panic will break into the body? Of the three victims who are in the neurosurgical department of the 29th hospital in intensive care with multiple injuries only two. Third - Alexei Loboda, 25-year-old miner - not to tell anyone about what he had seen in the mine: no family, no friends, no reporters. - I have it, though, and sociable man, about his experiences always remained silent. - Anastasia Dorofeevna Loboda, the mother of a miner, still remembers the horror through her tears. - I usually calm attitude to his work, and in this day mother's heart trouble sensed start whining. Although senior Loboda - father Alexei, a former miner, - having been a few times to "Ulyana", said the mine "revs" (emissions of methane). But it seemed that it was not so serious. And a half years of work, nothing has allowed to think that there may occur an accident. - And at four o'clock I called a relative and said that there was an explosion at the mine. My heart froze and Alyosha just went to work on my day off - Anastasia Dorofeevna sobs. - I immediately began to call the mine, trying to find out what her son. I call and cry, cry, cry. And I even said that Alyosha can not find ... more or less calmed down only when he was already living in the hospital saw. And Galina Loboda, the wife of Alexei remembered that in that fateful day, it was bad, the whole day is not enough air. And when she heard of the tragedy, the work could not. And I cried with joy when she found out that her husband is alive. Their 4-year-old daughter, Ksenia, although it no one about the tragedy and did not say where something learned about it, and all the relatives and friends reported: - In the mine was an accident and hurt my dad did! Alexei himself tells about the accident is very, very sparingly - There was an explosion. We are covered by the shock wave. I was taken for workers ... And the other miner driver gornovyemochnyh work Sergei Petrov (incidentally, also released at the weekend to repair a broken processor), says: - The four of us - me, the master of Alexander Kuznetsov, a mechanic Alexei accelerates and miner Alexei Loboda - were deadlock in the bottom, below all others. I was sitting on the combine, back to the entrance, when he caught a glimpse of some white glow, then I was stunned and thrown off the combine. If I lost consciousness, only a fraction of a minute. The remaining three of my teammates are scattered on the walls of the slaughter. When we went from the high pressure in the mine we all bled from the nose and ears. Master first rushed to extinguish the flames with a fire extinguisher in the vent pipe, and then, when the mechanic clocked said that it is necessary to leave, asked everyone to wear "rescuers" and go to the exit.
Helicopter rescue on mine "Ulyanovsk". Alas, MES is still the most popular agency of the country. In the bottom heat, stuffiness, no way you can not hold on, because all things are hot. And going into the main drifts, the miners stopped to see anything. The light bran, coal dust in the air curtain is so dense that even a flashlight on her miner's helmet does not shine through. Miners lined up in single file and went one after another to the touch. Along the way came across another one sinker - Vladimir Gunko, found him "rescuer" and went on to have five of them. All - bruised hitting the ground - hobble one another barely stumble at almost every step. Then gave way, grappled with each other hands and walked away. Loboda our master mechanic Razgonyaevym almost suffered at the hands of ... in drifts encountered another two miners. Those lying face down in the water. They were dragged to the wall and planted again handed found near "rescuers." Carry more and could not. Two and a half kilometers, which is separated from the surface of the miners, the miners climbed more than an hour. Upstairs, they have already met the rescuers and the management. As soon as they were informed about the remaining roadway locksmith. Those by the way, and the rescuers got the most out of the mine first. The wife miraculously escaped Sergei Petrov Irina Ivanovna secretly told her husband a few days before the tragedy began to feel that something was wrong. He worked underground for 20 years and no accidents during this time was not. But despite this, he always carries a bag icon of St. Anastasia. And just a few days before the tragedy began to put this icon in the pocket of a robe to the bottom and was with him. And that fateful day, she, too, was in his pocket. - Icon him and has kept - sure Irina Ivanovna. - Be sure to put a candle to God - say family and Loboda, and Petrov.
Explosions on "Ulyanovsk" the developments
1. There was a sudden release of methane - a dangerous gas that at a certain concentration in the air can explode. 2. From a strong explosion was crumbling roof - waste serving "roof" silo generation. 3. In many places drift formed debris. Some of the miners came under them, some was in limbo between the rubble ... 4. Work is closest to the trunk of the mine after the explosion, the miners went by yourself or with the help of friends. The path to the other rescuers had to clear.
Say it! "The tragedy in the Kemerovo Region, in Krasnodar, in the recent plane crash in Samara, killing large numbers of people. I propose to honor their memory with a minute of silence ... Fradkov (addressing Fradkov), everything must be done to carry out an investigation at the highest level and to identify the causes of the incident to the appropriate conclusions have been made. " (Russian President Vladimir Putin - at yesterday's meeting of the Commission on Military-Technical Cooperation with Foreign Countries.)
Q - Why is the rib under the leadership of the ground appeared? Besides the miners working the first shift underground at "Ulyanovsk" killed almost the entire leadership of the mine - some 20 managers. - Before the explosion, the mine later her leadership - chief engineer, deputy director of production, section chief and chief mechanic. They demonstrated to representatives of a foreign company, how the instrument gas detection system. Unfortunately, none of them did not rise to the surface, - said Head of Public Relations of the Kemerovo regional administration Sergei Cheremnyh. The governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev, confirmed that in the mine when the explosion killed a British citizen - the project manager of the British firm IMC Ian Malcolm Robertson. This international audit firm is evaluating coal reserves. Robertson went to the face, to see the mine, Tuleyev said. The body of the Briton found and raised to the surface ...
Novokuznetsk. WANT - BELIEVE ... Yekaterinburg astrologer predicted the tragedy? He believes that the accident at the mine triggered a solar eclipse - The fact that such events (solar eclipse. - Approx. Ed.) Entail major changes in the political and public life, - says astrologer Alexander Ivanov. - Action eclipse extends to seven days before and after seven days. In the evening on the way home I looked at the sunset, and my skin shivers ran: disc of the sun was blood-black. The ancient Sumerians in their manuscripts urged to pay attention to the color of the sun and moon. A range of such clearly does not bode well ... According to Alexander, a fateful role in the incident played a star Benetnash - "Star hired mourners." It was she who at the time worked with a solar eclipse. - I can give the example of past solar eclipse, which occurred September 22, 2006. Within two weeks, the effect of the eclipse occurred 4 tragedy in the mines. The first - in the Chita region, there died under the rubble of 25 people. The second - in Donetsk, where 13 miners were killed. Next in Kazakhstan killed 32 people, and finally again in Donetsk victims were still 3 Miner. The astrologer warned that on May 13 the danger of tragedies happen again - on this day in the sky will happen in the exact conjunction sleeping solar eclipse and Mars.
RESPONSE SPECIALIST Sergei Yazev, the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior researcher at the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS (Irkutsk): - It is a pity that there are people who are trying to earn popularity tragedies. According to the astrologer, a week after the previous solar eclipse, which happened on 22 September last year, there were four major accidents in the mines - in the period from 15 to 29 September. First, he mentions an accident in the Chita region. But the tragedy happened on September 7. During this dangerous period of time, this date does not fall at all! Astronomers no evidence that solar eclipses are the causes of serious accidents in the world. Of course, our vast planet every day there are any accidents, disasters. This happens and during solar eclipses, as in any other. And astrologers retroactively make statements saying that they were warned of the danger of these days. And on Saturday, March 17, in the city of Bratsk suffered another embarrassment. Since the 70s of the last century the city haunting legend that on March 17, 2007 "great seer Baba Vanga" predicted explosion of chlorine in the local factory. Excitement Bratsk last week was serious - about the prophecy reasoned and television, and local newspapers. But no state of emergency had happened.
In connection with the tragic events of the decree of Vladimir Putin on March 21, Russia announced a day of mourning. Will all national flags at half-mast, broadcasters encouraged to renounce entertainment programs. Rustam Kachkaev, Anastasiya Kireeva Irina MALAKOVICH Nikita Mironov, Oksana Shutov ("KP" - Kemerovo "), Inna Zhuravel, Sabina Magliano (" KP "- Krasnodar"), Irina LENEVSKAYA ("KP" - Rostov-on-Don " ), Maya Brody Tatiana Kondratieva ("KP" - Samara "), Eugene Katyhin (" KP "- Ekaterinburg»),
Artem Aniskina
Alexander Boyko boyko@kp.ru Blog author
Edward collar vorotnikov@kp.ru
Alexander Gamow gamov@kp.ru
Andrey Moiseenko moisey@kp.ru
Elena Pankrat'eva
Material paper: www.kp.ru To link to this article his blog: Why a day in Russia killed 168 people?