5 moments, when it is too late to stop buying

The other day I had to make a few purchases that I was saving for a very long time. As if already imagining all this boredom, there is nothing to breathe, then dragged with packages... But needs must, went. And while I walked, I thought about this. That make the decision to "buy!" simple. First, it gives the illusion of tackling a problem, and secondly, it gives a nice sense of impending change, and thirdly, hoo, enriches the list another item, and to-do lists... well, it's a separate issue.
And without going deep into the wilds of the analysis, I realized that there are 5 points where you can cancel the purchase decision, to stop. Here are the highlights and my thoughts on this:
Only when there is an idea to buy something. This most often happens out of the blue. Read something, look, looking, plan, when suddenly — a beautiful thought: "And can I to buy it?!" I, for example, it often happened when I looked at instagram. Saw a beautiful profiles (and profiles!), beautiful pictures, short rave reviews about some of the things or services, and my "wishlist" immediately began to pester me. Someone is is from watching a commercial or a conversation with a consumer oriented friend of discontent or neuyuta home, from General insecurity to life and a desire to pamper. Needless to say that the purchased item will most likely cease to please almost immediately, and the solution of difficult situations in 99% of cases does not guarantee. There are for such cases, a wonderful tool — deferred wishlist. Don't buy a thing immediately, but are recorded in the list and return to the decision in 30 days.
At this stage, work discount card. When they loom in a purse or pocket, or glove compartment of the car each time they quietly whisper: "what about your loyalty to us, look to us, we have a surprise for you, you have SUCH a discount..." Me a lot more money than the discount card saves their absence :)
Next to the store. Sometimes I go by any store and you're scanning your memory and if I need something, because something is needed that's because last week was just thinking that you need to buy something here. I think that'll come, look around, maybe you'll remember. You come, remember or not remember, but half an hour later find yourself at the checkout with a full basket of God knows what. Or this store new arrivals which follow, of course, you need to go and "just look". And if there is a discount... My method is to stay out of such cases anywhere. Nothing but wasted money and precious time is often not promises.
In the store. But if you still came, came to the cashier with a full basket/Kabai/stack/pair stuff, it doesn't matter, you can always catch the moment right in front of the cashier and pay extra. A classic of the genre: come to IKEA for a pair of chairs, to collect candles, flowers, boxes for storage, the pan, a few cups and other "cuteness", and in front of the cashier to remember what we came for and leave all unnecessary. Before I was very reassured to make a purchase decision, allow yourself to buy something, live with it for half an hour until go on this annoyingly large store, poobedal these things, and then feel the great release, parting with them, not with their money for them. You know what helps me to maintain awareness about the register? Turn, if it is (I don't want to wait, reviewing selected, the first things of time weighing if I need it, and if not really, leave and go out light) and impulse products at the register (they are almost always, their goal is to pull some more money from the buyer, increase check, using the fact that the buyer has to wait), whatever it is, I look at these little things, I remember that store, my purchase is needed much more than me then look at the chosen and... well, you understand.
Here, by the way, I thought about online shopping. You come because of one or two necessary things, then think twice not to get up, buy a little more this and that, and then it turns out that free shipping does not hold only 500 rubles (despite the fact that the delivery of only 200) and buy another thousand... And even after you order, a Manager on the phone to catch most of it cancel!
At home after purchase. There is well known about the legal 14 days, during which you can return almost any purchase. It should be accepted even without a receipt and get the money back. But this process is often a tedious and sometimes even humiliating, not all solved. Maybe, in vain? When house charm from purchasing passes, it becomes clear that the change longed for the soul, and played enough, well, her! This fall I bought myself an orange coat and "forgot" to remove the label. The next day I realized that I don't particularly like it, three days later I came across the label and thought that it would be necessary to bring a passport next time, a week later, torn coat pocket, then God himself commanded! :))) but no visible defects or nepogashenija size, simply because the purchase was impulsive and stupid and needed the money for more, you can always exercise your rights.
At a later time. And it so happens that like already time has passed, and the thing is all lies and lies idle, is, eyesore, angry. But I try not to notice, thinking about how to justify the purchase, promise yourself, will begin to wear or use or give to someone, and all would not be the case, but because money is spent, it's a shame. I in such cases hurt the most because in the direction of the decision erroneously continue to leak my thoughts, strength, energy, and if the thing bothers me, you know what I'm doing with it! :) No purchase does not oblige her now to love, to cherish all life, no matter how much money was not spent.
Here's who is thinking what while shopping, and Anya all about her, about minimalism, and conscious consumption. Needless to say that I just deleted from the list of "necessary" purchases a greater quantity of items just as useless :)
And you stop your desire to buy something? Or is it you not appear? published
Author: Anna Black
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: annachernykh.ru/5-momentov-kogda-ne-pozdno-ostanovits/
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